Chapter 56

Seeing that his daughter-in-law did not resist, Xiao Yanshan seemed to have calmed down, and he heaved a sigh of relief, "Daughter-in-law, you are not looking for death, have you figured it out?"

Naturally, Su Qingyue couldn't hear what he said, but she had something to say, she cleared her throat, took a deep breath, and was about to express her huge desire to take a bath in her heart. With the kindness of the second brother, she would definitely fulfill her, right? ?
Unexpectedly, she just took a deep breath of air, and the stench from her body was also sucked in. In addition, she was choked before, and her internal organs were already uncomfortable. As soon as the breath entered her lungs, before she had time to spit it out, she immediately felt nauseous vomited up.

Unfortunately, Xiao Yanshan was facing her directly, stroking her arm with one hand, unexpectedly she made such a move, and before she could dodge, she threw up all over her body.

Three black lines rose up on her forehead, this time she really wanted to cry.

The second brother is her current temporary food and clothing parents, and the savior of her little life. She swears to God, she didn't spit on him on purpose.

She was just afraid that the second brother didn't hear what she said clearly, and wanted to talk to the second brother, but she suddenly vomited.Could it be...

She didn't know if it was the tears from the embarrassment, or the eye water from the uncomfortable body, but before she finished vomiting, she bent over and continued to vomit furiously, facing the river.

The pomace dregs were floating on the surface of the river, and Su Qingyue, the culprit, was still spraying out, vomiting out all the dregs that had turned into dozens of wild apples that she ate earlier.

The heavy vomiting sound was heart-piercing, as if he wanted to vomit his stomach out.

"Huh!" Seeing this, many of the villagers on the shore turned their heads away in disgust, and many of them waved their noses with their hands in disgust.

Only Xiao Yanshan didn't care that she vomited all over herself, patted her arched back with his thick palm, and asked anxiously, "Daughter-in-law, are you feeling better?"

Su Qingyue put her hands on her knees, vomited for a while, and finally finished vomiting.

I have vomited for so long, because I ate too much, I knew I should eat less apples...

Eat less, or spit less.

If she had known it would be embarrassing and embarrassing like this, she would simply not eat anything and starve to death.

This vomiting is really refreshing, my stomach is empty, my whole body has no energy, my legs are also weak, my whole small body, head down, is about to fall into the river.

It doesn't matter if you fall into the river, but falling into the river with a pile of scum floating on it makes her want to die.

Xiao Yanshan quickly hugged her by the waist, saving her tragic fate with Zha Pao.

Su Qingyue leaned against her second brother's arms and murmured weakly, "Thank you, second brother."

Her voice was so hoarse that she breathed out but not breathed in, so people could see her lips moving.

Xiao Yanshan stopped persuading her, and directly hugged her by the waist, and strode out of the river to the shore. Seeing this, everyone on the shore spontaneously made way for him.

Wang Agou kindly shouted at his back from behind, "Dashan, you have to tie up your daughter-in-law when you go back later, in case she commits suicide again..."

"I have to put away all the ropes in your house, lest she find a rope and hang herself..."

"Just put away the kitchen knives, so she doesn't have to wipe her neck..."

Everyone sincerely confessed that they really didn't want their lives to be lost like that.

(End of this chapter)

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