Divorce failed again

Chapter 1932 Frozen

Chapter 1932 Frozen (1)

A total of seven people were dragged down from these two small trains. They didn't respond when they were dragged down. Even if the sharp stones rubbed their backs, they were dragged like that by those people. A little resistance, obviously dying.

Being so far away, Gu Qiaoqiao couldn't judge what was going on.

Then I saw those guards who randomly threw these people into a big pit in the forest.

Then there were two guards carrying a bucket of things.

This time, Qin Yize didn't need to say it. Gu Qiaoqiao knew that it must be gasoline. They wanted to burn these people to death. You must know that these people are still alive, but it is obvious that they can no longer work for them. , so they are going to deal with these people.

It's like a hell in here.

It was only when Gu Qiaoqiao looked up that the breath above here was blood red with black, it must be formed by the condensed souls.

Qin Yize knew that it was impossible for Gu Qiaoqiao to watch these people being burned alive. In fact, if it was him, he might let these people sacrifice and let more people survive. Only in this way would he have a chance of winning , because everything is exposed now.

After all, it was seven people.

However, Qiao Qiao has a lot of cards in his hand, so using the Frost Arrow Talisman should be able to delay it.

Whispering with Gu Qiaoqiao, Gu Qiaoqiao began to draw talismans in the air, and one after another ice arrow talismans burst out of the air, hitting these people accurately.

Of course, the reaction was the same as those of those who used blood to destroy the enchantment.

But their physical fitness is obviously much better, but Gu Qiaoqiao's Frostbolt Talisman this time is much more domineering.

They can be frozen quickly.

Only such behavior will not be suspected by everyone.

Because they didn't see anyone making a move, it was just a sudden cloud of cold air that made their bodies freeze.

Sure enough, the Frost Arrow Talisman played a big role, and the movements of these people became more and more sluggish, like puppets. Although they were far away, they could feel the suspicious and disturbed eyes between these people.

It stands to reason that such eyes should not appear on them.

These so-called guards are actually similar to killers. They have a lot of lives under their hands, and they have a fierce look on them. In their eyes, the miners who are like slaves are not their opponents.

And it looks like an iron bucket here.

Outsiders can't get in, and people inside can't get out.

Also because these guards have a high force value.

Therefore, they can be said to be confident.

But no matter how powerful you are, you must have an opponent.

The situation in front of him was that there was no opponent at all, and the surroundings were surrounded by clusters of cold air, as if the sky had changed all of a sudden, making people feel as if they had gone directly from autumn to the cold and windy winter.

But there was no wind, no cloud, no rain, not even heavy snow.

But it was so cold that he couldn't help but huddled into a ball. This kind of cold is irresistible.

The weapons in his hands were so cold that they fell to the ground one after another because of the stiff fingers.

Qin Yize and Gu Qiaoqiao looked at each other, but now is still not the best time to go out.

The few people in the pit, there is no way to rescue them now, but they can delay time.

Judging from the current situation, the time cannot be delayed for too long.

Qin Yize turned his head and said to Gu Qiaoqiao in a low voice, "I'll go to the mine to have a look, you and the sika deer will stay here honestly."

The place where they were staying at this time was behind a bush.

Although the bushes have tight canopy and huge stature, they can't completely cover up the aura of the three people, but they have enchantment charms and invisibility charms, so this place is safe, as long as the sika deer doesn't run to the village desperately, it will be fine .

After all, these people are seen on the surface, secretly staying in the house, and there are many more.

"Don't worry about the sika deer, I can communicate with it now, but it's too dangerous for you to go into the mine alone."

"It doesn't matter, I have the invisibility talisman you gave me. Besides, I went in to check the situation. If these people blow up the mine when they are extremely vicious, none of the miners inside will be able to get out."

Gu Qiaoqiao frowned, yes, this is the scariest thing, since this place can exist, there must be many forces protecting it, what if the news leaks out and all these miners are killed?
In fact, it was the first time Gu Qiaoqiao encountered such a thing, with a serious expression, Qin Yize reached out and rubbed his daughter-in-law's hair and said in a low voice, "This matter has to be resolved, or it will become your heart disease."

"Aze, I promise, we will go home immediately after this matter is over." Gu Qiaoqiao felt a little guilty.

Actually, it's really not their responsibility.

It was the trouble she brought on her own initiative.

Qin Yize smiled, then turned around and quickly disappeared into the slope.

He has the invisibility talisman that Gu Qiaoqiao gave him, and his own strength is really high. If anything happens, Qin Yize still has the ability to protect himself.

But there was nothing to worry about.

Gu Qiaoqiao thought, she can't just sit here and wait.

It was getting dark, and the abnormal behavior of these people beside the pit also attracted the attention of others. She subconsciously told the sika deer not to follow them anymore, and to go to the forest for one night and come back tomorrow.

The sika deer didn't want to leave, but it wasn't a tiger or a wolf, so it was useless here, so it had no choice but to nod in agreement, and then disappeared into the depths of the dense forest step by step.

Gu Qiaoqiao took a deep breath and then exhaled again.

She stood up from behind the bushes and looked up at the dim sky. At this time, the sun had already set on the other side of the mountain, but the sky was still pale, and she could see doctors and nurses in white coats quickly moving towards several They went alone, and there were people carrying stretchers. Obviously they were too cold to walk.

Gu Qiaoqiao clenched her hands, and then walked towards the village without hesitation.

There were almost 80 to [-] people patrolling outside.

While walking, Gu Qiaoqiao drew countless Frost Arrow Talismans in the air, which could almost surround the place. These Frost Arrow Talismans suddenly melted into balls of cold air.

But this time Gu Qiaoqiao was not as domineering as before. Instead, there were big and small, light and heavy. In this case, these people have different degrees.

So all of a sudden there was panic here.

In this world, the invisible enemy is the most terrifying.

In their eyes, even if the army is coming, they have the most advanced weapons in their hands, so they will fight hard.

Now their enemy is the cold air, and it appeared out of nowhere, and they couldn't find it.

The advanced equipment was activated to check for abnormalities in the village. Unfortunately, such things did not work for Gu Qiaoqiao. It can be said that Gu Qiaoqiao froze the entire village.

(End of this chapter)

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