Sturdy and pretty daughter-in-law Shanlihan

Chapter 564 Big Sister Chapter 3

Chapter 564 Third Brother’s Antidote Is Expensive 2
"I opened it for Jin Xun's identity." She said, "If shopkeeper Duan wants to compete with Jin Xun, he will naturally ask for more expensive ones. Even if he doesn't buy it, I have no loss."

A question flashed in Xiao Yanshan's eyes, "Yue'er, did Jin Xun also ask you to buy the recipe for braised large intestine? Is it possible that he will really pay a higher price?"

Qingyue hadn't spoken yet, but Qinghe said, "Second brother was too worried. Boss Jin never asked about the recipe of braised large intestine. It was also the first time for Qingyue's braised large intestine to be sold in the town. Don't know about it."

Su Qingyue answered, "Even if he knew, he basically wouldn't buy it."

Confusion appeared in the eyes of the three men at the same time.

She explained, "Zuixianlou has the reputation of being the first building in the world. Its branches are located in many towns, and there are countless excellent cooks under it. I sold the recipe for fried bracken, and Zuixianlou didn't even ask. They would rather their cooks take the time to develop fresh fried bracken. The recipe for braised large intestines, they must also be willing to study by themselves. After all, it is not a difficult task for Zuixianlou, it is just a matter of time. Besides, The price of vegetables in Zuixianlou is very high, most people can't afford them, and they mainly cater to high-spending groups. If the fried bracken is not so rare after it has been astringent, it is estimated that Zuixianlou would not bother to sell it. Besides..."

She smiled and said, "Braised large intestine is pig's offal, offal, in the eyes of some noble people, that is such a lowly dish. I dare say, Jin Xun would not buy this dish just because of the word "pig's offal." The recipe. Of course, when I cheated on the owner of Fengyuan Restaurant, I also whispered it in private, and he wouldn't know, and Jin Xun wouldn't bid with him."

"Daughter-in-law..." Xiao Yuchuan nodded his chin and said with bright eyes, "You see the problem so thoroughly."

Admiration also appeared in the eyes of Xiao Yanshan and Xiao Qinghe at the same time.

Xiao Yanshan asked, "Yue'er, why did Jin Xun ask you to go to the Jin Mansion?"

"Oh, I caught a thief in the town earlier. The thief stole several people's purses, including Boss Jin's. I returned all the purses to the owner. Only Boss Jin did not return the purses. There are many people, I gave my name and surname, and the owner of the purse can come to me to get it back at any time." She said calmly, "Boss Jin sent a servant to invite me to the house."

When this matter was mentioned, she was so angry that her heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys ached.

There are 5000 taels of silver bills in the purse!

Such a large amount of bank notes flew away after spinning around in her hand...

With teary eyes and nowhere to complain of pain.

I could only knock out my teeth and swallow blood and tears in my stomach.

"So that's how it is." Xiao Yanshan looked at her worriedly, "Yue'er, don't be so impulsive in the future. You are a woman, don't catch thieves, if you get hurt, it will be bad."

"I don't necessarily care about such suspicions." She said helplessly, "That little thief happened to steal my purse."

"Yes, daughter-in-law." Xiao Yuchuan also had a worried face, "It's fine if the purse is stolen, you are a woman who is desperately fighting the thief, it's irrational, in case you get hurt, or something happens to you, how can I call you a husband?" live?"

"Okay, okay." She waved her hand and said, "It's over, don't mention it."

Xiao Qinghe also noticed that the daughter-in-law reported the accounts very carefully, but she didn't mention at all that she got 80 taels of silver in the Jinfu... sweet-scented osmanthus cake as cash.

He wondered, the daughter-in-law probably wanted to save some private money.

It should be.

(End of this chapter)

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