Chapter 1772
But there is one thing I want to tell these two people, "By the way, let me tell you two, when Sima Xiaowen left just now, she said that she wanted me to erase all the memories about Chu Chengfeng and Chu Chengfeng for her. Promise her, after all she is different from Danny, so I'm not sure."

"What, she wants to erase all memories with Chu Chengfeng?"

The one who blurted out was actually Chu Chengfeng who was sitting silently on the sofa, the patriarch Mo Li of the Phoenix Clan, Gu Junbai glanced at him lightly, nodded, "Yes, that's right."

Elder Sima is most concerned about whether his daughter's consciousness will be damaged. After all, their blood is different from ordinary people. They have the blood of the gods. There are advantages and disadvantages. Some things cannot be easily done, and if they are wrong, they will be lost forever.

"Xiaowen, is she demanding?" Elder Sima asked worriedly.

"She had this idea, and Qiao Qiao persuaded her to think about it, besides, I won't leave the imperial capital anytime soon."

Gu Junbai gave an explanation lightly.

Hearing this, Elder Sima was relieved, because currently only Gu Junbai has this ability.

If Gu Junbai didn't reach out his hand, his daughter wouldn't act rashly.

But he also thought it was a good idea.

It would be a good thing to really forget about that brat Chu Chengfeng.

Only then did I think of Chu Chengfeng's reaction just now, but in front of Gu Junbai, he would not be as casual as he was in the study, but he still said in a deep voice, "Patriarch, if Xiaowen really does this, if there is no danger, I will It is in favor."

How good it is to forget, then he can't remember anything, his daughter is back to the way it was before, and he won't be heartbroken thinking of Chu Chengfeng who was so good to her.

Chu Chengfeng pursed his thin lips again, nodded slightly, "Yes."

He has the least say in this matter.

He didn't understand why he had such a big reaction just now.

It seems that although there is a weak voice in his heart, it seems that he is trying his best to prevent Xiaowen from doing this, but he can only beat all the words into the boundless hell.

He has no right to ask Sima Xiaowen not to do this!

It's a good thing if you can forget it.

There was even a trace of fear in his heart, he knew that the consciousness of being Chu Chengfeng for more than 20 years had not completely disappeared.

But he didn't know where he was, whether he was in the dantian or the sea of ​​consciousness, but he knew that he still existed. Although the sense of existence was almost zero, he couldn't ignore it.

What if one day he remembered everything?
As Elder Sima said just now, all three of them will be in an awkward situation.

It is impossible for him to abandon Liu Ling, after all, the two have been with each other for so many years.

So it's best not to think of anything, but just thinking about it, his expression is obviously decadent.

It caused Gu Junbai to look at him several times. In his impression, he had seen the patriarch of the Phoenix Clan. He was young, energetic, high-spirited, and well-groomed. He had a sense of superiority and elegance that no one else could match. They have been through Nirvana several times, and they could have been perfect, but sometimes, they can live their lives in a mess.

Although he disapproved of Sima Xiaowen erasing his memory, he also felt that if Sima Xiaowen could not remember, Chu Chengfeng would disappear forever, which would be the best choice for the three of them.

At this moment Gu Qiaoqiao came in, she smiled and said to Elder Sima, "Miss Xiaowen is fine." Then she looked at the people in the living room, "Lunch is ready, let's go eat."

Only then did Chu Chengfeng come back to his senses, stood up and said, "I still have things to do in the city center, so I won't eat here."

Then he looked at Elder Sima, "Elder, call me if you need anything."

He said to Gu Junbai again, "Mr. Gu is interrupting you."

Then he left in a hurry and strode away without speaking to Gu Qiaoqiao from the beginning to the end.

Gu Qiaoqiao didn't care, she knew that Chu Chengfeng would not eat here.

Chu Chengfeng who left in a hurry found that because of the quarrel with Sima Xiaowen just now, he forgot the most important thing, which was that Shui Liuzi.

What happened to that person?
Alive or not?

But thinking that although that person is a member of the Taoist sect, he may not have their blood, then, with the passage of time until now, he may have turned into dust long ago.

Let's talk about this later.

He hid the thoughts in his heart, started the car, and drove away.

Elder Sima didn't change his mood because of Chu Chengfeng's departure. Gu Qiaoqiao knew that in the Phoenix clan, the hierarchy was not so strict.

Besides, the times have come to the present.

Many things should also keep pace with the times, and Gu Qiaoqiao also knew that Chu Chengfeng's predecessor was watched by four elders.

Then their relationship is naturally extraordinary. If there is no matter about Sima Xiaowen, Gu Qiaoqiao thinks that Elder Sima should be happier.

After lunch, Elder Sima went to call the other three elders in the clan.

And Xiaowen went to work at the beef noodle restaurant.

I didn't mention the matter of erasing the memory. I don't know if it was a thought or something else. Xiaowen didn't say that Gu Qiaoqiao naturally didn't ask, but took Xiaobai and Bailang back to Qin's house to say goodbye. hospital.

Although Xiaobao and Xiaobei are more than eight months old, their walking has become more and more stable.

The two white and tender little ones are not ordinary people, so these two dolls are a little taller than their peers.

An Xiaotong often came here to play with her family's children, and together with Qin Yishan's family's children, in total, there was only Gu Qiaoqiao's Xiaobei, a girl who was really more and more precious.

When they went back, Xiaobao and Xiaobei had already gone to bed. This was the work and rest habit that Qin Yize had cultivated for them. Others could be pampered, but in many places, Qin Yize was very strict with them, but Gu Qiao Joe didn't stop it, because it would be good for the child's future.

Self-disciplined people, no matter what kind of environment they are in, will not live poorly.

Besides, Qin Yize has his own plans in mind.

Gu Qiaoqiao asked Xiaobai and Bailang to go to the back garden to play. At this time, Qin Yize had already gone to work.

He is now at a critical moment for research.

So relatively speaking, the time spent at home is much less.

Knowing that Qin Yize didn't come back for lunch, Gu Qiaoqiao called Lu Fei.

At this time Qin Yize was still in the laboratory, he must have forgotten to eat, Lu Fei was very guilty, Gu Qiaoqiao naturally knew the reason, she quickly said, "I'll go to the kitchen to cook right away, and I'll deliver it in a while. "

Lu Fei smiled instantly, "Sister-in-law, that's really great."

(End of this chapter)

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