Divorce failed again

Chapter 1751 He brought a woman

Chapter 1751 He brought back a woman

"Qiao Qiao, I'll call Cheng Feng later." Qin Yize said after a moment of silence.

"Don't call, he has left the imperial capital now, and he can't be reached without a mobile phone." Gu Qiaoqiao said angrily.

"Where did he leave the imperial capital?"

"No one knows, they said they would come back in a few days."

"Then let's talk about it when he comes back."

The two talked for a while about the situation of the two children. At this moment, Qin Yize was doing business in Yanjing, so he hadn't arrived in Stone Town yet. Gu Qiaoqiao asked, "When are you going to Stone Town?"

"The day after tomorrow."

"Then you can just attend my uncle's wedding. Speaking of which, my mother has been preparing the dowry for Xiaowen. She still doesn't know what happened to Xiaowen and Chu Chengfeng. Grandpa and the others don't even know."

Qin Yize pondered for a moment, "Then don't tell our parents for now, let's talk about it when they return to the imperial capital, but you can't hide it from your grandpa."

"I know, when I have time, I will tell him that the old head of the family has already regarded Xiaowen as his relatives, and now he is waiting for Xiaowen to get married, and now he has settled his mind. How could such a thing happen."

"Xiaowen and Chu Chengfeng have a lot to do with each other. It's not just a matter of breaking up. Your company has already established a scale and its operations are on track. Xiaowen is also a shareholder now, and she is also the deputy general manager of the beef noodle restaurant. There will be contacts."

Speaking of this, Qin Yize continued with a headache, "Qiao Qiao, when Chu Chengfeng is back, call me and I'll talk to him about it."

When it comes to beef noodle restaurants, Gu Qiaoqiao also feels very distressed. Now Sima Xiaowen and Chu Chengfeng really can't stay away from each other forever. They have a lot of involvement with each other, and now Xiaowen is still a beef noodle restaurant chain. Deputy General Manager, "...Ah Ze, if Miss Xiaowen quits, there is really no suitable candidate at present, but if Miss Xiaowen continues to be the Deputy General Manager, the two of them will definitely meet every day at work... "

"I think according to Miss Xiaowen's temper, she may not want this job, she may withdraw all the shares, all of this can only be discussed after Chu Chengfeng comes back." Qin Yize comforted Gu Qiaoqiao.

The two of them talked for a while and then put down the phone. This is indeed the case now, and everything can only be decided after Chu Chengfeng comes back.

A week later Chu Chengfeng came back, full of travel and dust, but he never thought that he did not come back alone, he brought back a woman, a delicate and soft woman!

And when Chu Chengfeng brought the woman back, Sima Xiaowen was in the beef noodle restaurant.

Speaking carefully, the best business now is the beef noodle shop opposite the station, and now Mr. Li and Sister Li can only be in charge of the back kitchen. Chu Chengfeng and Sima Xiaowen are responsible for many things ahead.

So when General Manager Chu disappeared and Deputy General Manager Sima didn't come to the beef noodle restaurant for two days, there was some turmoil here.

There are also some supervisors below who are in charge. Although everything seems to be normal, people are still a little panicked.

A lot of news is also quietly circulating under them.

The most talked about was that the general manager threw away all the clothes given to him by Sima Xiaowen, the deputy general manager. Everyone was in disbelief, and even terrified.

Does anyone know what happened to these two people?
You must know that the relationship between these two people is really unbreakable. It seems that there is no third person who can mix in between them. Therefore, the waiters and the foreman in charge below never thought that one day these two people would turn against each other.

What's even more incredible is that the main person who turned against each other turned out to be Chu Chengfeng.

They didn't know what happened, and they didn't hear the noise, so they were so quiet. One left the beef noodle restaurant without knowing where to go, and the other went back to Guyuan and didn't come to work for several days.

So, even if everything is still running according to the previous procedures, after all, people's hearts have changed.

The two general managers and deputy general managers are very powerful. The beef noodle restaurant is booming in their hands, making money every day, and gradually expanding.

No, the third beef noodle restaurant will open soon.

Although Gu Qiaoqiao is also one of the shareholders and directors, it is Chu Chengfeng and Sima Xiaowen who are actually running the business.

The two of them own the most shares.

But now that something like this happened to these two people, can it stop everyone's imagination?

The supervisor had no choice but to call Sima Xiaowen.

After all, only the vice president can be contacted.

Mr. Chu left without even bringing his mobile phone, which he never left with him.

When she received the call from the supervisor, Sima Xiaowen was in a much better mood.

She couldn't just let it go.

So I went to work at the beef noodle restaurant, and Gu Qiaoqiao had two classes this week, so I couldn't easily turn it down, and I couldn't ask for leave, so the two met twice this week.

Seeing that Sima Xiaowen was in a good mood, Gu Qiaoqiao relaxed a little, but who would have thought that such a thing would happen again.

For the beef noodle restaurant at the station, there is no concept of Saturday and Sunday, every day is busy, and today's Sima Xiaowen is the same as usual.

It's just that there are fewer customers in the afternoon. Generally, those who are engaged in the catering industry can take a break between 2:00 and 4:00 in the afternoon.

But even so, there are still sporadic guests eating here, there are also waiters serving customers, and the supervisor and foreman of the restaurant are also there.

Therefore, all the staff saw Chu Chengfeng and the delicate woman beside him.

This woman is different from Sima Xiaowen.

If Sima Xiaowen is a gorgeous red rose, then this woman is a delicate white lotus.

They are two completely different styles.

Although Chu Chengfeng and this woman didn't hold hands when they came in, they looked as if they had known each other for many years.

For a moment, Sima Xiaowen's mind was even blank.

Before that, in fact, she had gradually calmed down and regained her senses, and was waiting for her little uncle and her father to appear.

But in the deepest part of my heart, I have to say that Xiaowen still has a trace of fantasy.

Fantasizing that after Chu Chengfeng came back, everything would return to the way it was before.

She doesn't care about the identity of the new patriarch.

She only wants her Chu Chengfeng to come back, and the two of them will manage the beef noodle restaurant well and expand the noodle restaurant. Just like the two of them dreamed, they will not only open stores across the country, but also open overseas, and become the largest chain noodle restaurant in the world. .

But now, this cruel reality hit her hard like a blow to the head, causing her eyes to turn black, her heart to hurt sharply, and her body to even stagger a little, but she stubbornly held back.

(End of this chapter)

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