Divorce failed again

Chapter 1720 Shocked

Chapter 1720 Shocked

Qing Lingling looked at them one by one with a slightly cold gaze, and felt bored watching them soften into a puddle of mud in fright.

Yunluo's fingers curled up slightly, and she flicked a few times, thinking, is she going to kill them all?

With Gu Junbai here, she would definitely not be allowed to do this, but it would be impossible to let them go like this.

At this time, Yun Shufeng finally recovered his voice and his sense of reason, he asked in a trembling voice, "You...you are not Yunluo, who are you?"

"Of course I'm Yunluo, I'm your eldest daughter." Yunluo said softly.

But such a voice made Yun Shufeng tremble all over, suddenly his eyes widened, and he pointed at Yunluo and shouted, "Where did you come from? You are not my daughter!"

Yunluo felt very irritable, as soon as she stretched out her hand, as soon as she saw a faint light, she went towards Yun Shufeng, Yun Shufeng suddenly shut up.

"A person who can even kill his own daughter is really worse than a beast." Yunluo said coldly.

Regarding such a scene, Yun Lan didn't know what to say anymore, she kept her mouth open all the time, she hid herself behind Qi Xiaoshan, and secretly looked at Yun who was her sister but didn't seem to be her sister. Luo, her heart was pounding.

what happened?

What exactly is going on?

Before she could figure it out, a huge wave bound them tightly together.

Yunluo already remembered everything just now.

She turned her head and looked at Gu Junbai, "You saw it just now, this little girl is too stupid, even if she wants to sue, she can't say it blatantly, isn't this just giving people a reason to harm her, oh, it's really popular Unpredictable."

Gu Junbai frowned, "Stupid is a bit stupid, but my little girl, it's not bad that she can maintain a bottom line in her heart when encountering such a thing."

"I really don't know if you scold me or praise me?"

Gu Junbai hooked the corners of his mouth, but didn't speak.

The five people looked at Yunluo in horror. What's going on?Is there anyone else here?But why can't they see anything.

In their eyes, this Yunluo seemed to be talking to the air, but looking at her, there seemed to be someone beside her.

It was really scary.

They threw her into the sea just now, is she dead or alive?

Who is she?

And will she take revenge on them?
After finishing talking with Gu Junbai, Yunluo looked at the disgusting faces of these five people with disgust, waved her hand, and the five people bound by the huge waves all rose into the air and fell into the seawater, but they didn't Sinking in like she did just now, but floating on the surface of the sea.

Then a group of fish swam over, eager to try around the five people, with sharp teeth growing from the corners of their mouths, which shone coldly under the moonlight.

Yun Lan burst into tears, "Sister, please forgive me, I didn't do it, they did it."

The others didn't know whether they understood or didn't understand, and instinctively begged for mercy.

Suddenly, there was a howling sound on the sea.

Yunluo frowned impatiently.

And at this moment, the air became more turbulent, and suddenly someone seemed to have torn a hole in the surrounding area.

Gu Junbai suddenly raised his head and looked at that place.

Just like what he had guessed in his heart, people from another world broke in.

He glanced at Yunluo, could it be related to her?

Yunluo nodded to him with a calm expression. At this moment, a crack was torn in the air, and three men in black clothes came out from the inside, standing in the air, and cupped their hands at Yunluo, "Miss, finally The Holy Lord is very happy to have found you, and wants us to take you back."

Yunluo looked at the three people with complicated expressions, and waved her hands, "I still have things to deal with here, you guys go first."

Three people, you look at me and you, but they don't move.

Yunluo spoke again, "Give me a period of time, and I'll take care of things here, otherwise there will be problems when I go back."

The three nodded and were about to turn around and leave, but at this moment Gu Junbai suddenly reached out to stop them, "Three gentlemen, please go slowly."

The three looked at Gu Junbai, wondering what he meant, and then looked at Yunluo.

Yunluo nodded, "Jun Bai, if you have anything to say, just say it, and I'll let them do it."

"In the rift of time and space, there is a young man who is my little friend. His name is Chang Qing. If you can see him, please gentlemen bring him to me."

In the boundless darkness, Chang Qing will collapse sooner or later.

But before he collapsed, he couldn't predict what would happen to Chang Qing.

As for Chang Qing, Qiao Qiao has been thinking about it all the time. This matter must be resolved, and there must be a result, otherwise there will be problems sooner or later.

The three of them took a look at Yunluo and knew that this was the eldest lady's friend, so they agreed, then turned and left.

The air in this place became calm once again, as if nothing had happened.

After that, Yunluo didn't hesitate, but erased the memories of these five people together with Gu Junbai.

By this time the night was already deep.

The five members of Yun's family have already passed out. After all, Yunluo's method of erasing memory is relatively rough and simple.

After tethering the small yacht to the back of the big yacht, Ling Nan happily started the big yacht and galloped towards the pier.

The driver of Yun's family is waiting at the pier.

Although he didn't know what happened, he quickly sent the unconscious people to the hospital.

Ling Nan returned the small yacht to the owner of the dock, started his own car, pulled Gu Junbai and Yunluo, and headed towards the cherry community.

The place where they live is called Cherry Community.

Everything that happened today was really exciting.

It's just that these things really can't be said to other people, he looked at Yunluo curiously, and he knew that this was the person my little uncle went to sea to find during the day.

Regardless of the process, it was finally found.

Ling Nan also quietly let out a sigh of relief.

Gu Junbai didn't set up an enchantment talisman in the car. Ling Nan could know some things. After all, he was by his side. He turned his head, frowned, and asked in a puzzled way, "Yunluo, what are you doing?" Why didn't you go back with your family?"

Yunluo is not from this world. It can be seen from her previous signs, and it has been verified today, as expected.

Yunluo originally looked calm, but when Gu Junbai asked her this question, her expression was still annoyed, "Junbai, you don't even know that I have been reincarnated in three lives, but each life is almost the same as this time. , It’s fine if it’s a stranger, but it’s my close relatives who killed me. I don’t know what kind of karma I got. I think even if I go back, this matter will be entangled in my heart. It’s better to solve it completely.”

 New article preview:
  "Cannon fodder heroine online counterattack"

  Introduction: Shen Mingxi didn't know that she was the heroine of a book until she died.

  She also didn't know that the cousin who traveled over brought the so-called female supporting role counterattack system and took away everything that should belong to her, causing her family to be destroyed.

  In that life, she was called the Sangmen Star by her grandmother since she was a child, and she was beaten or scolded. Her parents and relatives died tragically one after another. The whole life was hard and painful.

  And she died tragically in a car accident in the end, but when she opened her eyes again, she found that she had returned to the 70s.

  In this life, she will never repeat her fate, make money and tear up the scum to counterattack and slap anyone in the face. If anyone harms her dearest relatives, she will pay back a hundredfold.

  The system, the female supporting role, all come here, she wants them to know.

  Who is the heroine!
  I have released a new book, I beg my darlings to collect it, I love you~~~
(End of this chapter)

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