Divorce failed again

Chapter 1952 Basement

Chapter 1952 Basement

Qin Yize's car was driving fast, running red lights one after another, and before starting the car, he had already called Nie Luan, asking him to send someone to the Xijiao Chemical Factory immediately.

In order to avoid unnecessary sacrifice and trouble, there is no need to notify the police station for the time being.

Qin Yize drove the car fast, and the two of them were extremely anxious.

It took more than ten minutes to drive there, but it felt like a year was so long.

In order not to startle the snake, Qin Yize parked the car in a remote corner, and got out of the car with Gu Qiaoqiao.

The moment the car was parked, Gu Qiaoqiao casually drew three invisibility symbols on the car, Qin Yize and himself entered it respectively, and then the car and the two figures disappeared into the air.

The gate of the abandoned chemical factory was tightly locked, surrounded by two-meter-high sharp iron fences. Chu Lan was a human being, and if she wanted to get in with her car, there must be a way, but it was obviously not at the gate.

Because this is an abandoned chemical plant after all, the locks and iron chains are already rusted, and it looks like it has not been opened for more than a year, and the rust is stained on it, so the passage must not be here.

Gu Qiaoqiao looked around, and it was also clean here, without a single spirit body, and there were no animals here or there.

However, Gu Qiaoqiao saw that the breath in one place was abnormal, so he walked towards it quickly. There was still an iron fence in front of him, but Gu Qiaoqiao found that this iron fence was different from other places. a door.

Qin Yize also noticed the abnormality, stretched out his hand and pushed lightly, the door opened a crack, the two quickly got in, and then closed the door lightly, it turned out that they opened the door from here, usually It is the fence when it is open, and it is the gate when the car needs to go in and out.

It's just that I didn't expect how Chu Lan would become what she is today.

She obviously shouldn't be involved in this kind of world, after all, she is an ordinary person, this world is something she can't bear, and she doesn't know what deal she made with that black hostility.

Gu Qiaoqiao couldn't help turning her head to look at the handsome man beside her. She curled her lips, maybe the condition was the man beside her.

If it was Gu Qiaoqiao who had just been reborn, she would definitely vent her anger and stay away from Qin Yize to keep her safe, but now her thoughts are completely different.

Her Aze has nothing wrong with him, he is good-looking and outstanding, so is it his fault?
Everything he did today was the result of his own hard work. On the contrary, some people clearly knew that her A Ze already had a wife and son, but they shamelessly posted it, wishing to replace it immediately.

In their hearts, they probably feel that the best men in the world can only belong to them, which is really shameless and shameless.

Just like that Lin Qinghuan, Aze who dared to turn into a spirit body to spy on her when everyone was dead, this time she will definitely make her disappear.

Gu Qiaoqiao clenched her fingers viciously.

The next moment, they were held by Qin Yize's big hand. The two of them looked at each other. There were some things that could only be understood but could not be expressed in words. They understood each other's thoughts in an instant. Even if they could be regarded as old couples, but in such a dangerous The moment is like a tacit understanding.

After a few breaths, the two smiled faintly, and Qin Yize pulled Gu Qiaoqiao familiarly, and walked quickly towards the small door on the side of the abandoned factory.

He came here to deal with that accident, and participated in the whole process. Of course, he knows the terrain and structure here, and knows that there is indeed a basement here. Some chemical raw materials were stored in the past, and he also knows that there is another entrance to the basement.

When they passed by an abandoned carport, they saw Chu Lan's car inside.

The abandoned factory was pitch-black, and no one knew what secrets it contained.

Another entrance to the basement is next to the garage. It is very secret. It should be said to be similar to an escape route when it was designed, but it is rarely used.

So the door seems to be rusted to death.

The door was locked with a big lock. Gu Qiaoqiao set up enchantment symbols around it, and then Qin Yize stretched out his hand and pulled the big lock off the door with force.

At this time, there was silence outside, Qin Yize said in a low voice, "Chu Lan's secret will not be known to many people, so even if she has helpers, there may not be many."

"Well, I think so too. If there is a helper, it should be Lin Qinghuan."

"That should also be a cooperative relationship. After we go in for a while, we will play by ear."

Gu Qiaoqiao nodded, then Qin Yize stretched out his hand and pushed hard, the door was half opened, and the two walked in in a flash.

It was naturally pitch black inside.

Then came the damp rust smell and inexplicable dull smell, which felt a bit suffocating.

Fortunately, not only did the two of them have the invisibility talisman, but also the enchantment talisman on their bodies, which naturally isolated these nasty smells.

Qin Yize has been here once, and he remembers the route clearly, besides, his and Gu Qiaoqiao's eyesight can still distinguish the outline of objects in the dark.

However, Gu Qiaoqiao stopped, stared at the dark place ahead, and suddenly drew a talisman in the air. After drawing the talisman, a ray of light hit Qin Yize's eyebrows, and drew a similar one for herself.

In this case, the scene in front of you will become clear all of a sudden.

It was also Gu Qiaoqiao who suddenly thought of it just now.

In this case, it would be much easier to walk, Qin Yize took Gu Qiaoqiao's hand, went down the steps and turned a few passages, and then stopped in front of a gate.

Ahead is the basement.

Gu Qiaoqiao listened carefully, and sure enough, she heard Chu Lan's voice.

It's just that she's not alone, there are several men's voices, the voices are intermittent, and they can't be heard clearly through the heavy iron gate.

Looking at the time, it is urgent.

Gu Qiaoqiao drew a talisman casually, and hit an enchantment talisman on the door, so that the sound of opening the door would not disturb the people inside, but now even if it was disturbed, she didn't care.

Qin Yize pushed open the door.

The light came through in an instant.

Then the two of them stepped back and entered the basement. Seeing the scene in front of them, Gu Qiaoqiao clenched her fists tightly and gritted her teeth.

She is a mother, seeing the situation in front of her, she can't wait to tear Chu Lan, who is standing in the center of the so-called formation, to pieces.

This is an empty basement.

Candles were burning all around.

Beside Chu Lan was a mass of black skull-shaped hostility, and on the other side was Lin Qinghuan.

Then there were two burly men in black clothes standing on both sides.

Although it was not a cold winter at this time, the temperature in the imperial capital at night was also very low, especially in this gloomy basement, but at this time the nine little boys were only wearing a strange-shaped thin white coat.

(End of this chapter)

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