Chapter 96 Daughter-in-law, I don't dislike you

Scoop the brown rice cooked in the pot into a large bowl, wash the pot, and re-cook two bowls of rice.After the two bowls of rice are cooked, there are about four bowls of rice, which is just enough for the second brother to eat for one meal.

Xiao Yuchuan stood at the door of the kitchen and watched her move, "Daughter-in-law, this is the first time you cook at home, and it's for second brother alone..."

Feeling a little sour in my heart, I sniffed my nose and smiled self-deprecatingly, "What time is it, what kind of flying vinegar am I eating?" Looking at her distressedly, "Daughter-in-law, why are you deaf? Poor... ...Already dumb, now deaf..."

She squatted in front of the stove and lit a firewood, stood up, and looked at Xiao Yuchuan who was blocking the door.After so many days, it may be that the stingy cat is young, and the injuries healed quickly. The swelling on his body and face disappeared without any medicine, and his original handsome face was restored.

"Second brother went to find Dr. Sun for you. Don't worry, Dr. Sun will definitely cure you." He comforted.

She understood what he said, and shook her head immediately. She just wanted to say that there is no need to waste money on asking a doctor, and her deafness can be cured by herself.

Before she had time to speak, she was held in Xiao Yuchuan's arms. He hugged her tightly, his body trembling slightly because of the excitement.

She was just about to struggle, but he lowered his head, straightened her head with both hands, forced her to look at him, and said solemnly, "Don't worry, even if you are deaf and dumb, I won't despise you."

His head was held by him, this posture was really strange, she didn't like to be like this, just about to beat him away, when she saw his words clearly, she was slightly moved in her heart.

It's rare, this stingy cat is very smart. In the past few days, it not only cooks for her every day, does not let her do a little work, but also picks up vegetables for her every once in a while.

And, she discovered two things.

One is that she had a sore throat a few days ago, and she spoke many times, because her throat was so hoarse that she couldn't make a sound. When she spoke, her throat was uncomfortable and tight, so she didn't speak too much. The stingy cat thought she was dumb, which means that the second brother must Also thought she was dumb.

Second, in this home...

The mean cat, and even the patients in the second residence do not eat lunch.Every time the stingy cat only cooks her lunch alone, even if she refuses to eat it, he always cooks a bowl of rice and serves it to her with half a bowl to a bowl of pickled fried roe deer meat.

For such a shrewd person as him, it's really rare to be so kind to her.

Plus he's now...

He actually said that he didn't think she was deaf and dumb.

To be honest, with his appearance and her current ugly appearance, no matter how poor his family is, he has been wronged.

If it's an ordinary woman, she won't be so moved that she snot and tears.

It's not that she doesn't like him, but...

Before crossing, she castrated her cheating fiancé, and was stabbed to death by her fiancé.Now she thinks of the pain and despair before she died...

Once the heart is broken, it cannot be sewn back.

She doesn't want to get married, she just wants to cherish the rare new life and live on her own.

Taking his hand away, she didn't explain that she could speak.

He always thought she was ugly, but she didn't know it.People's hearts...

Sometimes what sounds good is not necessarily true.

Maybe Dr. Sun, who he was talking about, will come to see it later, and he may change his mind if he says it can't be cured.

Seeing her indifferent expression, he was a little sad, "Why are you so indifferent, don't you believe me?"

With her current appearance, can she believe it?She nods.

(End of this chapter)

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