Divorce failed again

Chapter 1762 Liu Ling

Chapter 1762 Liu Ling
And he also felt that Liu Ling had worked so hard these years, he should take a good rest.

And he used the relationship in his hand to replace everything about Liu Ling.

The name was changed to the former name Liu Ling.

But her current adoptive parents gave her another name. For Liu Ling, everything was back to the way it was before.

And the adopted daughter of the Qi family completely disappeared from the world.

It is not difficult for Chu Chengfeng to do these things.

The difficulty now is that he wants to take Liu Ling back, but he is also worried that Father Chu will scold him, after all he knows a lot of things.

He felt that he should call Liu Ling to ask Liu Ling's opinion. He also bought a mobile phone for Liu Ling. Liu Ling quickly picked up the phone. Hearing his question, she was silent for a moment, and said with a gentle smile, " Brother Mo Li, don't make it difficult, as long as you still remember me, I am satisfied, and nothing else matters."

Chu Chengfeng was very moved, "Lingling, I knew that you understand me best."

"Brother Mo Li, don't say that. It's a trivial matter. Don't worry about it. After a long time, everyone will stop talking about this matter. It's still too late to take me to see Father Chu."

A smile flashed across Chu Chengfeng's eyebrows, and he hummed softly, "Okay, I'll listen to you."

Then he continued, "I'll go home first, and I'll take you out to play when I have time."

"Brother Mo Li, go and do your work. Don't worry about me. I'm familiar with this place too. After all, I've been here for three years."

Liu Ling said briskly, Chu Chengfeng on the other end hung up the phone, and Liu Ling also slowly put the phone on the side of the sofa.

The tenderness disappeared little by little, followed by an unpredictable expression.

Liu Ling stood up slowly, and walked to the balcony step by step. This apartment is also very large, and the decoration is very good. No matter the view or the living environment, it is also one in a million.

But this is just a temporary residence for her.

Liu Ling looked at the gray sky outside the window, and frowned slightly. Although Mo Li had lost some memories, he remembered her and everything between them.

He thought that everything was still the same as before. After all, the two of them, as written in the current novel, were childhood sweethearts, but after the changes in the world, when they met again, it seemed that many things had quietly changed.

Although he was still the same as before, devoted to him wholeheartedly, but since he came back to now, except for holding his hand once, he has never made any intimate gestures towards him.

But he treated himself extremely well, he considered everything he could give her, and gave her everything he could give her, changed his name, changed his household registration, and changed all his ID card files.

She has nothing to do with the Qi family now, and trying to find her is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

He even told her that she could spend his money as she pleased.

But she still really felt that although Li Li was being polite and gentle to her now, she was still a little alienated unconsciously.

Thinking of this, a chill appeared on the corner of Liu Ling's mouth, her eyes were a little cold, she stretched out her hand and knocked on the glass window, what she wanted was not these, what she wanted was a very important thing.

She had worked so hard, but in the end she fell short and got nothing. Now that she has a glimmer of hope, how could she give up?

With this thing, she can do what she wants to do the most, such as going to another world with Brother Mo Li.

That world is very beautiful and pure, full of fairy mansions and fairy mountains, full of aura, which is incomparable to this dirty, lacking world without aura.

So she has to wait patiently for the opportunity to appear.

At this time, Chu Chengfeng had already driven downstairs to Chu's house. Speaking of which, he hadn't come home for more than a month. Mother Chu didn't care, but Father Chu urged him several times.

Especially after breaking up with Sima Xiaowen, although this matter did not make a lot of noise, he really should talk to his father.

He has already guessed that the old master will definitely not let his father go, and will definitely reprimand him head and face. After all, the relationship between the two families has been going on for many years, and in the eyes of Chu's father, the old master is also the elder he respects the most. .

It was noon when Chu Chengfeng came back.

Father Chu had already come home from get off work. He was upright at first, but then he saw that Chu Chengfeng, the son of the person who was not answered and could not be found, finally came back.

Chu's father stared, picked up the pillow next to him, and threw it at Chu Chengfeng. Chu Chengfeng didn't dodge, and caught the pillow at once, looking helplessly at Chu's father, "Dad, I'm so long. The time has not come back, this meeting is so fierce, what do you want to do?"

"What do I want to do? I want to beat you to death, brat. What's going on with you and Sima Xiaowen? I didn't know beforehand. The old boss called me and scolded me before I knew what was going on. You Said that you will not take your father seriously..."

Mother Chu was busy in the kitchen at this time, and hurried out when she heard the sound, and saw that it was Chu Chengfeng, her eyes flashed with a smile, and she said to Father Chu, "You father and son haven't seen each other for a long time, what can you say? Can you tell me well?"

"Chengfeng, don't blame your father. Even I was criticized by the old wife. If you say this, we shouldn't know about it from others, right?"

Of course, Mother Chu had complaints in her heart, and she had to let the child know something.

Chu Chengfeng looked at the two people in front of him, but finally his eyes fell on his father, and he said with some guilt, "Dad, listen to me..."

"Okay, tell me, if you don't understand clearly, let me see how I deal with you." Father Chu said viciously.

Of course, Chu Chengfeng couldn't tell Father Chu that he was the patriarch of the Phoenix Clan. He might say so in the future, but now is obviously not the best time.

He couldn't tell Father Chu that his name was actually Mo Li, and that he was still the son of the Chu family. His name was Chu Chengfeng, and he was just a scumbag.

"...Although Xiaowen and I plan to get married, I recently discovered that our personalities are inconsistent. Of course, this is all because of me. At first, I thought it was very good. Dad, you also know that I am unpredictable and have a bit of a romantic temper, so After chasing Xiaowen, I gradually lost interest. This matter is all my responsibility. I am a bastard, but now we have separated, and there is no way to get it back. Don't make yourself angry , because I, a vagabond, is not worth it if I lose my temper, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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