Sturdy and pretty daughter-in-law Shanlihan

Chapter 829 Brother 3's Childhood 1

Chapter 829 Showing the villagers together
"Yes." Li Rong'er no longer refuses, how can she let go of the opportunity to get closer to him.Being able to have dinner with him shows that in his heart, she is no longer a servant.

Even if Xiao Yanshan was injured, he would gobble it up. He saw that Li Ronger's eating movements were quite gentle, and he was a bit like a young lady.She even felt that being a maid in the Xiao family really wronged her.

Li Rong'er originally just imitated Miss Fangfu's eating movements, in order to soften this man's heart with gentle knowledge.

Villager Ding Er walked into the gate of Xiao's courtyard, only saw Xiao Qinghe in the courtyard, and said, "Qinghe, bring me a jar of medicinal clay toothpaste."

Xiao Qinghe nodded slightly, "Wait a minute." Turning the chair wheel, he went to the utility room.

Ding Er saw that the door of one of the wing rooms was not closed, walked over, and saw that Xiao Rongshan had dinner with Li Ronger, and teased, "Oh, Dashan, didn't you say that Li Ronger is just a maid of the Xiao family. Don't lie to me. People who have no knowledge, no matter how knowledgeable they are, know the truth that it is absolutely impossible for a maid to eat with the master's family."

Xiao Yushan didn't know how to explain it.

Li Rong'er hurriedly stood up from the table, "This little brother, it's like this, the second young master was injured, and the servant took care of him all morning. He felt sorry for the servant who didn't have breakfast, so he asked the servant to come with him..."

"Ouch!" Ding Eryi waved his hand, "Come on. You haven't eaten, so you don't know how to go to the kitchen to eat. Putting it in the mountain room shows that you two are getting along."

"What nonsense!" Xiao Yanshan scowled.

"Dashan, just admit it if you are a man." Ding Er is not afraid of him, even though Xiao's family is the biggest land rich man in the village, his family's land is enough to cultivate, and he doesn't need to rent the land of the rich man's family to plant. Don't panic, "You took the woman home and said nothing. I saw you flirting with her in the room."

"Who is flirting!" Xiao Yanshan wanted to say something else.Ding Er boasted, "Yesterday I was blind in the dark, and I haven't seen it so clearly. Looking at your maid during the day, she looks much better than yesterday."

Li Ronger blushed.

"Hey! I'm shy." Ding Er's eyes turned around the two of them, "How many times did you do it last night, let me hear it? Sister Li, Dashan is so strong, isn't he good at that?"

Li Rong'er's face was like a reddish orange, and just as she had finished her meal, she hurriedly cleaned up the dishes, said, "I'm going to the kitchen," and hurried out of the room.

Xiao Yanshan stared at Ding Er sharply, "I have nothing to do with her, the more you talk, the more unsightly you are."

"Nothing?" Ding Er was not afraid of him, and went to the kang and patted him on the shoulder in a serious manner, "Brother, you and I are both men. You have slept with Wen Xiangruanyu, it's okay to admit it. "


"Of course you don't dare to admit it, because you're afraid that your wife will taste bad?" Ding Er had a clear expression on his face, "That's right, which woman is not jealous. Every time I save some private money and go to the town to visit brothels, I have to carry me behind my back." Daughter-in-law, otherwise she will have to pull my ears off. Your daughter-in-law is also fierce, and it's normal if you don't admit it."

He saw him shirtless again, with a bandage tied across his chest, "Dashan, what's wrong with your chest?"

Xiao Yushan couldn't say that his mother-in-law didn't allow him to call him a daughter-in-law, so she stabbed him and said with a dark face, "I was injured while hunting."

Ding Er is also smart, "Didn't you just come back from the town yesterday, you haven't been to the mountains this morning, what kind of hunting are you doing?" Suddenly realized, he nodded ambiguously, "Understood."

(End of this chapter)

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