Divorce failed again

Chapter 1944 The Child Is Lost

Chapter 1944 The Child Is Lost
After hesitating for a moment, Gu Qiaoqiao nodded, stretched out her arms and hugged her husband's thin waist, and assured her softly, "Don't worry, I'm also a selfish mother, and I will always put my children first of."

It's just that Qin Yize and Gu Qiaoqiao never expected that the ninth child who suddenly disappeared turned out to be Dongdong.

He is Qin Yishan's son, and also Xiaobao and Xiaobei's first cousin.

Eight months older than Xiaobao and the others.

Speaking of which, since Qin's Group released the Chenxing brand mobile phone conference in October, the wealth of Qin's Group has skyrocketed since then. Those who rely on Qin's Group for dividends have also risen at the same time, and they also have Qin's Group's Shares, for Uncle Qin, this is something he never dreamed of.

He thought that the Qin Group would be able to achieve glory under his leadership, and he had set a goal for this, but he never thought that comparing his so-called goal with Qin Yize's actions, it would be nothing compared to what Qin Yize did. Don't.

In the early 90s, because of the advent of the Chenxing mobile phone, as one of the shareholders of the Qin Group, his net worth was already tens of millions.

Not to mention that it will continue to rise in the future.

And what the Qin Group has researched is really good, so this time Uncle Qin is completely honest, and after being imprisoned by Qin Yize for a while, after feeling the despair and terror, he never dared to He was thinking of something else, and he also regretted it a little bit. Fortunately, he didn't leak it out at the beginning. If it was leaked out, not only would the Qin Group have nothing, but it would become a joke for others.

So Uncle Qin, who knew he was not capable enough, honestly brought up his grandson at home.

Of course they knew about the loss of a child in the imperial capital recently, and of course they would take it to heart, because Dongdong happened to be a little over two years old, but who would have thought that the child would disappear in his hands.

It was already past eight o'clock in the evening.

Uncle Qin, who had been searching for three hours inside and outside the villa, as well as in front of and behind the house in the villa community, brought Aunt Qin to the Qin family's other courtyard crying.

Before that, Gu Qiaoqiao didn't know about it, but Qin Yishan's second uncle's phone call was made to Qin Yishan at that time. Qin Yishan knew about it, and naturally Qin Yize also knew about it, and then the child's mother.

Qin Yishan's wife is named Liu Qiqi.

She has always been a bit arrogant and doesn't have much contact with her family, but she has a special job, especially in the past year, she often travels on business and around the world, so the child is basically handed over to Second Aunt Qin.

However, she was at home recently, and when she was about to get off work, she received a call from Uncle Qin, and she almost passed out at that time.

The forces of the Qin family and the Liu family were all mobilized almost at the same time, but they were similar to the eight children who disappeared before. No one saw how this child disappeared, and no one paid attention to it, but at that time Qin Er Uncle's hand is tightly holding the grandson's.

Although it's early winter, the child can't always be locked up in the house, he has to go out to get some fresh air. For this sensitive time point, Qin Yishan also reminded him to wake up countless times.

They actually went out at three o'clock. After holding the baby for a while, Uncle Qin forgot about it. After all, not everyone has a sense of crisis all the time, and not everyone Those who are in a state of tension, old friends who pass by, old partners who walk the bird, and those who laugh and talk along the way are no different from the past, and naturally forget about the missing child.

Later, Dongdong wanted to go down to the field by himself, so he put the child down.

When he was about to reach the house, two dogs ran from a distance. Uncle Qin wanted to pick up the child, but he didn't expect the child to disappear the next moment.

However, what is frightening is that there is nothing else around except for the two running dogs.

Naturally, not even a single witness could be found.

In the past, the child disappeared when there were many people. In this case, it would not be so weird, but Uncle Qin took the child at the gate of his villa, and it was indeed only the two of them.

When the last child was lost, there were quite a lot of people coming and going in the alley at the gate of their community. Although I can’t give accurate testimony, but there are so many people talking that I can’t explain it clearly. No one will stare at other children for nothing. So it is also possible to take the child away while there are many people. After all, isn't that what many human traffickers do.

But Second Uncle Qin was a bit wicked this time.

So Second Uncle Qin was shocked, scared and desperate. He seemed to be more than ten years old all of a sudden. Even Second Aunt Qin, who had always been arrogant to look at people with her forehead, was sitting on the sofa sluggishly and kept wiping herself. tears.

Dongdong was brought up by them since they were young, like a darling, and now it suddenly disappears, how can they bear it.

Especially seeing Xiaobao and Xiaobei who often play with Dongdong, it is even more uncomfortable.

Fortunately, Second Aunt Qin finally said something human, and when she took Gu Qiaoqiao's teacup, she said in a hoarse voice, "Qiao Qiao, it's not that Second Aunt's mouth is broken, you have to take good care of the two children. It's really terrible, the child just disappeared under the nose, I, I... my eldest grandson, where are you? Grandma doesn't want to live anymore..."

As he spoke, he was about to cry.

Although Uncle Qin was the victim, he was also talked about by the people above, so don't talk nonsense until the truth of the matter is found out.

Because it is very easy to cause some forces to stir up trouble, and it will also cause panic among the people. Once the panic spreads, the consequences will be disastrous.

Second Uncle Qin felt uncomfortable but he also knew this truth, besides, what can he do even if he tells the whole world now, the child is gone if it is gone, the most important thing now is to find the child.

He is waiting here for brothers Qin Yize and Qin Yishan. They are searching all over the city and haven't come back yet.

He pushed Second Aunt Qin and scolded, "What is unworldly, don't talk nonsense about this in the future..."

Second Aunt Qin had already quarreled with Uncle Qin in normal times, but today she was so energetic, she wiped away her tears, and her throat was really thirsty. After taking a sip of tea, she felt her cold limbs warming up little by little. , It seems that the mood has calmed down a lot.

She looked at the water in the teacup in surprise, then looked at Gu Qiaoqiao, and drank the whole glass of water by accident. Seeing that Second Aunt Qin drank all the water, Second Uncle Qin also felt very thirsty, and also A cup of tea to drink clean.

I also feel much better after drinking it.

Even so, how could they be in the mood to tell where the tea leaves were and where the tea water was. In fact, they didn't know that now after Gu Qiaoqiao boiled the water, he would pour a drop of water from the Lingquan into it.

(End of this chapter)

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