Sturdy and pretty daughter-in-law Shanlihan

Chapter 741 Brother 3 Listens to the Corner

Chapter 741
A naughty child wanted to climb into the carriage, and the big miscellaneous hair also issued a warning sound from his mouth.The scooter belongs to its family, and it wants to take care of the property on behalf of the owner, and no one else is allowed to climb it!

The child was frightened and cried.

A man dressed in yellow who looked like a rich man stood in the crowd, looked at the little miscellaneous hair on the cart, and asked with interest, "Whose dog is this? It looks very imposing."

"Yes." Someone answered, "I've never seen such a beautiful dog. It can be called the most handsome dog in our town."

The big miscellaneous hair knew that it was praised, so it raised its wolf head arrogantly.

"Oh, this dog seems to understand human language?" The young man in yellow became more and more interested, "Whose dog is this? Sell it to my young master."

"I don't know, I didn't see the owner of the dog. This cart is parked at the entrance of the Tao Mansion. I'm afraid the other party is not short of money." Someone said so.

The young man in yellow said, "Then you can't say for certain, maybe he is a grocery delivery man, why don't you pull a cart if you don't need money?"

While everyone was discussing, as soon as Su Qingyue and Xiao Yuchuan appeared at the door of the Tao Mansion, the big bastard saw his master, his wolf eyes lit up, and since the front of the cart was full of people, it jumped up from the cart , that vigorous movement was so majestic that everyone leaped over their heads.

Everyone was stunned for a moment.

The big miscellaneous hair ran over the heads of the crowd, landed on the ground with four paws in a beautiful arc, ran to Su Qingyue in twos and threes, stood on two hind legs, and rested on Su Qingyue's front feet.

This guy stood up higher than Su Qingyue's shoulders.

Its big wolf tail wagged and wagged, and its long tongue kept licking Su Qingyue's face.

Licking Su Qingyue's saliva all over her face.She raised her sleeve and wiped her face, then pushed it away, "Okay, okay, I'm so enthusiastic, I know you'll miss me when I don't see you for a while."

It snorted, but kept licking her and wagging its tail at her.It means that I haven't seen the master's miss for so long.

Xiao Yuchuan also stroked the wolf's head with big miscellaneous hairs, "You dog, you haven't seen me for so long, why don't you wag your tail at me."

The big bastard ignored him, and just kept wagging his tail at Su Qingyue.

The young man in the yellow shirt in the crowd saw Xiao Yuchuan and Su Qingyue dressed in middle-class clothes, not like poor people, nor rich, so he asked Xiao Yuchuan, "Is this dog Is it from your family?"

Xiao Yuchuan nodded, "Yes. Specifically, it was raised by my wife."

The young man in yellow shirt glanced at Su Qingyue, seeing her ordinary appearance, he ignored her, since the man made the decision in every family, he only asked Xiao Yuchuan, "I think your dog is pretty, can you sell it to me?"

Xiao Yuchuan said without thinking, "Not for sale."

"How much is it, you can make a price." The young man in yellow shirt did not give up.

Su Qingyue stroked the big miscellaneous hair, "Maomao, someone wants to buy you."

It seemed to understand the master's meaning, and grinned at the yellow-shirted man.

Tao Meijiao's eyes lit up when she saw Big Miscellaneous Hair, "Xiaoyue, is this your dog? It's so beautiful."

"Yes." Su Qingyue said, "Get in the car."

It immediately jumped up and jumped onto the carriage.

There was a dead pheasant on the cart. It looked like it had been bitten to death by a dog.

Tao Meijiao said, "Is that pheasant bitten by your dog?"

Su Qingyue nodded, "It often goes up the mountain to catch prey and bring it home."

"What a good dog!" Everyone praised.

*Anan's favorite girls, the monthly ticket competition is too fierce, I'm about to be caught up, quickly check if there are any monthly tickets?
(End of this chapter)

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