Divorce failed again

Chapter 1787 But that's not why Liu Ling lied

Chapter 1787 But that's not why Liu Ling lied
He didn't expect that a person he met casually would have such a relationship with Gu Qiaoqiao's family, and this relationship is not ordinary, it can be regarded as a life-and-death enmity.

But that's the grievance between the Gu family and the Chang family. She has no interest and doesn't want to do anything for the time being.

So Liu Ling abandoned all distracting thoughts, and started to practice again. The most important thing is to have a high cultivation base.

Unexpectedly, in the afternoon, Chu Chengfeng came again.

When he came, his complexion was not good at all. Liu Ling didn't know what was wrong, but just looked at him quietly without speaking.

Now Chu Chengfeng is getting more and more outrageous.

She doesn't intend to spoil him.

Some men just owe a lesson, but they didn't expect Chu Chengfeng to question him, "Lingling, tell me the truth about the Qi family, what's going on?"

Where did Liu Ling think that what Chu Chengfeng asked was about the Qi family.

My mind was spinning rapidly, who told Chu Chengfeng?
Sima Xiaowen, or Gu Qiaoqiao!

Sima Xiaowen may not be willing to talk to Chu Chengfeng, after all Sima Xiaowen is also a proud woman, of course she understands this.

Could it be that Gu Qiaoqiao said it?

"Brother Mo Li, who told you?" Liu Ling still asked gently.

"...Don't worry about who told me, I'll just ask you, what happened to the Qi family in Yanjing?"

Chu Chengfeng's expression was not very good. He didn't expect that he would be deceived by Liu Ling.

When Liu Ling told him about those encounters, he really felt distressed.

Distressed but also very angry, if Liu Ling didn't say that he only repayed the kindness of nurturing, he would definitely go to the family to settle the score.

Is this an adopted daughter or a bought maid?

But under Liu Ling's persuasion, he endured it.

Then he used the resources and contacts in his hands to quickly deal with this matter, and exchanged Liu Ling's previous identity, but he never thought that everything Liu Ling said was false.

But one thing is true, the Qi family is very poor, really poor.

But this is not the reason for Liu Ling to lie.

He looked at Liu Ling with complicated eyes, filled with disappointment.

Liu Ling's complexion also turned bad, with tears in her eyes, she choked up and said, "What's the matter with you? You came in suddenly and asked me like this, who told you what nonsense? Brother Chu, I listened to everything you asked me to do, and I changed my mind when you said you didn’t want to call you Brother Mo Li. You let me practice here with peace of mind, and I will just stay here honestly and never bother you. But you can't rely on these and accuse me indiscriminately. Don't you realize that you have changed a lot? If you know this is the case, why do you want to find me? Wouldn't it be better to let me fend for myself? "

As she spoke, Liu Ling cried very sadly. Although it was half-truth, she was indeed the same.

Although Chu Chengfeng promised her that after the people from the Feng family came back, they would go to find the gods and hold a wedding with her.

This is what she expected, but things are getting more and more wrong. The so-called marriage seems to have changed, which is not what Liu Ling wants.

Seeing Liu Ling crying so sadly, Chu Chengfeng sighed and sat down on the chair, not as aggressive as before, but he still said in a deep voice, "Lingling, I just came back from the police station and I was looking for friends Ask about what happened to you yesterday, but I found a report there, it is the case of the Qi family in Yanjing looking for their missing adopted daughter..."

The Qi family also reported the case in the imperial capital, because the matter was settled yesterday. At this time, the Qi family was still in grief and sadness, and did not think of going to the imperial capital to close the case. After all, the person has been found. Now, we can no longer let the people from the police station look around.

But it was just such a coincidence that Chu Chengfeng wanted to take a look at it. Regarding the taxi driver, he didn't want Liu Ling to leave any bad marks. Although he also agreed with Liu Ling's doing so, it would be bad to get angry. .

But didn't expect to be there, saw a report.

Then I realized that what Liu Ling said to him, except that the Qi family was a poor family, everything else was false.

Chu Chengfeng was really angry and sad. In his heart, the kind and lovely Liu Ling shouldn't have done this.

Although the Qi family is not rich, they love her as they grow up like their own daughters.

Even now that her bloodline has awakened, there are many ways to end the relationship with them, but no matter which way, it is not the one she asked him to do.

Because of Liu Ling's disappearance, nothing can be found at the scene. After all, all traces have been erased by Chu Chengfeng, so the Qi family has experienced too much in the past few months, and almost wiped out this poor family. .

If that was the case, he, Chu Chengfeng, could hardly absolve himself of the blame, he was helping the evildoers, he didn't understand why Liu Ling handled such a simple matter, and wanted him to fall into an unjust place.

But seeing Liu Ling's appearance, he felt very strange.

It seems that Liu Ling didn't feel that what she did was wrong, but felt that she was wronged.

He is weak.

"... about the taxi driver, don't mention it to anyone in the future, no matter what, you don't have the right to deal with him privately."

"What do you mean, Mo Li? Are you saying that it's okay to let him bully me?" Liu Ling asked angrily, "Haven't you ever thought that if the person in the car at that time was not someone from our Taoist sect, but a What about ordinary girls?"

Chu Chengfeng had a headache. What he meant was that Liu Ling did the right thing, but no matter how you look at it, the driver deserved his death, but he didn't want Liu Ling to act recklessly from now on.

"I don't mean to accuse you, don't misinterpret me, I'm just talking about the facts, after all we live in the imperial capital, of course we have to follow all the systems here.

I have already said that this matter should not be mentioned again, that is, it did not happen, but about the Qi family, can you tell me how you dealt with it yesterday? "

He only knew the situation of the Qi family, not what Liu Ling said, but he didn't know anything about what Liu Ling did when he went to Yanjing yesterday.

Liu Ling turned around angrily, and said angrily, "Why should I tell you that this matter has nothing to do with you?"

"Why has nothing to do with me? I erased your traces, otherwise they would have found you long ago? It wouldn't have made the eldest daughter of the Qi family quit her job in order to find you."

Seeing that it didn't make sense, Chu Chengfeng was a little out of breath.

Liu Ling still didn't say a word, just didn't tell him.

Chu Chengfeng's eyebrows gradually became gloomy. Sitting on the chair, looking at Liu Ling's back shrouded in the afterglow of the setting sun, a sense of powerlessness and despair suddenly rose in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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