Divorce failed again

Chapter 1789 The New Year 3

Chapter 1789 New Year's Eve
Gu Qiaoqiao!
No matter how nice Chu Chengfeng said, it still has something to do with this woman, and she will let her taste the bitter fruit of meddling.

Then, I thought bitterly in my heart, Chang Jiansheng, this person can be used well.


On the day of the New Year's Eve, the bustling Gu Garden welcomed two guests, one was Yun Luo from Tianhai City, and the other was Chang Qing.

His task has been completed, and after submitting all the reports, he will be given half a month's leave from New Year's Eve.

And this kind of Spring Festival, he naturally wants to spend it in Gu Garden. After so many years, he has already regarded this place as his home, and the initial restraint has long since disappeared.

And he didn't expect that, after not returning to the imperial capital for more than a year, Sister Qiao Qiao already had two little babies, and he was also honored to be promoted to uncle. Thousands of feelings turned into infinite joy in the end .

He felt that he was also an elder from now on, and he also had relatives.

The business of Yubaoxuan in Jinling City is also getting better and better. Last year, Gu Muran did not go home for the New Year. This year he took his younger brother back home.

Originally, I thought that Gu Yuan would be quieter during Chinese New Year this year, but Chang Qing came back, and with the addition of Yun Luo, Gu Yuan became lively again.

And both Qianqian and Zishu were on vacation, and Luo Fan would stay in Guyuan as long as he was not busy, but it was New Year's Eve after all, and the family members had to stay together to watch the new year.

So, on this day, Luo Fan didn't come.

Yun Luo originally wanted to spend the New Year with her grandpa, but now that she knew the truth about her wife going, the old man of the Yun family didn't plan to celebrate the New Year.

Although the murderer has already received the punishment he deserved.

But he still brought Yunluo to the imperial capital, while he went to his old friend.

Yunluo didn't know whose house the uncle went to, and she couldn't ask about some things if the uncle didn't tell her, but she was willing to stay here in Guyuan.

Because here is her old friend Gu Junbai, and her new friend Chang Qing.

This Changqing, Yunluo had heard of his name a long time ago.

After all, Gu Junbai once entrusted her clansmen to bring Chang Qing back if they met Chang Qing in another time and space, but there is no news yet.

After Gu Junbai explained briefly, she understood the reason, so when she looked at Chang Qing, her eyes were inexplicably curious.

Yun Luo really can't imagine, but what kind of obsession does Chang Qing, who is a few years older than the current Chang Qing, have to be trapped in time and space and insist on going back to the past?
We must know that sometimes there are gaps in time and space, which requires the right time, place and people. There are many factors in it, and none of them is indispensable.

For example, regarding the affairs of the Gu family, if there is no Mysterious Dragon Box and Gu Junbai, Chang Qing alone may not be able to do it. It happened that everyone started the program together at that exact time, so they could start over.

But such an opportunity can sometimes be said to be one in a billion, and it is something that can be encountered but not sought after.

And according to the laws of their world, the future Chang Qing would be trapped in that time and space for almost 50 years.

So when Yunluo knew that the handsome young man in front of her was Chang Qing, she walked around him.

They were in the living room. After all, it was winter and it was still very cold outside, so everyone felt very puzzled by Yunluo's actions.

Only Gu Junbai knew what was going on.

And Ling Nan naturally knew it too.

However, Ling Nan, who has always been simple and honest, blinked and looked at Chang Qing with a very sympathetic look.

After staying in Tianhai City for several months, he didn't realize until after the initial impressions passed that this Yunluo was really a little devil.

According to her age, she should be called an old devil.

Sometimes it's really hard to describe in words, and when it's teasing you, it makes you suffer so much that you can't tell.

And one thing that makes Ling Nan afraid is that she is different from her little uncle, this Yunluo is really a ruthless Taoist.

The way she deals with her so-called relatives of the Yun family is creepy.

Now that Chang Qing is being targeted by her, Ling Nan is thinking silently in her heart - Chang Qing, please ask yourself, there are some things that I really can't tell you, after all, you don't understand.

But with Gu Junbai around, Yun Luo couldn't do anything to Chang Qing, she was just curious.

After all, Yunluo is a demon with clear grievances and grievances, and Chang Qing didn't offend her, so naturally she wouldn't treat Chang Qing like others.

Gu Junbai seemed to already know that Ling Nan had made up a lot of things in his head here, and he gave him a warning look. Even if everyone knew about some things, they never mentioned them on the surface. Things can't let them know.

Even Yuhong and Zhao Yuxiang are busy in the kitchen. Of course, the married daughter will spend the New Year at her husband's house, but she will come back during the first day of junior high school. I came to visit on the first day of junior high school, and besides, it is not far away, so there is no need to follow some rules.

So now it is Gu Qianqian who is helping Lian Yuhong.

Gu Qianqian is 20 years old this year. Looking at her slim daughter, Lian Yuhong smiled and said, "Qiqian, you go to the Qin family's other courtyard tomorrow morning..."

While picking vegetables, Gu Qianqian asked puzzledly, "Mom, didn't my sister say that she and her brother-in-law brought Xiaobao and Xiaobei by car, what am I going to do?"

"It's inconvenient for your sister to take care of Xiaobao and Xiaobei by herself. You can help me with some things."

"My sister won't live here."

"I know she doesn't live here, but those two children also need a lot of things."

"With my brother-in-law here, if I go there, it's just a big light bulb."

"You child, I find that the older you get, the more disobedient you become."

Lian Yuhong immediately thought about it, and her daughter was right.

But he still smiled and scolded his daughter a few words.

Then he remembered something and asked again, "Qi Qian, is Luo Fan coming tomorrow?"

Gu Qianqian rolled her eyes helplessly, "My mother, I have told you several times that Luo Fan will come tomorrow too, so you must be in menopause now, right? Why is your memory so bad? ?”

Lian Yuhong stretched out her hand to pat her daughter, and scolded with a smile, "Stinky girl, how can you say that about your mother? His parents have also come back from abroad, who knows if Luo Fan will be allowed to visit on the first day of junior high school?"

Lian Yuhong was justified in worrying.

After all, it was already a week ago when Luo Fan came to give the New Year's gift, and his parents hadn't come back from abroad a week ago, they just came back yesterday.

(End of this chapter)

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