Divorce failed again

Chapter 1718 The sea under the night is terrible

Chapter 1718 The sea under the night is terrible

She was brought up by her grandpa and grandma, because from her birth until now, her parents and grandparents didn't like her, and even wanted to send her to an orphanage at one point, she never knew why .

I still don't understand what's going on.

At one time, she also thought that she was not her own, but paternity test after test proved that she was indeed the biological daughter of these two people, but why did they treat her like this?

She couldn't figure it out even after thinking about it, but now these things are not important, the important thing is to let the grandfather know the truth.

Yunluo stood up. Although her figure was a little staggering, the light in her eyes seemed to be like a burning flame. She gritted her teeth and pointed at her father with trembling fingers, "Dad, grandpa treats you well, yes Our family is even more caring, why are you so determined to do such a thing?"

Then he pointed at a few other people, with hatred in his eyes, "You guys with beastly faces, grandpa treats you so well, sends you to study abroad, and gives you money to squander, is it because he wants you to harm him? Family members? If you take the initiative to explain the situation to Grandpa now, I will not go to the police station to report you. "

A few people look at me, I look at you, Yunluo can say such a thing, they have thought of it a long time ago.

But how could they take the initiative to explain to the head of the Yun family? Wouldn't that be their own death?
At this time, Yunluo staggered towards the cockpit.

She wants to drive the yacht back to the pier, and she wants to tell her grandpa about these things.

But how could these people allow her to sue?

Yun Shufeng and Yun Bi had to look at each other. If something happened, the two of them would be punished the most, because they were the real Yun family.

Yun Shufeng grabbed Yunluo's hand, and begged, "Yunluo, you are my daughter, you should face me at this time, I did all this for you and your sister, and also For the sake of this family, if you tell your uncle, our whole family will be ruined, and my father will go to jail, what good will it do you?"

Yunluo stopped suddenly.

Yes, this person is her father, the woman behind her is her mother, and her cousin and cousin.

The other youngest is her sister.

All of them looked at her with strange eyes.

Just now they wanted to force her to take out all the shares, but Grandpa has already said that the shares can only be used at will when she reaches the age of [-], but now she is just an adult, so she has no right to use them yet. But after she said that, her parents still didn't believe it, and even forced her to sign the agreement. You must know that even if she signed it, it would have no effect.

Then she knew the truth about Grandma's death.

Yunluo's hands hanging on both sides were tightly clenched, by the way, what happened to her just now?How could she have passed out and still collapsed on the deck, what are these people trying to do around her, why didn't she be sent to the hospital in time?

A series of questions made her head hurt, and the back of her head also felt faint.

She was impulsive.

How could you say such things to them?
If these people turn their backs and I am alone and helpless here, wouldn't it mean that there is no way to go to heaven and no way to go to earth?
At this time, Qi Xiaoshan came over, looked at Yunluo lovingly, stretched out her hand to hold her in her arms, and said softly and choked up, "My good daughter, you scared us just now. You heard those words Incomplete, there is no such thing. Mom has already checked you. There is no problem. Otherwise, I would have sent you to the hospital. No matter what, you are my mother's biological daughter, and we are a family. Please don't Do something stupid, or our family will be too late, you know your grandpa's temper. He will attack our family without investigating..."

Yunluo hesitated, she knew Grandpa's temper.

If he knew that Grandma's death had something to do with them, he would deal with them no matter whether there was evidence or not.

On the one hand, there is the great grandfather who loves me and has given me so much love and honor; on the other hand, I have been trying my best to get their approval, and I want them to admit that I am their daughter and the father and mother of the family.

It has been many years since I was held in my mother's arms like this.

Yunluo cried.

She felt that she was a jerk, a traitor, and swayed from side to side.

At this time, she was very confused and didn't know what to do.

Yunluo knew her weakness.

If she was not facing her own parents at this time, she would be much more rational, but when she saw her parents, she didn't know why all the complicated and indescribable emotions would come up from the bottom of her heart.

She wanted their approval, she wanted their pampering, like they had their sister.

But she had worked hard for so many years but failed, and now, on such a sea, in such a night wind, her mother actually held her in her arms.

Seeing Yunluo's attitude, Yun Shufeng and the others were relieved. He was a little proud that she was his daughter anyway, and she was still facing him at critical moments. Although he usually treated her badly, there was nothing he could do about it. It is the power of blood relatives.

And at this moment, Yunluo wiped away her tears, firmly pushed her mother's arms away, looked at the two of them choked with sobs and said pleadingly, "Mom and Dad, I beg you, you two must be hurt. People deceive you, tell the truth to grandpa, let the real bad guys get retribution, avenge grandma, grandpa will definitely not care about you, when the time comes, I will be by your side, and I will intercede for you, this matter Things will pass slowly, as long as you are well, we are still a family."

Yun Shufeng's face gradually turned cold, he didn't expect that after saying so much and doing so much, Yunluo was still obsessed with it.

How is it possible to speak out?

His face was gloomy, his eyes were gloomy, and he gritted his teeth and threatened, "You are my daughter, I hope you will recognize who is your relative, otherwise don't blame me for not being sympathetic."

Yunluo's face turned a little cold, she looked at the people in front of her disappointedly, and seeing the same look in everyone's eyes, she knew that these people didn't realize their mistakes.

Yunluo turned around and ran towards the cockpit, and the others naturally wanted to stop her.

Except for Qi Xiaoshan, the other four rushed forward.In the confusion, there was only a muffled cry, and then Yunluo fell limply on the deck again.

Blood was gushing from her forehead.

His face also immediately turned gray, as if he had lost all vitality.

(End of this chapter)

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