Chapter 1937

In short, the degree of freedom is extremely high, it is half black and half white, and it will be hit every once in a while, but it is still in full swing when you change places.

Almost like the black market.

Gu Qiaoqiao has an unparalleled ability to appreciate treasures. Qin Yize is tall and has a scary aura. Even if he knows that these two people are big fat sheep, no one dares to have bad intentions. Besides, the person in charge here will not let such a thing happen It doesn't matter whether things are robbed or not, but it is safe in the trading market, so many people in this so-called free market seem to be very prosperous.

The location is also very secret, you have to go through a forest to get there.

It's like a small town.

Things from all over the world can be seen here. Naturally, Gu Qiaoqiao has harvested a large number of treasures, which are not particularly conspicuous, but many of them are valuable for collection, and some of them were also secretly sold from China, like this one. Gu Qiaoqiao and Qin Yize paid for the ones with historical research value, and this time, because there is space, it saves a lot of trouble, just take them back.

The cultural relics that I brought back with my little uncle last time took a lot of effort to finally get out of the customs, and they were taken away immediately after getting off the car.

But it took a lot of twists and turns. This time it was much simpler. Two people carried big bags and put the things they bought in it. in space.

Of course, it is also very secretive, even if someone follows them, they will not find the abnormality here, and even if they find the abnormality, he will not be able to figure it out if he breaks his head. That beautiful oriental girl has a portable space. Things that don't exist in the world, even science fiction movies, haven't been made yet.

So the two of them returned home with a full load.

Qin Yize is well-dressed, but at this moment he looks like a backpacker, with two bags in his left and right hands and a backpack on his back, which looks very funny, but Gu Qiaoqiao is only carrying a small leather bag, and like this The two only walked halfway through the shopping, and then the two looked at each other, then went to the place where they parked, put these things in the car and locked the door to continue shopping.

The two of them walked towards the east market, because they had just come from the west, and after they left for more than ten minutes, the few people who had been hiding in the dark quietly went towards the car where they put their things just now.

I didn't expect these two people to be so courageous and innocent. They are novices at first glance. How can they buy things like this? They don't go to the supermarket. Although the things here are priceless, they can be bought for a few dollars. Yes, but such a lot of things are worth a lot of money.

This is obviously for them.

They didn't hurt anyone, and they didn't want to take all of them. They stole a few of them and it was enough for them to live.

After all, there are guards here, and petty theft can never be eradicated, just don't go too far, the guards nearby will turn a blind eye.

Several people walked towards Qin Yize's car following the route they had already chosen in advance.

The cars are all placed in a unified place, which is an open-air carport.

Unfortunately, they turned around and couldn't find it.

They looked at each other in blank dismay.

No, the car was clearly here just now, how could it suddenly disappear?
It was a black car, what brand it was, and the license plate number, they all remembered it clearly.

After all, I have stepped on it a long time ago, but I can't find that car after searching all over the place. It's really evil.

They only looked at this car, and they didn't know who the owner of the other cars was, and they didn't dare to move them. If they got into stubble, their lives would be lost, so they turned around here again, but they still couldn't find it. Had to leave angrily.

Of course they didn't know that Gu Qiaoqiao's car had an invisibility talisman, so they couldn't see it.

The things here are not big, but small, easy to keep and take away.

Some stall owners do not accept coins, and the rule is to barter.

So the gold nuggets in Gu Qiaoqiao's space also changed a lot.

Among them are two very precious pieces of wood, which are extinct gloomy woods, also called ebony, and ebony has been regarded as a thing to ward off evil spirits in all dynasties.

Handicraft amulets made of gloomy wood can be said to be hard to find.

As the old saying goes, half a square of ebony in a home is better than a box of treasures...

It refers to the wood in front of you.

And the material that forms the gloomy wood is golden nanmu, which is even more precious.

After some bargaining, 20 fist-sized gold nuggets were brought out, and Gu Qiaoqiao took the two pieces of wood away.

Others can't see it, and the stall owner certainly can't see it, otherwise he wouldn't exchange the wood filled with white aura for gold.

But it doesn't matter who takes advantage of it or not. After all, even if Gu Qiaoqiao doesn't exchange it with gold, others will exchange it with him for other things. He puts things here to sell them.

And even if Gu Qiaoqiao told him that there was spiritual energy on the wood, the other party didn't understand what spiritual energy was, so it was useless to talk about it.

With peace of mind, Gu Qiaoqiao put the two pieces of wood in the big leather bag that Qin Yize was carrying.

This wood is very useful. Carved into bracelets or ornaments, it not only emits aura but also absorbs aura automatically.

She went back tonight and carved out a few wooden beads and put them together with the Buddha of Peace, which can form a natural formation, which not only keeps people away from filth, but also makes the Buddha of Peace more than ten times more effective.

She didn't have time to carve too many bracelets, and a wooden bead for each of her sister and aunt was just right.

Gu Qiaoqiao's face was calm, but her heart was full of joy, and she followed Qin Yize briskly to the stall in front, and the stall owner's eyes were shining brightly, the composition of this gold is so good, yellow orange, Now when the price of gold is at its highest, for these two big fools, one gold nugget weighs almost two catties, and these twenty weigh more than 40 catties.That is more than 2 grams, and he can buy a small farm with more than 2 grams of gold.

So this fool who Gu Qiaoqiao thought was blind to gold and jade, was so happy that he almost danced.

You must know that his two pieces of wood have been placed here for more than two months. They are only seen by people but no one buys them. Now they can be regarded as a shot. At the same time, he is also curious about how these two handsome orientals have good quality in their hands. How about such a nice big nugget?

Of course, he would not inquire about it stupidly, nor would he tell others, just like he would never tell others how he got these two pieces of wood.

Qin Yize saw that the stall owner and Gu Qiaoqiao were happy with each other, slandering each other for being a fool, shook his head amusedly, and then continued shopping with his wife.

(End of this chapter)

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