Divorce failed again

Chapter 1724 New Ideas

Chapter 1724 New Ideas

Next, Gu Junbai and Ling Nan were often away from home, and Gu Qiaoqiao and Qin Yize played all over Tianhai City.

The two babies in the stomach are also very cooperative.

It didn't make Gu Qiaoqiao feel a little uncomfortable.

That night, Lu Fei who stayed in the imperial capital called. Qin Yize had just finished washing Qiao Qiao's feet.During the day, the two of them went out to play for a day. At this time, Qin Yize was giving Gu Qiaoqiao a massage.

The call was made to Qin Yize's mobile phone.

It was not too late at this time, it was only after eight o'clock in the evening.

Unexpectedly, Lu Fei was still busy.

This can be regarded as a new line for Lu Fei. He needs to learn a lot now. Fortunately, he is young and progressive, and with Qin Yize as his guide, his progress is by leaps and bounds. In time, he will be able to take care of himself.

And Qin Yize also placed great hopes in him.

Although Qin Yize was disturbed at this time, his voice was still soft, "Lu Fei, what can you do with me?"

"Brother Qin, I didn't disturb you and sister-in-law."

It's not working hours. In private, Lu Fei is called Big Brother Qin Yize, and at work he is called Mr. Qin.

I used to call him Dr. Qin habitually, but I gradually changed my name.

But Lu Fei felt that calling him was not as kind as calling Brother Qin.

"Tell me, what's the matter?"

Qin Yize asked directly.

Lu Fei didn't hesitate, and quickly reported to Qing Qin Yize, "Brother Qin, Chu Lan came this afternoon."

Chu Lan?

Qin Yize frowned, remembering that he had seen her in Port City not long ago.

"Brother Qin, that is Chu Lan, the Chu Lan at the base in the border town. She has returned to the Chu family now and is responsible for the construction of the new company in the imperial capital. She wants to cooperate with our Qin family."

"Cooperation for what?" Qin Yize asked slowly.

"She said that she has a project in her hand, which belongs to the mk group of country D. We have contacted about the development of the latest mobile phone, but they refused the investment of foreign capital. Chu Lan said that she has a way, and she has already talked with the person in charge of the project Made basic negotiations to allow us to work with them on a new mobile phone..."

Qin Yize was stunned for a moment. The development and research of this mobile phone was indeed put on the agenda of his research institute, and it was also the inspiration given to him by Qiao Qiao.

The current phone is too bulky and unsatisfactory in all aspects. He has to find a way to make this phone smaller and thinner, so that the call quality is better, and at least it is easy to carry.

He also knows that country D is now investing a lot of money in research, and they are already at the forefront of the world. Compared with their own country, it should be said that they have taken a few big steps ahead of their own.

The distance is great.

The scientific and technological strength and research team are also unmatched by us.

I just didn't expect Chu Lan to be so capable, to have contact with them, and to be the project leader.

That's really good news, if you put the rest aside.

Everything is groping forward, there is a power that can be used, why not use it?

It's just that when this person was replaced by Chu Lan, Qin Yize refused. No matter how tempting the other party's offer was, how many people were waiting for this opportunity to fall on them.

"How did you answer her?" Qin Yize asked.

"Brother Qin, let me tell you that you can't be contacted when you're out of town, and you can't make a decision until you come back."

"When she comes again, you tell her that the Qin Group has no intention of this at present, and will not cooperate with other people."

"Okay, Brother Qin, she should come tomorrow morning. I'll tell her that when she comes. By the way, she has already started preparing for the company."

"No matter what she does, we don't want to participate. That person has a problem with character."

In the last sentence of Qin Yize, Qin Yize emphasized his tone.

Lu Fei also knew some things, but it was the first time for him to mention it directly to him like this.

In fact, at the very beginning, the relationship between Chu Lan and Lu Fei was good, but it gradually drifted away.

Lu Fei and Qin Yize are of one mind, he nodded immediately, "Brother Qin, I understand everything you said, and I know how to tell her."

"Lu Fei, are you still in the research institute?"

"I'll be right back."

"Go back to rest early and pay attention to your body."

Qin Yize exhorted in a low voice.

To be honest, this was really the first time Qin Yize cared about Lu Fei. In fact, he cared about him too, but he was not good at expressing it.

Lu Fei was so moved that he choked up, "Brother Qin, I understand, you and your sister-in-law are having fun outside, don't rush to come back, I will call and tell you if there is anything."

Qin Yize smiled slightly, "Okay, then I'll hang up."

Qin Yize put the bulky mobile phone on the table, and then went to the bedroom.

The bedroom door was open, so Gu Qiaoqiao naturally heard the phone call between Qin Yize and Lu Fei, but she didn't know what it was.

I just heard Chu Lan's name.

It's been a long time since I heard from this person, and Gu Qiaoqiao even froze for a moment when he heard it for the first time.

This is the coolest season in Tianhai City, neither hot nor cold, the air is pleasant, the screened windows are open, and wisps of spring breeze are blowing in from outside, making it gentle and hazy The moonlight seemed to soften the whole bedroom.

After chatting with the babies in Qiaoqiao's stomach for a while, Qin Yize told Gu Qiaoqiao what happened just now, but Gu Qiaoqiao didn't quite understand it.However, I agree with Qin Yize's statement, "Chu Lan has a problem with her personality and character. According to her description, I think this research project is very remarkable, but how did she get involved? She Is there such a research team? Is there such a research force?"

Having said that, Gu Qiaoqiao suddenly stopped, and then looked at Qin Yize, who also looked at her.

After a while, Qin Yize seemed to be talking to himself, "Did she drag the people from the base away?"

He has left the base now, but he has feelings for it. The border town base was also built by him and the seniors bit by bit, and it took several years to form the current scale.

"You can't guess, call and ask when you have time." Gu Qiaoqiao comforted.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with going with Chu Lan. People go to high places and water flows to low places. Individuals have their own choices. As long as no relevant secrets are involved, some people can flow.

"I've always wanted to start this project. If I can take the lead in this field, Qiao Qiao, do you know what it means?" Qin Yize asked suddenly.

Gu Qiaoqiao turned her eyes slightly, and then her eyes lit up, "Ah Ze, does it mean that there will be a modernization change?"

(End of this chapter)

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