Chapter 1934
However, Gu Qiaoqiao also had her own plans for the gold.

Forget about the other miners, for those miners who died because of the enchantment, she will quietly give some compensation to their families, but this matter is relatively difficult to operate, so we can only wait and see.

But fortunately, Qin Yize came back safely. Looking at Qiao Qiao's expression, Qin Yize pinched his wife's face and said displeasedly, "You really underestimated me."

Gu Qiaoqiao laughed embarrassedly.

At this time, a group of heavily armed vehicles and people also drove in.

Those who were slightly relieved by the Frostbolt Talisman were taken away, and the miners were rescued. This incident was big news and made headlines in the newspapers. Of course, this was a few days later.

This time, I really did a good deed without leaving a name.

No one knew what the two of them had done, including Su Ye's parents.

They were finally reunited with their daughter.

And Gu Qiaoqiao and Qin Yize are also planning to leave here with Qin Xuan and his wife.

It's just that there are still some things to do before leaving. The first thing is that Qin Yize has entrusted a friend to investigate the information of the three miners who died at the entrance of the gold mine barrier.

Where did these miners come from? These bosses also have an account in their hands, but this is not public, but after it was taken over here, these things were taken away by the relevant departments, and his friends also made a big circle Only then did I get the detailed addresses of these three people.

Two are Asian and the other is from another country.

There are countless bright roads in this world, and there are also many narrow paths. It is impossible for Gu Qiaoqiao and Qin Yize to come forward for this matter, but Qin Yize's friends can do it.

As for how to compensate and how much to give, Gu Qiaoqiao has no experience in this area, and Qin Yize and his friends often deal with such things, so Qin Yize doesn't let Gu Qiaoqiao worry about it anymore.

Gu Qiaoqiao sometimes thinks about simple things, for example, the gold nuggets in her space cannot be taken out for the time being.

At the very least, her gold nuggets cannot be known by those who have broken the barrier.

Otherwise, there will be endless troubles.

After Gu Qiaoqiao figured it out, she didn't care about it.

The plane ticket has already been booked, and we will depart in two days.

She also missed her two children at this time.

Being a mother is different. Wherever you go before, you don't care as much as you do now.

The little uncle still didn't come back, and Gu Qiaoqiao couldn't feel anything unusual from being too far away, but for some reason, there was always some uneasiness in her heart.

Her intuition told her that her unease was aimed at Gu Junbai alone.

But how the uneasiness came from, Gu Qiaoqiao couldn't explain clearly.

Early in the morning, Qin Sisi and his wife took Qin Xuan to go shopping.

Qin Yize followed his friend to deal with the three miners.

This time Luo Lao will come back with them, but Luo Fan will stay here for a while, so Gu Qiaoqiao can feel relieved, besides, Qin Sisi and the others are here.

Almost all of them are family members.

As for how Mr. Luo would deal with Luo Ye's two confused parents, Gu Qiaoqiao didn't know either.

At this time, Gu Qianqian was at school, and she was going to visit her. It had been almost half a month since she came here, and she spent too little time with her sister.

Gu Qianqian's school is located in the west of the city center.

The environment here is very elegant, and the teaching buildings are designed like an ancient castle, which is said to have a history of more than a hundred years.

On the huge lawn, there are many people reading books in the shade of the trees. There are many people coming and going. It should be after class, so it is very lively.

But at first glance, the students here belonged to that type of bully.

They found Gu Qianqian very smoothly. The two sisters hugged each other and went to the tree-lined road next to the teaching building.

Gu Qiaoqiao listened to Gu Qianxi talking about the school affairs, while observing her sister calmly.

The little girl has grown up and is a little taller than her.

The eyes of the two of them are very similar, and they are sisters at first glance.

Gu Qianqian's time here is still short, but there are also a few classmates she knows, who greet each other with a smile, and then pass by, and some people look at Gu Qiaoqiao curiously.

After all, today's Gu Qiaoqiao is the most conspicuous one, both in temperament and appearance.

Even though she had deliberately suppressed her aura, some things involuntarily radiated out.

Gu Qianxi took Gu Qiaoqiao's arm and smiled, "Sister, why don't you stay here with me, and we go to school together."

"I'm thinking, what about your brother-in-law and your two nephews?"

"Hehe, I'm just talking casually, of course it's impossible, but sister, come and see me if you have time."

"If I have time, I will definitely come to see you, but Luo Fan will be here with you this year."

"Yeah, it just so happens that he wants to plan the company here."

"His parents didn't trouble you, did they?"

"No, I haven't seen the two of them until now. I don't know where they went, and it's hard for me to ask." Gu Qianqian wrinkled her nose.

"By the way, sister, Sister Su Ye's parents are back."

This Gu Qiaoqiao already knew on the phone, but they didn't meet each other.

It is said that when the two saw Su Ye, they thought it was the next life.

Gu Qiaoqiao didn't know at the time that there were also female miners here, and they had to follow her to work, but most of them still cooked for these miners.

Of course, it’s similar to pig food, the worst food, and everything is the worst, but you can still eat enough. After all, apart from getting sick and throwing it out, it will be a loss if you starve to death.

So many of the cooks are family members of the miners, and they live in a cave outside the mine tunnel.

Qin Yize knew, but there were more than 100 family members of the miner, and it was impossible for him to ask who Su Ye's mother was, so he left without telling Gu Qiaoqiao.

It can be said that Su Yue's parents are lucky.

Although the body is not good, they can continue to live after being raised, while the others who died are not so lucky.

"...Well, I heard from your brother-in-law that Grandpa Luo arranged for the two of them to live in the same ward where Brother Luo Ye used to live."

"The two of them are unfortunate, but it can also be said to be lucky. Sister, you don't even know that Su Ye's father bought some stocks before. Although the money is gone, the stocks are left, and now the stocks have doubled dozens of times." , and his house was also taken back..."

Gu Qianqian continued, "I heard that they will be compensated, so they don't have to worry about the rest of their lives."

"Su Ye is also bittersweet."

Gu Qianqian continued to sigh.

Gu Qiaoqiao nodded in agreement. These two people have suffered a lot over the years, and their house and property have been taken away by others, but they never thought that the stocks they could not take away became their biggest capital.

(End of this chapter)

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