Divorce failed again

Chapter 1760 Regret

Chapter 1760 Regret
So after knowing that my son has a girl he likes, he is also very happy.

Later, I found out that the relatives of the old head of the family felt more satisfied.

After all, with such a Yue family, if he has something in the future, this child will not be lonely.

Although it's a bit redundant for him to think so, he still has to plan ahead for everything.

He remembered that his old mother once said that the three poor and the three rich will grow old, and that the rich will not last for three generations. He remembers these words, although they are not very useful.

And the Chu family happened to be the third generation when they came to them, so he was still a little worried, but now that his son is so promising, and the general environment is so good, as long as he works hard, he can live the life he wants, so he feels that It doesn't work for the Chu family to be rich for three generations.

Besides, he has assets, and the other children can live a life without worrying about food and clothing.

Just because everything went well, he never thought about the day when his son and Xiaowen would break up.

And it's still weird.

The kid didn't even tell him that his wings were stiff and he wanted to fly solo. He was really angry and sad, but this matter still had to be clarified.

Moreover, he also needs to give an explanation to the old master, after all, the two families used to deal with each other on the basis of in-laws.

He called the beef noodle restaurant, and then found out that Chu Chengfeng had been busy with the new store in the city center and hadn't been there for a long time. He called his son's mobile phone again, but no one answered after ringing for a long time, and Chu's father could only be angry put down the phone.

I couldn't help but think to myself, this brat, could it be that he has a guilty conscience and deliberately avoids him?
After careful calculation, Chu Chengfeng really hasn't been home for a long time.

At this moment, Chu Chengfeng and Sima Xiaowen are together.

But the place where they stayed was their former wedding room.

Sima Xiaowen remembered everything here clearly, but Chu Chengfeng really had no memory at all.

So the person who has forgotten is really confident.

Sima Xiaowen clenched her fists and forced herself to look away from this dog man. She was worried that if she looked at him a few more times, she might not be able to resist punching him down.

Sima Xiaowen stopped talking to Chu Chengfeng, but quickly packed her things. There were no clothes and daily necessities here, but some of the decorations she liked had already been brought over.

Although there are many beautiful memories here, Sima Xiaowen decided to forget all of them, and she didn't plan to stay here any longer. She quickly packed up the things that belonged to her.

This house is located in a newly built community. It is a two-story building with a single family. There is a garden in the front and a small yard in the back. A sum of money, but Chu Chengfeng didn't remember all of this. He found that as long as there was anything about Sima Xiaowen, he would forget it all.

This feeling made him very irritable, and he couldn't say whether it was good or bad, in short, it was very uncomfortable.

For example, the air in the room is extremely dull now, and he doesn't want this.

Gu Qiaoqiao is right, he can use the reason of losing his memory to separate from Xiaowen and not be responsible, then Xiaowen can't remember the disaster that happened to the Phoenix Clan in the past, and he and Liu Ling don't know, so he said Well, Sima Xiaowen doesn't need to take any responsibility for that matter.

Apart from these, in good conscience, he and Xiaowen are clan members. Although he is the clan leader, Sima Xiaowen's status is not low. She is the purest blood of the Huang clan.

This is hard to come by nowadays, especially in this Central Plains region where there are only three people, he, Xiaowen and Liu Ling.

Liu Ling was temporarily excluded.

Then even if he and Sima Xiaowen cannot be a husband and wife, they can get along like brothers and sisters, or like clan members.

But now it's a stranger.

The kind with vengeance.

But he couldn't say anything, after all, he caused this situation.

He was sitting on a rosewood chair, with two long legs stretched out, and one hand resting on the armrest of the rosewood chair. The opposite was outside the window. It was already cold winter, and there was a vast expanse of whiteness everywhere, but he could see it in his vision. I saw a few green pines standing tall and straight in the cold wind.

His eyes seemed to have been frozen there, and it was impossible to see what he was thinking.

Sima Xiaowen also doesn't mind what he thinks anymore, everything that belongs to her has been sorted out, it's not that Sima Xiaowen is stingy, these things would rather destroy her than put them here.

Sima Xiaowen carried her things and placed them at the door of the hall, then looked at Chu Chengfeng who was in deep thought, frowned and said, "Get out of the way."

These two red sandalwood chairs were brought back by Zhang Yi from Imperial Treasure Xuan for her, but they were too big, and she was not going to move the chairs out.

Chu Chengfeng finally recovered from his contemplation, and looked at Sima Xiaowen who looked calm but had sharp eyes.

I couldn't help but feel my heart tighten.

It seems that sometimes the body's mobility is much faster than his brain, and before he can figure it out, he has already stood up quickly, and then he feels a little annoyed, this body is too obedient, I don't know what happened before What day is it, it seems that breaking up is also a good thing. .

Otherwise, this Chu Chengfeng would have been eaten to death by Sima Xiaowen.

Sima Xiaowen didn't go to see him any more, endured the sadness in her heart, flicked her fingers, the fire phoenix rose out of thin air, fluttered its huge wings, and spit out flames towards the two red sandalwood chairs under Xiaowen's command.

In an instant, the fire burned the two red sandalwood chairs clean.

Xiaowen wanted to take Huofeng back immediately, but Huofeng broke free from her mind and flapped its wings, flying towards Chu Chengfeng.

Then he surrounded Chu Chengfeng, seemingly reluctant to part with him.

Sima Xiaowen got angry, "Come back to me."

She scolded sharply.

Huofeng was taken aback, the master had never lost such a temper before, but he really liked the aura of the new patriarch in front of him.

But it does not dare to bear the consequences of the master's anger.

A pair of fiery ruby-like eyes looked at Chu Chengfeng eagerly.

Chu Chengfeng's expression softened, and his frown unconsciously relaxed, and there was a smile on the corner of his mouth, as did his eyes.

The handsome face seemed to be filled with sunshine all of a sudden.

Sima Xiaowen moved her eyes away in a hurry. Chu Chengfeng at this moment was exactly the same as Chu Chengfeng before, except that he didn't look at her, but at Huofeng.

Chu Chengfeng knew what the fire phoenix wanted to do, so he flicked his fingers, and a flame different from the fire phoenix spit out from his palm. It was a golden flame, shining golden light, like a ball of flame It's like a layer of golden light on the outside.

(End of this chapter)

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