Chapter 823 Qingyue is Stupider than Third Brother
"Third brother, come in." She said lightly.

Xiao Yuchuan walked into the pharmacy and closed the door, "Daughter-in-law, I'm really flattered to be able to come in here."

"Don't mess with things." She said, "I have a lot of poison in it, and I don't know if I die by accident."

He walked up to her and put his hands around her warm delicate body from behind, "Don't move anything, move you, okay?"

Warm breath sprayed on her neck.

Her body froze, and there was a strange impulse in her body, "Do you want to die?"

"We've been husband and wife for so long, and you still won't let us touch... I really can't bear it to death." He complained softly.

"Then you're going to die."

"You miss me," he muttered.

She rolled her eyes, "Who said I can't bear you?"

There are several pairs of white cloth gloves on the corner of the table, which were specially made by her at the cloth shop in the town, so that they can be worn during experiments.

She took a glove and put it on, caught a mouse out of the cage, poured a little medicine from a bottle into an empty bowl, and put both the mouse and the bowl on the table.

The mouse seemed to smell something delicious, and immediately finished the medicine in the empty bowl.

Xiao Yuchuan stared at the rat taking the medicine, and asked curiously, "Daughter-in-law, why are your rats so stupid? They won't run away when they get out of the cage."

"Ask the mouse, how do I know?"

He stared at the mouse with sharp eyes, "Its legs are useless."

Surprise flashed in her pupils, "Third brother has good eyesight."

"I also know which of the bottles and jars above you are poisonous and which are not."

She didn't believe it, "Really?"

He pointed to her, "The can in the upper left corner is highly poisonous, this one is non-toxic, and the one over there is slightly poisonous..."

She just watched him point out all the medicines on her table.

Depressed, actually said the same thing is not wrong.

She looked at him in surprise, "Third brother, may I ask which hidden genius doctor is your master?" Ordinary people, even those with excellent medical skills, may not be able to tell what is poisonous on the table, because she is always messing with it. Some things that seem to be poisonous but not poisonous, some are colorless and odorless.

"You," he said.

She raised her eyebrows and didn't understand for a while.

He stretched out his slender and fair hands and pinched her face, "I used to not talk about studying medicine, and I didn't even know a single character. When you taught your fourth brother medical skills, I often watched from the sidelines. I I have also read the medical book for my fourth brother first."

She asked suspiciously, "You understand everything I teach?"

He nodded, "Yeah. I also found a lot of medical books in the major libraries in the town and read them through. I wrote down all the contents."

"What do you use to remember?"

"Memorize it with your brain, otherwise what can you use to memorize it?" He said, "Although I bought rice paper at home, it's a waste of paper. I go to the library to pretend to buy books, and read them first, so I don't have to spend money to buy them. How nice it is."

She thought that he could even recite "The Analects of Confucius" backwards, so she couldn't help asking, "Third brother, can you remember everything after reading it once?"

"Don't tell me I haven't discovered it yet." He scratched his head, "It seems to be."

Damn!This bastard has a photographic memory.Su Qingyue suddenly became jealous, thinking that what she is most interested in is this medical skill. In her previous life, apart from killing people, she spent most of her time researching medicine.

After arriving at Xiao's house, she solved the predicament, and she was collecting and researching medicine every day.

(End of this chapter)

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