Divorce failed again

Chapter 1736 Natural handicrafts

Chapter 1736 Natural handicrafts
This woolen yarn is not the pure woolen yarn sold in the market. Although the pure woolen woolen yarn keeps warm, it has small fluff, which will definitely cause discomfort to children wearing it.

This is real pure cotton wool, which has been dyed several colors by Jiang Xiaohua's mother, and they are all dyed with flowers and plants.

After asking, I found out that it was taught to her by an old lady next door. That old lady used to be a maidservant of the landlord's house, and worked in a big dyeing workshop of the landlord's house. The whole family was there, so she naturally learned it too. Such a craft.

I don't know why I didn't use it, but by chance, I taught it to Jiang Xiaohua's mother.

When Gu Qiaoqiao got it in her hand, she knew that this kind of wool was extremely comfortable to wear on her body.

Moreover, the plants selected for dyes have the characteristics of traditional Chinese medicine, and can also repel insects and dehumidify.

Although her Xiaobao and Xiaobei don't need deworming and dehumidification, they do need to wear clothes.

Also, if it is promoted, it may be a good deal.

Gu Qiaoqiao couldn't put it down.She asked with a smile on her face, "Little aunt, is the old lady in the neighbor's house you mentioned still alive?"

"She's gone, she's a widowed old man, and my mom and dad are still in charge of her funeral."

Then it's fine.

It seems that good intentions will be rewarded.

"Little aunt, have you never thought about doing some handicrafts at home and earning some pocket money?"

"Earn pocket money?" Jiang Xiaohua asked a little puzzled, "How to earn pocket money?"

Lian Dongsheng suddenly figured it out.

It's just that they really didn't expect it, because he didn't know that Jiang Xiaohua's mother still had this skill.

But now there are too many wool fabrics on the market, handmade, machine-woven, wool is also diverse, such as acrylic, cashmere, mohair, he doesn’t understand and knows that they can be found everywhere

So I never thought about it.

"Qiao Qiao, I know what you mean, but who still recognizes this now."

"If you think it's okay, you can make some when you have nothing to do. Don't worry, someone will definitely buy it." Gu Qiaoqiao said with a smile.

Gu Qiaoqiao didn't know until she gave birth to a child. After having a child, there is still a circle of mothers.

It was An Xiaotong who brought her in.

They are all about the same age, and the children are also about the same. The discussions are all about parenting experience, and the conditions are very good, and they are the kind who are willing to spend money on children.

Jiang Xiaohua and Lian Dongsheng glanced at each other. Jiang Xiaohua is a smart person, and the shed was closed at home, but her mother's legs are not good, and she doesn't have much time to work, and if it's not a matter of will, she wants to make these things My mother wove it, because Jiang's mother's craftsmanship is much better than hers.

She was taught by her mother.

"Okay, Qiaoqiao, when I go back and tell my mother, she must be very happy, she really likes to do this."

Thinking about the time when my aunt would go back, Gu Qiaoqiao suggested, "Do you have a phone at home?"

Jiang Xiaohua nodded, "There is a phone call."

"Then you call your mother and ask her to order five sets in the size that is a little ten months older than this."

Is there an order so soon?
Jiang Xiaohua was a little unresponsive.

Lian Dongsheng had no choice but to agree on behalf of his wife, "Okay, I'll call Aunt Jiang when I get back."

Such a happy decision.

Gu Qiaoqiao really likes this set of soft and comfortable cotton fabrics with vivid patterns.

So when it gets colder in two days, she will put it on the child soon.

But after wearing it, An Xiaotong and a few other mothers will definitely see it and ask questions. It's better to plan earlier and let Jiang's mother earn some pocket money.

Of course, people also need to like it.

But be obedient and listen to the sound. It seems that Jiang's mother likes manual work.

Lunch was eaten in the other courtyard of Qin's family. Jiang Xiaohua was still a little cautious when facing the old man. No matter what, he would not be unable to relax, and he barely ate half full.

It wasn't Jiang Xiaohua's fault, the old man always had a sullen face, so she was unavoidably nervous when she saw the old man for the first time.

The old man didn't pay attention to these, his mind was on his great-great-grandsons, after dinner, he and Xiao Yuan took the two great-great-great-grandsons to the greenhouse to look at the flowers.

Gu Qiaoqiao's mind is relatively delicate, the key is that she noticed it, but before she could express anything, the uncle had already started to do it, and he picked up a lot of dishes for his daughter-in-law...

Gu Qiaoqiao, "..."

Grandma Qin is smiling. A man who loves his wife is a good man.

After lunch, Lian Dongsheng took Jiang Xiaohua to rest for a while, then went to Guyuan, and Qin Yize had already gone to work, Gu Qiaoqiao had nothing to do today, so he simply stayed at home, washing clothes and tidying up the house, although every day I tidy it up every day, but if I'm careful, I can still clean it up.

Gu Qiaoqiao does housework quickly, and she belongs to the kind of person who has a particularly good tidying ability.

So after an hour, upstairs and downstairs were cleaned up.

Xiaobao and Xiaobei are obviously not hungry yet, they are still playing with Mrs. Qin and Xiaoyuan in the greenhouse.

Gu Qiaoqiao was happy to be at leisure, so she started to sort out the gifts that Xiaobao and Xiaobei had received during this time. At first, she didn't pay much attention to them, but now when they put them away, she still couldn't help being speechless.

There are too many things for these two children.

If it is converted into money, I am afraid that not everyone has millions.

No wonder many people pray to be reborn in a wealthy family in the next life. To put it in a more cruel way, Xiaobao and Xiaobei's starting line may be the end of many people's hard work...

This world is actually quite cruel.

She sighed, then smiled, and stopped thinking about it, but began to register seriously, recording everything in a notebook.

Classified, clearly, this can be regarded as the children's future assets.

At night, Qin Yize brought back a computer.

It is desktop, the kind with a big head, and it is also the latest one.

At this time, computers have quietly entered thousands of households, but Qiaoqiao is not very interested in computers, because the Internet speed is too slow, and there is nothing to watch or play.

It was the 90s at this time, and technology was developing extremely fast, but there were no interesting games on computers, many of which were just designed, and many people found it interesting, and even became obsessed with it. Nowadays, Internet fees are also expensive, but There are still many people who are hooked on the Internet and games.

But Gu Qiaoqiao couldn't get interested.

No way, who allowed her to create spells comparable to games?
Spells, games?
These four words flashed through Gu Qiaoqiao's mind, but then abandoned the unrealistic idea.

(End of this chapter)

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