Divorce failed again

Chapter 1955 The child is looking for a chapter

Chapter 1955 The Child Has Been Found
Besides, even if Gu Qiaoqiao and Qin Yize are at home now, I believe these people will suffer until dawn.

Because of the rush of time, how could the people from the police station get all the children's clothes from the inside to the outside at once in the middle of the night, so at this moment Dongdong is still wearing the dirty robe-like thin clothes.

But it was wrapped with Gu Qiaoqiao's coat, and what Gu Qiaoqiao was wearing was Qin Yize's.

Qin Yize naturally wouldn't let his daughter-in-law freeze.

The two drove the car into the garage. Mr. Qin, who was sleeping with his eyes closed, suddenly opened his eyes because he seemed to hear the sound of the car.

He was lying on the sofa, but now he sat up slowly, while Qin Yishan and Liu Qiqi were holding their mobile phones tightly in their hands, waiting for news to come.

Second Uncle Qin and Second Aunt Qin looked haggard, leaning on the sofa weakly, as if lifeless, as if the child could not be found, and the two of them would go with the child.

They were supposed to make a call, but there was no signal in the basement, and they had to go to the ground to make a call. The two of them found out when they got into the car. For some reason, their mobile phones were dead.

Gu Qiaoqiao analyzed that it should be caused by the fight between the two people in the basement, but whether it is the specific reason has not yet been confirmed, but Qin Yize feels that this matter is very important in his heart.

He has to make sure that even during the fight, the mobile phone on his body will not be affected, because at that time, if there is something that needs external rescue and cannot be contacted, wouldn't it be bad?
Although ordinary people would never encounter such a situation, he and Qiao Qiao were not ordinary people at all. Although he tried his best to pull his Qiao Qiao to go the other way, things backfired.

So it's better to accept it calmly.

And he is going to create a group of cellphones used by Taoists alone.

But this was just a small episode, Qin Yize opened the door, and Gu Qiaoqiao stood at the door of the living room with Dongdong in his arms.
Old Master Qin saw Dongdong in Gu Qiaoqiao's arms at a glance, the heart hanging in his throat finally let go, and the corners of his eyes were a little moist.

The second uncle, the second aunt, Qin Yishan and Liu Qiqi, of course saw it at a glance, but instead they stood there in a daze, thinking it was just a dream of their own, and blinked vigorously.

After blinking several times, they found that Gu Qiaoqiao was walking towards them with Dongdong in his arms. The four of them were pleasantly surprised and stood up at the same time. Perhaps they had imagined such a scene countless times in their hearts, but when When this scene suddenly appeared, I felt a little nervous and uneasy.

So the four of them froze in place and didn't even react. The old man Qin cursed secretly, he was really useless.

Gu Qiaoqiao saw that Liu Qiqi was already in tears, so she naturally felt the same way. If it was her, maybe it would be the same. She walked over quickly and pulled Dongdong who was wrapped in her coat away from her body, softly Said, "Be good, Dongdong, go to mommy..."

Only then did Dongdong lift his little head that was buried on the aunt's neck, and when he turned around, he saw his parents, grandparents, and the little guy's mouth shriveled in grievance, tears rolling in his eye sockets.

Liu Qiqi finally came to her senses, hugged her son, and burst into tears.

And Dongdong was surrounded by his grandparents and father.

The other three also burst into tears.

They were weeping with joy, Gu Qiaoqiao was naturally relieved, she looked at Qin Yize, and said, "Don't forget to call grandma and the others, they probably haven't fallen asleep and are waiting for news, I'll go upstairs Find clothes for Dongdong."

Qin Yize nodded.

As for Gu Qiaoqiao, she turned around and walked upstairs quickly. After Qin Yize finished making the phone call, she sat next to Mrs. Qin. The four of them were still holding Dongdong, crying and laughing, and returned to the room. In the familiar environment, seeing relatives, Dongdong's mood has almost returned to normal, Qin Yize is also relieved, and then talked about today's events with the old man Qin.
When he heard that the lives of those children were not in danger, the old master Qin let out a breath, but his eyes were ruthless, "This Chu Lan is really a scum of the Chu family, this time she must not be spared, she should be sentenced severely, otherwise the future will be uncertain." If something happens again, this person is broken from the root."

Qin Yize felt that what Grandpa said was reasonable, but the specific sentence would depend on what law she violated.

But even if it is not the death penalty, she will never get out of prison in this life.
Thinking of Lin Qinghuan, Qin Yize's eyes flickered, let her stay in prison for the rest of her life, people like this are a little crooked, and their obsession is too strong, what if they create another spirit body? Even more disgusting.

At this time, Gu Qiaoqiao had already come down the stairs quickly, holding a lot of new clothes. After all, for Xiaobao Xiaobei, there are so many relatives and friends, and everyone who comes to see them is not empty-handed. Clothes for all seasons, the two kids outnumber their parents.

They have a dedicated cloakroom where the two children's clothes are kept.

In fact, Gu Qiaoqiao still wanted to wear the clothes worn by Xiaobao for Dongdong. In fact, the clothes worn by Xiaobao carried a little aura.

Others don't know, but both she and Qin Yize know.

But Liu Qiqi is different from her. She was born rich and noble and has always been proud.

When she first married into the Qin family, Liu Qiqi even felt that talking to her was an insult, so when Gu Qiaoqiao lived in the Qin family for more than half a year, even if Liu Qiqi went to see Grandma Qin, she couldn't even look at her eyes. Be mean to her.

Naturally, the two of them had no intersection, and Gu Qiaoqiao naturally wouldn't talk to her.

It was also later that after Gu Qiaoqiao became stronger and became the heir of the Gu family, Liu Qiqi seemed to have changed a little bit, but her personality was still proud, with a kind of domineering, so the relationship between Gu Qiaoqiao and her was also faint. Yes, it is already very good to be able to maintain the surface harmony.

So the idea of ​​finding Xiaobao's clothes for Dongdong was fleeting, but Gu Qiaoqiao threw it to the back of his mind. Xiaobao is actually a little taller than Dongdong now, and Dongdong wearing Xiaobao's clothes is the best. OK, and it also helps with his sleep and mood recovery.

Thinking of this, Gu Qiaoqiao still brought Dongdong another body-protecting Buddha, and then put wooden beads on it, hoping to learn a lesson this time and put it on the child's neck properly.

Because the protective Buddha and the formation of wooden beads are resistant to the black demon, even if it can get close to Dongdong, it is impossible to sweep Dongdong away all at once.

At that time, Second Uncle Qin should have found out, so Dongdong would not have the catastrophe of today, but there is no way, maybe it is destined.

(End of this chapter)

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