Chapter 72 Su Qingyue Was Unjustly Stealed

Su Qingyue didn't hear it. As planned, she brushed her teeth four times after dinner. To save salt, she only used some salt mixed with water for the last time.

There are still six willow branches left on the corner of the stove. Put them together. Each one is a one-time 'toothbrush'. You can either go to the river or go to the village well to find willow trees. The way to go is It's close, but she is in such a poor physical condition now that she can stop walking if she can.Save these six teeth and brush your teeth three times each morning and evening tomorrow.

Xiao Yanshan went to the second bedroom to fetch the bowls and chopsticks used by the fourth brother and came back. He cleaned up the bowls and chopsticks on the kitchen table. The bowl of chicken soup on the table had already bottomed out, and there were only a few pieces of chicken left. He put the chicken in a bowl, I am going to keep it hot for my daughter-in-law tomorrow morning.

Take out the used bowls and bowls, put them together into a wooden washbasin, put the washbasin on the stove, and use the remaining hot water on the stove pot that the wife did not use up when she took a bath. The water temperature is only a little hot, and there is no need to mix cold water , I stopped heating the hot water, and started washing the dishes, and said while washing, "Third brother, in the afternoon, the roe deer went to the scalp and internal organs, and got 52 catties of meat, sold 45 catties, thirteen pennies per catty, and got 610 pennies." Two hares cost 120 renminbi, and four wild pheasants weigh 120 catties, 850 renminbi together. The money for hunting in the afternoon is [-] [-] renminbi.”

"Second brother, you are in charge of our family's money anyway, so you don't have to tell me." Xiao Yuchuan didn't care, "I salted the remaining seven catties of roe deer meat and put it in a jar. There was that piece of roe deer skin, and I also took time to sell it to Master Yang in the village, because there were three holes in the roe deer skin, it was worthless, so I only exchanged it for [-] Wen."

Master Yang is the first in the village to nitrate the fur of prey. The freshly peeled prey fur is not tanned by special methods, so it is easy to smell and perish easily. , On the contrary, it ruined the fur, let alone selling it at a price.

The furs of prey brought by people in Wushan Village are usually fresh and sold directly to Master Yang, or paid to ask him to nitrate them before selling them in the town.

Xiao Yushan thought for a while and then said, "Third brother, the hanging money you gave me, I met Zhou Fuquan before I went hunting in the mountains, and he happened to be going to the town, so I gave him the hanging money and asked him to go to the town and give it to the four. My brother came back with two packs of medicine. Fuquan said that today he will work as a helper in the town for a day, and he will return to the village tomorrow morning."

"It's a good thing you gave Fuquan the hanging money to buy medicine." Xiao Yuchuan answered casually.


Xiao Yuchuan glanced at Su Qingyue, and saw her standing aside, as if she was listening to how much money the family made. Thinking of the scene where she searched the cabinet for money, he couldn't help but say, "Second brother, how much money will you make in the future? Let's not say it in front of our daughter-in-law."

"Is there anything you can't say?" Xiao Yanshan didn't think there was anything, and said dissatisfiedly, "Are you still worrying about the fact that your daughter-in-law stole eight taels of silver?"

"No..." He rubbed his forehead, the daughter-in-law doesn't look like a person who would steal again, but she didn't deny it at all when he said she was looking for money.In other words, she was really looking for money again.As long as she denies a word, can't speak, and shakes her head, he is willing to believe her.

But she...

Originally, he should have told the second brother about this, because he didn't want the second brother to have a bad impression on his wife, "Women don't know what money is or isn't, so it's better not to let her know."

(End of this chapter)

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