Chapter 848
Seeing his unfriendly expression, Haitang also heard that Xiao Yuchuan had fought with Zhao Shugen and Shi Cai in the village after returning to the village. Those two couldn't beat him, so they were not easy to get along with, so she quickly put on a sad expression, " Chuanzi, it's my fault, I failed your second brother before..."

Before Xiao Yuchuan said anything, Xiao Yanshan's roar came from the room, "You bastard surnamed Liu, get out of here immediately!"

Liu Haitang was so frightened that the vegetable basket almost dropped, tears welled up in his eyes, "Dashan..."

Xiao Yanshan's face was livid, "I told you to get out, didn't you hear?"

Seeing this, Yu Chuan took care of the second brother's troubles by himself, so he put his arms around Su Qingyue's waist, "Daughter-in-law, let's go back to the room. I wanted to kiss you just now, but I haven't kissed you yet..."

"You're not serious." She glared at him, and then she really went into the room, Xiao Yuchuan also followed in a hurry.

Liu Haitang stood at the gate of the courtyard, listening to Xiao Yanshan's angry tone, he was happy and worried at the same time.She knows men too well. He can get so angry for her, which shows that he still has his own in his heart, and it also shows that he hates himself.

Tears rolled down her delicately made-up face, "Dashan, I was wrong in the past. Over the years, I have felt extremely guilty, and I always hope that I can have the opportunity to make up for my mistakes."

"I don't want to listen to you. I don't want to see you as a bitch for the rest of my life. Get out immediately!" His voice was full of anger.

"I just heard that you were injured, so I brought something to see you... Really nothing else..."


Instead of leaving, she walked into the courtyard of Xiao's house by herself, and entered Xiao Yanshan's room.

Xiao Yanshan had just had dinner, Li Rong'er helped him to lie down on the kang, and he was so angry by Liu Haitang that he sat up.

Li Rong'er had heard about the past between Xiao Yanshan and Liu Haitang, and seeing that she had caused Xiao Yanshan such misery, she dared to come to her door, she was courting death.

No man can forgive a woman who is pregnant with someone else's child to frame her.

What's more, Liu Haitang later gave birth to a child and got married.

Now that the child is dead, she is also divorced.

This kind of junk is old, and Li Rong'er thinks that it is impossible for him to be his opponent.

So it is time to prepare to see how she eats.

Liu Haitang glanced at the table, and saw that there were actually two sets of bowls and chopsticks on the table. It was obvious that Li Rong'er, a bitch, was also dining in the big mountain room. A flash of dissatisfaction flashed in her heart, and her eyes fell on Li Rong'er's face, who looked exactly like her. However, the advantage is that she is younger than herself.

Seeing Li Rong'er as a lowly servant girl, she knew that she wanted to seduce Da Shan, so how could she just be satisfied with being a servant in the Xiao family.

It was one thing that Liu Haitang didn't want Xiao Yushan in the past, but now that she is back, Xiao Yushan can only be hers!

Intentionally ignoring his anger, he first gave Li Ronger a slap in the face, "Dashan, this is your newly bought servant. How can a servant eat with the master in the room? It's so unruly, it will make people laugh if it's spread out." of."

Seeing her servants one by one, Li Rong'er felt angry in her heart, looked at Xiao Yanshan's livid face, and wanted to refute his sympathy, but she didn't confront Liu Haitang at this juncture, she just said softly, "Yes, the second young master is so conniving with slaves, it is said that Going out doesn't sound good. The servants will still eat alone in the future..."

Xiao Yanshan narrowed his eyes slightly, "Liu Haitang, you have no place to be cheap, right? Is it up to you to take care of my Xiao family's affairs?"

(End of this chapter)

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