Divorce failed again

Chapter 1728 Xiaobao and Xiaobei

Chapter 1728 Xiaobao and Xiaobei

Old Master Qin had a great-great-grandson long after Qin Yishan's son was born.

One step earlier than the old headed family, the five generations live under the same roof.

But now, the old master also has a great-great-grandson, so his friend sent him this kind of fruit in order to congratulate him.

The fruit is also known as Wuzi Blessing Birthday.

It is golden yellow.

It can be viewed and used as medicine.

Strictly speaking, this is also a precious ornamental fruit plant.

The old master received five pots, kept two pots for himself, and gave one pot to the old man and Grandma Qin, and the one with the most results was placed in Qiao Qiao's yard.

Qiao Qiao is now in confinement.

Prior to this, Qin Yize had completely mastered all the precautions for women in confinement.

He washes diapers and never hands them to others.

Because he feels that when the children grow up, he can proudly say that he washed their diapers when they were young.

The man who is normally cold and obsessed with cleanliness didn't even frown when faced with that pile of indescribable things.

Gu Qiaoqiao couldn't bear it anymore.

However, Qin Yize enjoyed it.

He has cleanliness, that's relative.

When he brought a medical team to help a certain country isolate a tribe infected with a certain germ, he didn't even bat an eye when he faced a corpse with rotting skin and stench.

At that time, cleanliness was not as important as life.

Besides, these are his children.

Although the two children were born less than a week ago, they are so white and tender that they are extremely cute.

No names have been given yet.

The son's name is Xiaobao, and the daughter's name is Xiaobei.

A room full of senior intellectuals still gave their children down-to-earth names.

It was originally a baby.

Also understandable.

Moreover, didn't I say it, vulgarity is elegance.

When Qin Yishan's child was born, Grandma Qin was equally happy and prepared the same things, but Qin Yize's family had two copies.

The other Grandma Qin didn't care about it, but when it came to her attitude towards the younger generation, she was a bowl of water.

It's a pity that, except for Qin Yishan, no one else appreciates it.

Grandma Qin became cold-hearted.

It's really the same as what the old man said, she has too much appetite, too greedy, and has no self-awareness. She is also very sad. No matter what, they are her own children and grandchildren. She also hopes that they will love each other. Became what it is today.

Later, she also roughly understood.

Everything started after Aze was positioned as the heir.

However, apart from Aze, who among them has this ability? Moreover, there is only one patriarch, and it is impossible for everyone to have a share. What's more, with a good patriarch, wouldn't their lives be more comfortable?

Although after the lesson, the second child's family became more honest, but when she went to see the first great-grandson, Qin Lang's complaints and the second daughter-in-law's accusations and scolding also made her heart really not warm up.

So, I thought about it.

She is over 60, and the right thing to do is to live well and not cause trouble to her children. As for the rest, she can take care of it, and if she can't, it's fine.

Therefore, Grandma Qin likes Xiaobao and Xiaobei very much.

The parents are good-looking, and the two little dolls are even more like fairy children.

The dark eyes, when they saw her, followed her around, almost melting people's hearts.

Shen Manru happened to be on vacation, so she and Lian Yuhong wrapped up Qiao Qiao's three meals a day.

So when waiting for the full moon, Gu Qiaoqiao suddenly gained a lot of weight.

Although such a Qiaoqiao and Qin Yize were rare, Gu Qiaoqiao was in a hurry, thinking about how to lose weight.

Can't wear all the clothes.

So, Gu Qiaoqiao secretly lost weight reasonably.

When the child is full moon, it is natural for the child to get a name and register.

Qin Xuan, Gu Tianfeng, a university professor and a literary master, pondered for a few days and nights, came up with a lot of names, and finally settled on the names under Gu Qiaoqiao's random finger.

The elder brother is called Qin Sheng, and the younger sister is called Qin Yue.

Of course, everyone prefers to call them Xiaobao and Xiaobei.

When the two babies were full moon, Gu Zishu also received the admission notice.

Finally became a student of the First Command Academy.

Double happiness came to the Gu family, the old head of the family originally wanted to make a big deal, but considering that the child was too young, it was better to keep it simple, so a family banquet was held in Gu Yuan.

Even so, many people came.

The Gu Garden was extremely lively that day.

Soon, Gu Zishu reluctantly left home and went to the military academy full of longing.

The military academy is not in the imperial capital, but in another city about [-] kilometers away.

But even if it is convenient to go home, it is different from ordinary universities. Junshihua's management is very strict, but the future is obviously bright.

Which path a person takes and what kind of life he leads, sometimes cannot be separated from his own efforts, but more is the influence of the environment.

But Gu Zishu finally embarked on a completely different path from his previous life.

Gu Qiaoqiao and Qin Yize were the happiest.

Shen Manru also went to work, and Lian Yuhong stayed in Qin's other courtyard to help Gu Qiaoqiao take care of the children.

After all, it is very tiring to take care of the two children.

Fortunately, the child is well-behaved, he sleeps when he is full, and plays in the crib when he is full. He is not very big, but very smart, especially Xiaobei, with the corners of his mouth upturned, and he likes to smile. As for Xiaobao, he seems to be A little quiet, with a tense little face, Shen Manru said, she was too similar to Qin Yize when she was young.

And Qin Yize also started to go to work normally.

At this time, the building in that wasteland was almost completed, and now the interior, doors and windows are being renovated, Qin Yize spends more time there, and spends the rest of his time in the research institute.

Qin Yishan often came here with his son in his arms, and every time he asked Xiaobao and Xiaobei to call his son Big Brother. Gu Qiaoqiao didn't feel any malice from him, but he didn't understand why he was so kind.

She still remembers the faces of these people during the Spring Festival when she just came back.

However, time has passed, and she is no longer what she used to be. Naturally, her vision and pattern are different from before. There is no need to take some things to heart.

It's just that Qin Yishan's behavior has always made her feel a little baffled recently. After listening to Qin Yize's detailed talk about some of the situation in Port City at that time, Gu Qiaoqiao analyzed it and guessed that she was conquered.

Qin Yize, who conquered or not, didn't care, what he cared about was that he found his two little treasures, and he really liked Qin Yishan's stuff.

For Xiaobao and Xiaobei, the three of them are another generation.

What happens in the future can only be left to its own devices, but the current Qin Yize doesn't want to see Qin Yishan so carefree holding his child every day to tease his two children.

Thus, Qin Yishan was taken to the construction site by him.

(End of this chapter)

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