Divorce failed again

Chapter 1961 Experiments

Chapter 1961 Experiments

When he gave this thing to Qin Yize to help him study it, Qin Yize glanced at it and put it aside, but turned around, took a box on the shelf, opened it, and pushed it away. In front of Nie Kuan.

Nie Luan glanced at it, it was exactly the same as the mobile phone in his hand, and couldn't help asking excitedly, "Have you developed a new product yet?"

"I'll give this to you. Tell me how you use it in a month." Qin Yize said calmly.

Nie Luan happily took the phone over and turned it on, but found nothing unusual, but she always felt that the phone seemed to be enveloped in a strange atmosphere.

Qin Yize explained, "In addition to the normal battery, the mobile phone has a mass of energy inside. If you are in danger, even if the battery power suddenly disappears, the energy inside will continue to provide power to the mobile phone. You can ask outsiders for help."

Nie Luan did know the situation in the basement at that time, because the battle was over when he went there, and naturally he was not disturbed by the evil energy of the black demon, which caused the battery of the mobile phone to fail, but he was also worried.

In the future, if they are in danger, it is a bad thing that they cannot send rescue to the outside world. After all, when they step into this door, they always face things that others can't think of. Naturally, the danger is also unexpected of.

Now Qin Yize has really solved this problem.

But Nie Luan didn't agree immediately, his dark eyes turned around, his life was also full of ups and downs, his grandfather died tragically, and his enemy also obeyed the law. His blood is inextricably linked with Dongfang Yu, but fortunately Dongfang Yu is not They are far away from the imperial capital, so they do not interfere with each other.

But he also knows that the road ahead is long, and everything is not as easy as imagined.

He couldn't help asking tentatively, "How many of these phones have you made?"

Qin Yize frowned slightly. How could he not know what Nie Luan was thinking? He said with a half-smile, "I only researched this one, and Qiao Qiao didn't know it. I wouldn't use it for her until I tested it. .”

He doesn't speak dark words in front of celebrities, and Qin Yize doesn't bother to play tricks in front of Nie Luan, he can say whatever he thinks.

Nie Luan blinked his eyes, opened his mouth, he had no words to respond to Qin Yize's straightforwardness, and then he was a little unconvinced, "Anyway, let's play buddies, are you using me as a test sample? "

Qin Yize hooked his lips, tapped the table with his slender fingers, pointed at the phone, and said in a steady voice with an invisible sense of oppression, "Nie Luan, it should be your honor to let you do experiments, you If you don't like it, then I'll find someone else to test it..."

After speaking, he stretched out his hand and wanted to take the phone back.

Nie Luan was startled, and quickly stretched out both hands to clasp Qin Yize's hand with the mobile phone. Of course, Qin Yize was not used to a man with both hands on his own, so he pulled away calmly, but But he stared at Nie Luan fixedly.

In terms of calmness and calmness, Qin Yize is unrivaled in this world.

The same is true for Nie Luan.

He smiled embarrassingly, "Aze, I'm just joking with you. It's a great honor for me to be able to use what Mr. Qin has researched. Well, I'll tell you the effect in a month."

Qin Yize hooked the corners of his mouth in satisfaction.

Nie Luan twitched her lips inwardly. Qin Yize, who looks good on the surface but is actually full of evil intentions, is obviously studying for his wife, but he still uses him as an experimental subject. But there is no way, he is also willing to be this experimental subject. of.

The little depression quickly disappeared, and he forgot to tell Qin Yize to find time to help study the spiritual body tester, he happily left with the box in his hand.

Qin Yize took a look at the so-called instrument, and casually put it in a wastebasket. He didn't need to study it to know that the instrument was too rough.

He looked at the time, and it was time to end his day's work. Tomorrow he was going on a business trip abroad, and it would take half a month. Before he left, he had to give Gu Qiaoqiao good advice.

Of course, go back early and eat early, put the child to sleep early, and get back the benefits that you can't enjoy for half a month earlier.

Thinking of this, he browsed through the documents on the desk as quickly as possible and signed them, then handed them over to his assistant Lu Fei, and then drove towards home.

The night was getting darker, and the dark night shrouded the bustling and noisy imperial capital. With the help of the old spirit body, Lin Qinghuan hid in an abandoned basement. She hadn't gone out for many days, but it was also good. Her figure seemed to be in good shape again. A little bit, it doesn't seem to be blown away by the wind at any time like before.

The name of this old spirit body is Old Spirit Body. The moment he condensed into a spirit body, he forgot everything about his past.

Maybe it was because he died so carefree, maybe he died too miserable, but in short, he forgot everything.

But he is also very strange. It seems that he can absorb Yin Qi and other spirits a little bit by himself, so he can be regarded as the boss in this XC area, but what the boss does is not interesting. It's just a few spirit bodies. After all, not everyone can condense into a spirit body after death.

And he really doesn't like the current life, can't see the sun, can only hide in a dark corner, can't do anything without strength, he remembers that he loves to read, but now he doesn't even have the ability to turn a page.

For Lin Qinghuan's request for help, he was a little disdainful, so let's just leave, and go to the next reincarnation, wouldn't it be good?
But the other party pleaded bitterly, saying that he had unfulfilled wishes, and he felt compassion for a moment, so he took her to a place full of yin and qi to raise her body.

At this time, seeing that she was much better, he no longer cared about her, so he continued to float out aimlessly.

After he left, Lin Qinghuan was thinking about what to do, go out?
Will it be discovered by Gu Qiaoqiao? Several times, she felt a powerful aura and spiritual consciousness peering into this world. At that time, she was so frightened that she trembled and dared not move.

Fortunately, the terrifying aura disappeared in a blink of an eye, so she doubted whether it was from Gu Qiaoqiao, otherwise no one else would have such aura, and no one would look for her, because there was only Gu Qiaoqiao Joe could see her.

After thinking about it, let's talk about it when I feel better.

Then the body burst out with a sinister intention, and the days of condensing into a spirit body were not good. After having the black demon, she still felt that there was some hope. Now even the black demon was killed by Gu Qiaoqiao with a sword. Now her There is no longer the demonic and hostile energy that guides her like that around her.

The old spirit body said that spirit bodies like them are a bunch of dark things that can't be seen, and if they can enter reincarnation, he will go there immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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