Divorce failed again

Chapter 1810 Unpredictable

Chapter 1810 Unpredictable

But even so, he felt that some things seemed to be completely different from what he imagined.

Because of this, if this matter is not resolved thoroughly, he will not return to the land of God with someone with wolfish ambitions.

All his thoughts and him seemed to be in the blink of an eye, Chu Chengfeng said in a deep voice, "There must always be a beginning and an end in doing things, even if there are many trivial things now, it will not affect future plans."

Sima Xiaowen smiled, a look of surprise flashed in her eyes, she always felt that Chu Chengfeng was becoming more and more unpredictable now.

It seems that every time I see him, there are some new changes.

And this kind of feeling made her feel a little uncomfortable, Sima Xiaowen said casually, "Oh, then you can do whatever you want, and pretend I didn't say..."

"Thank you for your reminder." Chu Chengfeng said seriously.

Sima Xiaowen raised the corners of her mouth, turned around, and left without looking back.

Chu Chengfeng stood in front of the desk in a daze, staring at the empty doorway, and slowly looked away.

Then, he turned around and saw Sima Xiaowen driving away without any surprise.

Just now he really wanted to ask if Sima Xiaowen planned to recover together.

But he couldn't ask this question.

Then it occurred to me that Liu Ling said that he was going to do something, and it had been three days since he left the imperial capital, and doubts flashed in his eyes. As far as he knew, the biggest thing for Liu Ling was the Qi family, but now that it has been resolved, she still Is there anything else?
After thinking about it, he picked up the mobile phone, hesitated for a moment, and then dialed Liu Ling.

I thought someone would answer the phone, but the call couldn't be made.

How is this going?

Chu Chengfeng frowned and thought for a while, the only explanation is that there is no mobile signal where Liu Ling is now.

He put down the phone, rubbed his forehead, and then called the courtyard.

Elder Sanye answered the phone.

"Mo Li, what's the matter?"

Elder Sanye was obviously in a good mood and asked him gently.

"I can't get in touch with Liu Ling now. She visited your place before she left. Did she say anything?"

Elder Sanye hesitated for a moment, then said, "I didn't say anything, why, did you two quarrel?"

"No, I'm just asking. I called her just now. Maybe there is no signal where she stays."

"Boy, I'm worried." Elder Sanye asked jokingly.

Chu Chengfeng smiled noncommittally, and changed the subject, "You guys have been working hard for the past few days, and it will be fine when the people from the Feng family come back."

"For sure, after they come back, our two clans will be united, and our strength will grow stronger. By the way, Elder Sima has brought Hongfeng back."

"It's not easy to get the red phoenix back after losing it, so you have worked hard to put it in a safe place."

Elder Sanye shook his head, and told the truth, "We old guys just put it in a secret place for guarding, and the real hero is that girl Xiaowen, without her, I wouldn't be able to get this fetish back." .”

Chu Chengfeng softened his voice, "...I will reward her when I return to the land of God."

"This is the best. No matter what, you have grown up together. After so many years, there have been ups and downs, but we can't turn against each other. Our clansmen are getting less and less now. It depends on you young people. Now, if you are still so awkward, we old people will not be able to close our eyes on the day when we cannot be nirvana."

Although they belong to the Phoenix family, their number of nirvana is limited.

Immortality is but a legend.

They just live longer than others.

But there will be a day of death.

Chu Chengfeng was silent for a moment, and then said in a deep voice, "Elder, I've written down what you said. Well, I have something to do. You can call me if you have anything to do."

Elder Sanye nodded at the other end, and Chu Chengfeng said some other things before putting down the phone.

I couldn't help thinking, what did Liu Ling do?

At this time, Liu Ling was already sitting in the car bound for the imperial capital.

Recently, she has become more and more irritable, feeling that everything is not right, and what she does is not going well, and the most important point is that Li Li has really changed.

The momentum of the body has changed a lot.

In this way, she sometimes feels strange, and even a little in awe.

But Liu Ling didn't like this feeling.

As for how Li Li treats others, it has nothing to do with Liu Ling, but as far as she is concerned, she shouldn't feel this way.

But she felt so.

This is a very contradictory place.

Then the only proof is that Li Li gradually alienated her from the bottom of his heart.

If it was her in the past, she might do a lot of things, but now, as long as she is still living and walking in this city, she must first consider whether what she does will break the law and whether she will be put in prison. All things must be considered.

Even though she is a member of the Taoist sect, she is not the top one. For Gu Yuan, she dare not even have the idea of ​​checking, after all, there are two great gods sitting there.

The same is true for the Qin family's other courtyard.

Liu Ling also thought about using other relatives of Gu Qiaoqiao's family to achieve her goals.

But if you do that, it will take a long time, and the results you get may not be as good as you want.

Maybe it will not be worth the candle.

After all, she has been in their circle for too short a time, and those friends who have made good friends with Gu Qiaoqiao and Qin Yize have criticized her. For example, during the party on the first day of junior high school, An Xiaotong He and Du Tian didn't go either, although they both had good excuses and reasons, but the fact is definitely not like that.

If Sima Xiaowen was still by Chu Chengfeng's side at that time, could Gu Qiaoqiao not go?

She will definitely go!

Not only would she go, but Qin Yize had to go with her, they would still be the same as before, and when Gu Qiaoqiao went, An Xiaotong would definitely go too, even if they brought their children with them.

It's not like they haven't done something like this before.

But just because the person around Chu Chengfeng was replaced by her, many things have changed.

There are a few girls who are particularly jealous of Gu Qiaoqiao and the others, so they show great kindness to her, but so what, they have no ability, they are ordinary, in terms of background and family background, they have nothing to do with the Gu family and the Qin family. There is no comparison, what is the use of her using them?

So she didn't bother to talk to them.

And the beef noodle restaurant that made Liu Ling worry about it, because of this beef noodle restaurant, Chu Chengfeng and Sima Xiaowen often had some contacts, and they often held meetings and tours together, and even went to gatherings of entrepreneurs of the same type.

(End of this chapter)

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