Divorce failed again

Chapter 1748 Flew to his own sky

Chapter 1748 Flew to his own sky

Sima Xiaowen called the service desk again, and the waiter at the beef noodle restaurant answered the phone. When she heard her voice, she hurriedly said to her, "Vice President Sima, Mr. Chu is not at the beef noodle restaurant. He drove away. He said how many times?" Will be back in the next day."

Xiaowen put down the phone with a dull expression.

Chu Chengfeng left the imperial capital, where did he go?
Chu Chengfeng, who used to report to her no matter where he went, suddenly flew into his own sky like a kite with a broken string.

From then on, he has nothing to do with her!

After finally realizing this cruel fact, Sima Xiaowen fell down on the sofa, covered her face, and began to cry.

This seemed to be the first time in her life that she shed tears, but it was because of that bastard. How could she be so unlucky to meet him.

She really hated herself for not being good at learning, but then she shook her head with a wry smile, so what if she was good, could she still kill the new head of the Phoenix Clan?
Don't say she doesn't have the ability, even if she has the ability, she wouldn't do it. First of all, her father would not spare her.

And how could she touch that face?
That was the man she loved so much.

He is a lover who promises to give her a lifetime of happiness.

She acts recklessly in front of him, she can do whatever she wants, she is the truest self, she never needs to pretend, she is the most relaxed in front of him, it is the kind of relaxation with satisfaction and happiness, it is in others can never be obtained.

But now all that is lost.

Will never come back again.

At this moment, Sima Xiaowen felt deep despair, she cried and laughed, how she wished that time could go back and that her memory, like Chu Chengfeng, did not exist at all...

Suddenly, Sima Xiaowen seemed to think of something, and she slowly stopped crying.

Because she suddenly remembered what Gu Junbai did to Danny.

Does she want to erase all her memories of Chu Chengfeng like Danny, so that there will be no more pain and despair in her life, and her life will return to normal. woman.

Thinking of this, Sima Xiaowen wiped away her tears and tidied herself up. At this time, Gu Qiaoqiao had already prepared the meal and was pushing the door to walk in.

"Sister Xiaowen, let's go eat first, I cooked your favorite dishes."

Xiaowen had no appetite at first, but she also knew that she was not qualified to immerse herself in her own pain, like other little women.

Because on the surface, she offended the patriarch of the Phoenix Clan, and in her unknown memory, Chu Chengfeng said that she was the root cause of the civil strife in the Phoenix Clan, and she also colluded with outsiders...

She has never heard her father tell her about this matter, and she has no impression of it herself, so she needs to clarify this matter.

After Sima Xiaowen figured it out, she wiped away her tears again, and smiled self-deprecatingly, "Qiao Qiao, this is the first time you've seen me cry..."

Gu Qiaoqiao stretched out her hand, hugged Xiaowen slowly, patted her on the back, and then let her go, "Sister Xiaowen, it's okay, everything will pass, the world is big, eating is the biggest, let me Let’s talk when you’re full.”

Xiaowen nodded, and the two walked out of the yard.

While walking, Xiao Wen said to her, "Qiao Qiao, take me to the treasure room after dinner."

"Are you going to see the fetish of the Feng clan?"

"Yes, I want to see if I can retrieve some memories."

Gu Qiaoqiao frowned, looked at Xiaowen, and said, "Sister Xiaowen, it's not that I'm protecting my weaknesses, nor is it that I don't know right from wrong. According to what I know about your temperament, what colludes with outsiders to destroy sacred objects, and what causes Phoenix The chaos of the clan caused the two Phoenix clans to be torn apart, and thousands of people died. I don’t think you can do such a thing.”

Sima Xiaowen looked at the gray sky, and it seemed that it was going to snow. After a long while, she still said, "I also believe that I can't do it, but this new patriarch won't lie, but I forgot about it again." Gotta clean up."

"Elder Sima must know." Gu Qiaoqiao's eyes lit up.

"I don't know if my dad knows. He never told me, and I can't contact him now. After I get the things back from Chu Chengfeng, I will go to Tianhai City."

"What?" Gu Qiaoqiao couldn't help asking.

"Forget about the rest. He has a lot of photos of me, our group photos, and the jade pendant on his body is the Nirvana Stone I gave him. I want to take it back because it belongs to me."

"Then I'll go get it with you in the afternoon." Gu Qiaoqiao said hastily.

Gu Qiaoqiao doesn't know if it's right for Xiaowen to do this now, but it seems impossible for the two of them to say that they are enemies, but from the standpoint of the new patriarch, this Sima Xiaowen should be one of the culprits of the traitor. Those who are of the same type need to be punished by the family rules.

Therefore, it is impossible for two people to restore the relationship between their former lovers, so it is understandable that Xiaowen wants to get back the Nirvana Stone.

Sima Xiaowen shook her head, her eyes were still dim, "We have to wait a few more days, he has already left the imperial capital..."

"Where did he go?" Gu Qiaoqiao was surprised, why did he go so fast.

"I do not know."

By this time they had arrived at the restaurant.

The old boss and Yu Niang didn't come back for lunch as expected. The old couple didn't know where Shi went to go on a date to eat delicious food, or to meet old friends. Only Gu Qiaoqiao and Sima Xiaowen were there.

This also made Sima Xiaowen breathe a sigh of relief, she really didn't want to see anyone except Gu Qiaoqiao now, and now she really had no other place to go except Gu Yuan.

Sure enough, there were her favorite dishes on the table.

The room smelled of the unique aroma of food.

After all, she is not a weak little girl anymore. When she loses her love, it seems that the world has turned gray. Xiaowen cheers up quickly, because it seems that this love is not so important now. The important thing is that she has to wash her body. charges.

She also thought the same as Gu Qiaoqiao, she liked her people so much, how could she collude with outsiders and do such terrible things.

And even though she has lived for such a long time, she has never killed a chicken with her own hands.How could he bring outsiders to slaughter his own people?
But Chu Chengfeng seemed to be convincing and swearing, but she happened to have no memory of that period of time.

From what Chu Chengfeng said, she can still be sure of one thing, that is, she knew the new patriarch back then.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have recognized him as Sima Xiaowen as soon as they met.

(End of this chapter)

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