Divorce failed again

Chapter 1744 The New Chief of the Phoenix Clan

Chapter 1744 The New Chief of the Phoenix Clan

Xiaowen walked forward tentatively, nothing changed, unlike just now, when waves of manic and murderous heat hit her, making her unable to breathe, making her sweat profusely, just It's like being in a volcano.

But now that feeling did not appear, she walked up to Chu Chengfeng step by step, stopped four steps away from him, looked up at the tall Chu Chengfeng, pursed the corners of her mouth, but did not speak.

But Gu Qiaoqiao was keenly aware that when Xiaowen walked towards Chu Chengfeng, Chu Chengfeng had obviously changed. He seemed to have a murderous look on him, a kind of suppressed but crazily rushing upwards. breath.

At this time, Chu Chengfeng's eyes had changed, he no longer looked at Xiaowen with tenderness as usual, and he no longer walked around Xiaowen like a little wolf dog as usual.

It's not like usual anymore, when I see Xiaowen, everything around me seems to lose color.

There was even a sneer on the corner of his mouth, and with his hands behind his back, Chu Chengfeng's expression changed again.

It seems to be another person.

He glanced at Gu Qiaoqiao beside him, frowned, and asked calmly, "Gu Qiaoqiao, you are from the Taoist sect."

He didn't even call his sister-in-law anymore.

Gu Qiaoqiao just looked at him straight, but with both hands, she was ready to attack at any time, while Xiaowen still stood there calmly, not calling Chu Chengfeng by his nickname as in the past, nor Carrying his ears around like usual.

At this time, Xiaowen seemed to have noticed something, but she couldn't be sure, and she didn't want to be sure.

Xiaowen's complexion was abnormally pale, her normally ruddy petal-like lips were no longer blood-colored, her always flamboyant and beautiful eyebrows showed a hint of panic, she was even trembling slightly, her fingers were also moving, but Gu Qiaoqiao Knowing that it was not an attacking gesture, but a bewildered reaction.

Seeing Gu Qiaoqiao who was so on guard, Chu Chengfeng frowned amusedly.

He muttered to himself, looked into Gu Qiaoqiao's eyes again, and seemed to be recalling carefully, "Your name is Gu Qiaoqiao, so naturally your surname is Gu, surname Gu... surname Gu... surname Gu..."

Chu Chengfeng murmured these two words non-stop, then he opened his eyes, seemingly unbelievable, but still tentatively said, "Do you know Gu Junbai?"

I don't know if Chu Chengfeng is an enemy or a friend at this moment, but Gu Qiaoqiao didn't want to hide her identity. It was clear that nothing happened, but such a sudden change made Gu Qiaoqiao, who had been at ease for a long time, a little bit Unacceptable, but she still replied calmly, "Gu Junbai is the ancestor of my Gu family, and I am his descendant."

"Oh... no wonder, your eyes look a lot like Gu Junbai's."

Then he looked at the silent girl standing in front of him, with coldness on the corner of his mouth, and even a little sarcasm in his voice, "Isn't this Sima Xiaowen, the daughter of the elder Sima of the Huang clan who has taken refuge in Gu Junbai? You still alive?"

After saying such words, Xiaowen and Gu Qiaoqiao couldn't help but widen their eyes.

Gu Qiaoqiao hurriedly stood beside Xiaowen, grabbed her arm, then held her hand tightly, looked at Chu Chengfeng, glared, "Chu Chengfeng, what the hell are you doing, what did you just say?" In other words, what happened to you, what happened, why did you treat Miss Xiaowen like this, have you forgotten? You..."

Before the next words could be said, Xiao Wen beside her covered her mouth.

Tears welled up in Xiao Wen's eyes, she looked at Qiao Qiao, and let go of her hand, "Qiao Qiao, don't ask, I know what's going on."

"You know what's going on." Chu Chengfeng's eyes were dark and ruthless, "Sima Xiaowen, if you still have some memories, you should know that the civil strife that happened in the Feng clan was caused by you. The fetish of the Feng clan was also destroyed by you. Although you have found it now, most of the lives of thousands of people in the Feng clan died because of you. How do you settle this account? Don’t tell me what I don't even remember..."

This kind of Chu Chengfeng is strange and terrifying, cruel and frightening, and he speaks without a trace of emotion. Every word and every word is like a knife piercing Xiaowen's heart.

"You are the patriarch of the Feng Clan, are you back?" Xiaowen gritted her teeth and said word by word.

But Gu Qiaoqiao heard a choking sound from her slightly trembling hands and her voice. Gu Qiaoqiao's mind had just regained a little clarity, but now it became chaotic again.

She suddenly remembered what Elder Sima had said when she met him just now.

It is said that a person with the common blood of the Phoenix and Huang clans has already been born, and he will be the future patriarch. He will unite the Feng and Huang clans together, and lead them to find the divine land...

Elder Sima also said a lot at that time, it is impossible for Gu Qiaoqiao to remember all of them at once.

However, at the next moment, Chu Chengfeng spoke again slowly, his voice was cold and without any emotion, "Sima Xiaowen, you are wrong, I am not the patriarch of the Feng Clan, to be precise, I am the patriarch of the Phoenix Clan, Originally, I should kill you, but since you have found the fetish of the Phoenix clan, I will spare you this time, but if you dare to collude with outsiders to destroy and seize the fetishes of the Phoenix clan, I will definitely not Forgive me, I will also expel your father from the Phoenix Clan."

After Chu Chengfeng finished speaking harshly, the room fell into a terrible silence.

Sima Xiaowen stared blankly at Chu Chengfeng, who was already like a stranger in front of her, and kept thinking about what Chu Chengfeng said just now.

In the distant memory, many things have been blurred.

She has no impression of what he said, and it can even be said that she has completely forgotten it.

But in the depths of the memory, it seemed that this Chu Chengfeng merged with another figure little by little.

That person was as indifferent as snow, decisive in killing, without a trace of popularity on his body, and without emotion in his words...

But who this person is, she has already forgotten, and she even has a little fear of this person, because it is because of this fear that she is sure that there is such a person in the Phoenix Clan and Huang Clan in her memory.

But it was so far away, she didn't remember it.

Suddenly, Xiaowen shook off Gu Qiaoqiao's hand, and with a wave of both hands, a gigantic fire phoenix spewing out flames burst out, and then rushed towards Chu Chengfeng together with the fire phoenix. He growled, "Give me back my little peak."

But at the next moment, Chu Chengfeng also made a move. After all, Gu Qiaoqiao had a lot of combat experience, so she also made a move the moment Xiao Wen made a move, and of course she went to Chu Chengfeng.

(End of this chapter)

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