Chapter 880 Third Brother Doesn’t Touch Her 3
A wave of emotion flashed through her heart, and she grabbed the clothes and closed the door with a snap.

"Daughter-in-law, put on your clothes quickly, don't freeze." His caring voice came into the bathroom.

After quickly getting dressed, she opened the bathroom door again.

He walked into the bathroom and poured out the bath water in the tub one at a time.

The floor of the bathroom has a slightly sloping curvature, so that when the water is poured out, it flows directly to the lower wall. There is a horizontal groove at the base of the wall. The water flows into the groove and follows the hole dug in the groove. Flowed out to the ditch outside the wall.

Xiao Yuchuan felt that the bathroom designed by his wife was really convenient. After taking a shower, he didn't need to carry the basin to pour water.

"Third brother, why don't I know that you are outside?" Su Qingyue asked behind him.

"One of the medical books I read in the library mentioned a breathing method that restrains the breath, saying that it can calm the mind." He scratched his head shyly, "I was thinking, maybe Fortunately, it can be done quietly so that no one will notice. So I tried it just now, but my daughter-in-law didn't notice me."

Su Qingyue stared at him strangely, "Third brother, are you human?"

"Why not?"

"Looking at the book, you can use what you have learned?"

"I think it's quite simple," he said.

She looked at his handsome face, "Third brother, do you want to study medicine?"

He said honestly, "I'm more interested in making drugs."

"We are kindred spirits, I'll teach you!" She patted him on the shoulder like a good buddy.

"Although it sounds embarrassing for my daughter-in-law to teach outsiders." He said cheerfully, "Anyway, I have not lost face in front of my daughter-in-law once or twice. are willing to teach, it is my great blessing."

"Third Brother, I'm overwhelmed. Let's go, let's teach now, let's go to the pharmacy..." She went to the front yard together with him.

Su Qingyue glanced at the silence in the second elder brother's room, it seemed that the second elder brother and Li Rong'er had finished fighting.

"Daughter-in-law, what are you looking at?" Xiao Yuchuan leaned over with ambiguous eyes.

She pushed his head, "I didn't look at anything. The second brother is really, it's okay if he is injured... I'm not afraid of bleeding from the wound."

"Daughter-in-law, don't worry, the wound medicine I prepared is very effective, and the second brother's wound will not open."

The two entered the pharmacy, and Su Qing began to teach him some principles of making poisons. To make poisons, one must first understand the effects of the medicines. She directly taught him the effects of some medicines and how to mix them into poisons. No matter what she said, he didn't understand. A little doubt, he understood everything she taught.

Su Qingyue's teaching is already relatively profound, but the fourth brother is still learning some simple medical skills.

It's not that she refuses to teach the fourth brother, but that the fourth brother's ability to accept is only so much, and even the progress of what she teaches, the fourth brother can't keep up, and he needs to study repeatedly to understand.

Su Qingyue felt more and more that the third brother's intelligence was not comparable to that of the second and fourth brothers.

How can there be such a big difference between the same father and mother?

In the dead of night, after coming out of the pharmacy, Su Qingyue was about to go back to her room to sleep.

From one of the wing rooms came the depressing murmurs of men and women.

It came from the second brother's room. With that tone, the second brother and Li Rong'er were 'working' again.

Regardless of working so hard day and night, these two really worked hard.

Su Qingyue went to the mountain to gather medicine for a day, and taught her third brother a night in the evening. She was really tired, and she was not interested in listening to the corner, so she went back to her room and fell asleep.

(End of this chapter)

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