Divorce failed again

Chapter 1722 Pure friendship?

Chapter 1722 Pure friendship?
Without waiting for Gu Qiaoqiao to speak, Qin Yize continued, "Of course, we need to negotiate with them and coordinate with relevant departments. It's not that simple. The progress this time is not big, but it is We can finalize the preliminary plan and send some people here to implement it."

"Then do you want to run back and forth between the two places in the future?"

Qin Yize frowned, not only this place, but also many other places in the future, he really had to run back and forth.

He nodded with a serious tone, "Even if the Qin family's business is not scattered, it cannot be in one place. I will always expand the territory and expand the scale."

Gu Qiaoqiao chuckled, she understood everything Qin Yize said, and she was very satisfied with her current life.

In any case, this parting is different from the previous ones.

Standing in one place for a long time will naturally attract other people's attention. Although this is an old neighborhood, there are many people coming and going, especially when people like Qin Yize and Gu Qiaoqiao appear here, they will naturally attract the attention of others. It is easier to get other people's attention.

So Qin Yize pulled Gu Qiaoqiao and walked around another alley. This alley was okay, not as dirty as the place where they were standing just now, but it was relatively speaking.

Qin Yize pulled Gu Qiaoqiao to step on the stone carefully, and it was quite safe to pass.

After passing this small alley, the front suddenly opened up, but there was a strange smell coming from the front, it turned out to be a muddy pond, Gu Qiaoqiao quickly blocked his sense of smell.

The most serious thing here is the stench from the rotten mud pond.

It's much better if you can't smell it anymore.

After a while, the two of them walked to the side of the muddy pond.

If you want to govern here, you really need a lot of manpower, material and financial resources.

However, if it is not governed, this community will lose its natural advantages. When the old master Qin took this place, he also considered this point. After all, he knew that the river here was very clear back then.

Since it was once cleared, it can be restored now.

Because it is a muddy pond, there are no people here, but there are a few children digging mud and throwing mud and playing with it. There are mud spots on their hands and faces, but even so they are very happy to play.

Gu Qiaoqiao looked at it, then looked away.

These children are used to playing, and they can't be corrected with a few words.

After cleaning up, it will be fine naturally.

But Qin Yize didn't want Gu Qiaoqiao to stay here for a long time, so he looked around roughly, and already had a basic outline in his heart, and then led Gu Qiaoqiao back to the road from the other side, and then drove away.

He bought some vegetables while passing by the vegetable market, and then Qin Yize drove the car into the Cherry Community, and parked the car outside the door, because he didn't know if the little uncle and the others would use the car in the afternoon.

Qin Yize carried the vegetables and walked towards the gate of the yard, and Gu Qiaoqiao leisurely followed him.

As soon as he walked to the door, he heard the voice of a strange girl in the yard.

Gu Qiaoqiao and Qin Yize couldn't help but looked at each other. The voice was very young, and it wasn't Miss Xiaoshuang. Besides, Miss Xiaoshuang was busy now, not only training but also teaching.

So it's definitely not her.

But when they first came to Tianhai City, they knew almost no one, so who is this person?
The door was locked, Qin Yize took out the key and opened the door, Gu Qiaoqiao pushed the door in, and saw two people sitting under the grape arbor in the northwest corner of the yard.

One of these two people is her little uncle, Gu Junbai, and the other is a strange girl, about seventeen or eighteen years old, with a ponytail, a bit of a flying look, and very beautiful.

With his chin resting on his forehand, he talked to Gu Junbai.

The little uncle's demeanor is the same as usual, but it can still be seen that his brows are soothing. It seems that the two have known each other for a long time. Gu Qiaoqiao suddenly had a strange idea in his heart. Could this be the woman my uncle was looking for?
But she is too young.

Seeing two people coming in, Gu Jun raised his brows, looked at the expressive Gu Qiaoqiao with a funny face, and waved, Gu Qiaoqiao walked over quickly, Qin Yize smiled, because both of his hands were closed. Carrying the dishes, he nodded to Gu Junbai and went to the kitchen.

"This is what I told you just now, Gu Qiaoqiao, the successor of my Gu family, is the only one who inherits everything from me." Gu Junbai's voice was soft, but obviously proud, and then pointed to the girl beside him, Said to Qiao Qiao, "Qiao Qiao, this is my friend, her name is Yunluo, I found her."

Gu Qiaoqiao blinked her eyes, thinking, she guessed right, she asked, "Little uncle, what should I call her?"

From the looks of it, this man is not too young.

Yunluo didn't wait for Gu Junbai to speak, she laughed first, "This body is younger than you, so you can call me Yunluo, and I will also call you Qiaoqiao, so the relationship is very close gone."

Gu Qiaoqiao gave a brisk "hmm" and said kindly, "Okay, then I will call you Yunluo from now on. Is your home here?"

Yunluo nodded, "Yes, I was born here, and I am the eldest daughter of the second room of the Yun family."

"Ah, the college entrance examination is coming soon. You are a college entrance examination. My brother Zishu is also taking the college entrance examination this year."

"It's the naughtiest brother, right? I heard from Jun Bai that your brother wants to go to the military academy?"

"This is his ideal. He has been preparing for this for several years. He has passed the interview and physical examination, and now he only needs cultural lessons."


The two chatted happily.

At this time, Qin Yize walked over slowly, and the two sides made a brief introduction, but it was almost noon, Gu Qiaoqiao and Qin Yize went to prepare lunch, and Yun Luo was not polite, this is Gu Junbai's Home, just like her home.

But Ling Nan was not at home, and was sent out by Gu Junbai to run some errands.

During the meal, Gu Qiaoqiao discovered that Yunluo was a very complicated person.

She often frowned and worried involuntarily, as if she was preoccupied, but she was extremely bold and generous in her actions.

These two complex emotions are reflected in one person. Although it feels a bit inconsistent, it is also logical.

Such a person must have experienced something, otherwise he would not have such an expression.

Gu Qiaoqiao quietly looked at her little uncle again.

It's the same as usual.

Are these two really just friends?

can you?

But at this moment, when he noticed Gu Qiaoqiao's gaze, Gu Junbai glanced over, with a trace of helpless warning, Gu Qiaoqiao quickly lowered his head to eat, and stopped thinking about it.

But Qin Yize smiled without saying a word.

 New article release:
  "Cannon fodder heroine online counterattack"

  Introduction: Shen Mingxi didn't know that she was the heroine of a book until she died.

  She also didn't know that the cousin who traveled over brought the so-called female supporting role counterattack system and took away everything that should belong to her, causing her family to be destroyed.

  In that life, she was called the Sangmen Star by her grandmother since she was a child, and she was beaten or scolded. Her parents and relatives died tragically one after another. The whole life was hard and painful.

  And she died tragically in a car accident in the end, but when she opened her eyes again, she found that she had returned to the 70s.

  In this life, she will never repeat her fate, make money and tear up the scum to counterattack and slap anyone in the face. If anyone harms her dearest relatives, she will pay back a hundredfold.

  The system, the female supporting role, all come here, she wants them to know.

  Who is the heroine!
  I have released a new book, I beg my darlings to collect it, I love you~~~
(End of this chapter)

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