Sturdy and pretty daughter-in-law Shanlihan

Chapter 719 Chuan’s Heaviness 1

Chapter 719 Third brother is smarter than expected 1
Of course, Xiao Qinghe had 80 taels of private money from Su Qingyue, and Su Qingyue herself had 28 taels of private money, neither of them said anything about it.

Aunt Zhang gave me the job of weaving fifty bamboo baskets. The Xiao family finished weaving and sent the baskets to Aunt Zhang, and the money was settled.Even the usual money from selling medicine mud and toothpaste was used to build a new house.

In short, after the new house is built, if you don’t take out the private house money, you won’t have the money to build all the furniture in the new house.

After the new house is built, we should have a banquet when we move to a new house, but we don’t have the money to buy furniture. If we don’t move, the banquet will be put on hold for now.

"Daughter-in-law, don't worry, I will definitely work hard to earn money and buy furniture for our new home." Xiao Yanshan looked at Su Qingyue and promised solemnly.

Su Qingyue smiled slightly, but said nothing.

"Daughter-in-law, I won't let you live a hard life." Yu Chuan also said.

Only Xiao Qinghe's eyes were gloomy. The work Aunt Zhang gave him was finished. The second brother and the third brother had already fully recovered. Both of them are strong laborers who can earn money. Only he...

Su Qingyue noticed the lost eyes of the fourth brother, and she felt distressed, "I never feel that life is hard. If I have money, I spend more, and if I don't have money, I spend less. Our family now has ten acres of paddy fields. If you are good at serving, you will never have to worry about running out of food for the rest of your life."

Xiao Yushan said, "In the newly bought paddy field, Er Gouzi's family had planted rice before. It was agreed that the paddy field will officially belong to our family when his family harvests the rice this time. It will be a while before the rice harvest , After the harvest is over, our family will formally take care of the paddy field. I will go hunting in the mountains tomorrow."

"Second brother, the yard of our new house is so big, I plan to open a few vegetable plots in the yard, do you think it will work?" Qingyue asked.

"Okay, you can do whatever you want." Xiao Yanshan said, "Or, I'll stay and help you open the vegetable field tomorrow."

"Hmm." She nodded.

"I will also help my wife open the vegetable field first, and then go to town to do part-time work." Xiao Yuchuan also said.

"Okay." She didn't refuse either.Because she plans to plant vegetables in the front and back yards, without affecting the places where medicines are dried or walked, and she has to cultivate six vegetable fields. Digging vegetable fields on the hard mud is too hard for her alone. It would be great for the third brother to help.

After dinner, it was time for the three brothers of the Xiao family to practice calligraphy.

At first, she only taught each of them five characters a day, but she didn't know that the third brother and the fourth brother learned quickly, so she simply changed to teaching a dozen, twenty or thirty characters a day.After teaching so many characters, the third brother and the fourth brother can remember them all, but the second brother is not as good at learning as they are.

She could see that the second elder brother didn't have much enthusiasm for learning calligraphy, and learning to know was just getting rid of illiteracy.

Of course, traditional characters are used in this era, and traditional characters are nothing to her.

What she taught were all traditional Chinese characters.Otherwise, according to the modern simplified characters, it will be useless to write characters that ghosts will not know and are not commonly used in the future.

Of course she was not in vain.

After two or three months, she finished teaching the "Thousand Characters", and even taught several chapters of the "Analects" that she bought.

The second elder brother forgot most of what she taught, and only practiced for a while every night before going to bed.The third brother and the fourth brother practiced and reviewed until midnight every night. The two made rapid progress, and even wrote calligraphy that was not bad.

And the words written by the second brother are still rough handwriting, just the words can be written, rather than any strokes.

(End of this chapter)

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