Divorce failed again

Chapter 1942 Mr. Qin, Mrs. Qin

Chapter 1942 Mr. Qin, Mrs. Qin (3)

In the past, she would never have thought that an evening dress on her body would be worth millions, and a pair of shoes with [-] diamonds on them.

Her pair of high heels are inlaid with 99 small diamonds.

She is very happy.

Qin Yize's handsome brows were full of smiles, completely different from him in the banquet hall just now, all his tenderness was given to Gu Qiaoqiao.

The woman he loves most in this life.

"Jojo, I will make you happier and happier."

After today, his net worth has been calculated in billions.

Under many blockades, he finally led the Qin Group to break out a path of his own and created a myth.

Although there are still many voices of doubt, the snowflake-like orders are enough to show that he will seize 80% of the world's market.

Domestic consumption should not be underestimated either.

So different from the previous ones, he will be very busy in the future, but he tries not to affect his life because of this busyness.

Then Qin Yize's deep and magnetic voice sounded leisurely, "Qiao Qiao, many people called you Mrs. Qin today, I really like to hear it."

That feeling is simply indescribable.

Gu Qiaoqiao smiled. She and Qin Yize have attended many banquets, but no one really calls her Mrs. Qin, which is a term that has just become popular recently.

She said coquettishly, "Then what do I call you? Mr. Qin?"

"En." Qin Yize nodded slightly.

Seemingly feeling dissatisfied, he whispered again.

"Mrs. Qin."

"Mr. Qin."

After a brief silence, the two could not help but smile at each other.

Qin Yize lowered his head slightly, his wife's image was reflected in his star-like eyes, he reached out to fish, hugged his Mrs. Qin in his arms, and pressed the switch on the wall casually.

At night, the gentle mist permeates.

The stars in the sky are shining brightly and magnificently.

At night like this, although the air is bitter, it is peaceful and peaceful.


All in all.

These four words were fully displayed on Gu Qiaoqiao. Gu Qiaoqiao found that if she worked hard, she would even be afraid of herself.

After combining the enchantment talisman and the ice arrow talisman, within a week, Gu Qiaoqiao combined the two talismans of subjugating demons and eliminating demons.

In this world, she has never seen a demon or a demon, and she has never used these two spells, but she still combined the two because she wanted to try the combination of these two spells. Will being together have any effect on Chu Lan?

After all, Gu Qiaoqiao's spells are all formed by the condensation of spiritual energy. Unlike in the past, some Taoist priests needed to use cinnabar and yellow paper to draw spells. Gu Qiaoqiao just drew his fingers in the void, and the spells could penetrate the opponent's body Here, without anyone noticing.

This newly researched spell, Gu Qiaoqiao thought about it, and named it "Exorcism Talisman".

All evil in the world is composed of hostility. She can induce hostility, but naturally she must eliminate hostility.

I don't know why, after mastering this spell proficiently, Gu Qiaoqiao has a lot more things in her mind, it seems that the dusty memory has been opened for a long time, it is an indescribable feeling, such as in her mind There are just a few more spells, one of which is called the Light Spirit Sword. This Light Spirit Sword is drawn with spells, but when you hold it in your hand, it looks like a real sword, but it is actually composed of spiritual energy. of.

This sword is similar to the one Yun Duo took out back then.

Although I don't know if it will be useful in the future, it is better than nothing, and the most important thing is that Gu Qiaoqiao finally knows that the sky-reaching spell is actually nine layers.

She has only just reached the first level now.

Rather than the three floors as my uncle said.

In fact, the first level is more difficult than the first level. According to their talents, it is already very remarkable to be able to practice the second level.

But if you can practice to the ninth floor, it is said that you can almost jump out of the three realms, which is like a myth to Gu Qiaoqiao.

She didn't take it to heart, but she was going to work hard to cultivate the Tongtian Talisman to the second level. She originally thought that she would stop at the first level in this life.

Because Gu Qiaoqiao tried a few times, but she couldn't open the space connected with Chang Qing, because the time, place and people are needed to open the Tongtian spell, and it can't be formed simply by drawing a spell.

That time in the sacred land of the Phoenix Clan, it was because there were two secret treasures of the Phoenix Clan, and the place where she was standing happened to be the place where spiritual energy gathered, so by chance, such a space opened up, and then the trapped Chu Chengfeng and Xiaowen who were in the space were rescued, but such an example is not easy to replicate, and it is too difficult to find another place full of aura like the Phoenix Clan.

And even if she has a good relationship with Sima Xiaowen, she can't have the cheek to take the treasure of the Phoenix Clan in her hands.

So Gu Qiaoqiao tried a few times, and although it was successful, it was only for a few seconds.

Moreover, Gu Qiaoqiao was not ready to face Chang Qing who was trapped in time and space.

After listening to Yun Duo's description and what she saw, Chang Qing changed. Chang Qing, who used to smile like a warm spring sun, had a much more gloomy face.

His brows seemed to be frowning all the time, and there was something on his mind that couldn't be resolved.

She could not deny that Chang Qing's concern was hers, but what could she do?She really only regarded Chang Qing as her own younger brother. If she had feelings for Chang Qing back then, she would not have come to the imperial capital with Qin Yize.

What can she give back to him now, especially now that Chang Qing is so obsessed with it.

I have to think of a safe way to solve this matter, so although I can't practice the Heaven-reaching Talisman to the ninth floor, but if I practice it to the fifth floor, I can really open up the space at will without any external power.

Of course, it is a fantasy to practice to the fifth floor, but Gu Qiaoqiao wants to try.

For herself, for her family, and for Chang Qing.

Gu Qiaoqiao has gradually handed over the school's courses to her assistant, who is also her student. She is very smart, but she has to wait for a while to teach independently. Fortunately, she can go once a month. I will go to Gu's jewelry company for a while.

Gu Muran is very capable, and the company is thriving under his operation.

In fact, Gu Qiaoqiao also wanted to live in peace and take care of her two babies every day after get off work, just like a normal family, but reality didn't allow it.

There was no news from her little uncle, and the uneasiness in her heart was gradually expanding. She always felt that something happened to her little uncle, and Ling Nan didn't send any news back. The two were together. If something happened, it must be the two Individuals are inevitable.

(End of this chapter)

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