Divorce failed again

Chapter 1967 Balance

Chapter 1967 Balance
After arriving at the study room, Gu Qiaoqiao told Gu Junbai again about the fact that she had cultivated out of the portable space. This time, Gu Junbai was really surprised and said hello three times.

Although he didn't cultivate a portable space, he also has a ring space where items can be placed.

But in comparison, Gu Qiaoqiao's one is more freewheeling.

The exercise book that Chu Chengfeng gave Gu Qiaoqiao was placed in the space, and he took it out and handed it to Gu Junbai. Gu Junbai flipped through it and said, "Give this to Ling Nan to practice."

Then he pointed to the box and said to Gu Qiaoqiao, "According to the method I said, input your aura into it, and add some mind power..."

Gu Qiaoqiao added the spiritual energy and her own mind power according to the instructions of taking care of Jun Bai, and then saw that the dark golden bead was filled with a layer of white mist, which looked even more mysterious. Then Gu Junbai closed the box.

It was only then that Gu Qiaoqiao remembered that she had brought a lot of vegetables and fruits in her space. The fruits had been washed, and when she stretched out her hand, she saw apples, oranges and pears placed on the fruit plate on the coffee table.

Then he said with a smile, "Little uncle, I also brought a lot of meat and vegetables, oil, salt, sauce and vinegar and other seasonings. Let Ling Nan make them for you these days."

Gu Junbai is not very interested in food, but this is Qiao Qiao's wish, he waved his hand, "Go, I want to take a rest."

Although Gu Qiaoqiao's portable space is not large, it is enough for Gu Qiaoqiao. She also discovered that as her skills improve, it seems that she has to bear more and more responsibilities.

For example, she wanted to get rid of Lin Qinghuan, which was partly related to personal grievances, and more because evil spirits like Lin Qinghuan should not exist between heaven and earth.

Eliminating it early is a blessing for the surrounding humans, who knows what she will do in the future.

After all, in this world, where there is light, there is darkness, where there is righteousness, there is evil, where there is aura, there is evil, and where there is yin, there is yang. These are all complementary. Although this is also a kind of balance, it does not mean that this balance cannot be broken Yes, it will continue to be derived after breaking.

Then the world will continue to maintain a balance. This is also the truth that Gu Qiaoqiao gradually understands. The exercises are placed in the study. After she told Ling Nan, Ling Nan was very interested. Gu Qiaoqiao told Ling Nan what she had learned. , the others are with her little uncle, so she doesn't have to worry at all.

Then Gu Qiaoqiao took out a lot of vegetables and fruits in front of him and put them in the kitchen, as well as some pickles pickled by Lian Yuhong.

There is no electricity here. There used to be an electric motor, but for Gu Junbai, he was too lazy to start it.

It seems that there is no need.

So there is no refrigerator, but it is winter and there is no use at all. For them, there are ways to keep food fresh.

The food that Gu Qiaoqiao brought is enough for Gu Junbai and Ling Nan to eat here for a month. It is estimated that after a month, either the little uncle will go to Guyuan, or she will come with Xiaobao.

But after all, Little Treasure is fine now, even if he goes to a place with rich aura in the future, he will not open his star eye.

Ling Nan was very interested in Gu Qiaoqiao's new mobile phone. Gu Qiaoqiao told him that Qin Yize had independently researched and manufactured a special mobile phone for the Taoists.

The shape is exactly the same as the one in her hand.

Now it is being tested by Nie Luan. When there is no problem, a batch will be produced, and they will all use it when the time comes.

But it will take more than two months. Gu Qiaoqiao promised Ling Nan to bring one to Ling Nan and his uncle each when he came next time.

This time was too hasty. After all, she had a mobile phone and had to apply for a mobile phone number. She came here as soon as she received the call. However, she planned to come back three days later to bring the new mobile phone and buy them some new clothes and clothes. New quilt sheets and quilt cover and so on.

Some items need to be replaced with new ones.

Next, Ling Nan chopped the pork that Gu Qiaoqiao brought into minced meat, and chopped some cabbage. She mixed a pot of dumpling stuffing, and the two of them made a lot of dumplings together. Afterwards, Gu Qiaoqiao would clean up I put the hare in the trunk of the car and drove back.

Time flies, and when Qin Yize came back from abroad, Gu Qiaoqiao found out that Luo Fan's father and mother had suddenly suffered from dementia.

In other words, these two people suddenly became stupid.

After asking them when they suddenly fell ill, Gu Qiaoqiao knew that it was the time for him to kill the black demon.

It's just that I didn't expect that these two people had a deal with the black devil. No wonder the black skull aura on the two people's heads was exactly the same as Chu Lan's. It turned out that they came from the same vein.

I just don’t know what kind of deal these two people made with the Black Devil, but now that the Black Devil has been wiped out, Luo’s father and Luo’s mother are also stupid, their intelligence is as good as that of a three-year-old child, and they will naturally forget everything. The Luo family's financial resources can make them have no worries about food and clothing, and privately speaking, it is a good thing for the younger sister and Su Ye.

After all, Jiangshan is easy to change, and nature is hard to change. Even if Lao Luo suppresses them, these two people are still dogs who can't change and eat shit, and they will always do incredible things.

Now that this hidden danger is eliminated, Gu Qiaoqiao feels that it seems to be doomed in the dark. If this black devil does not follow Chu Lan to Huaxia, she may not have the chance to wipe him out.

So from now on, she just needs to continue looking for Lin Qinghuan.

Little is better than newlyweds.

Even though it was only half a month apart, Qin Yize took Gu Qiaoqiao to a hotel under his name without hesitation after getting close to Xiaobao and Xiaobei.

Xiaobao and Xiaobei seem to have gotten used to it.

The two little guys are wearing chubby down jackets and hats of different colors. There are two plush balls on the back of the hats. On their feet are handmade custom-made wool leather boots. Xiaobao wears blue, while Xiaobei wears They are light yellow. Although they are twins, they are a boy and a girl after all. They wear different colors of clothes since they were young.

In fact, in the cloakroom of Xiaobao and Xiaobei, there are really many clothes, pants, shoes and hats of the same color for the two of them.

But Qin Yize didn't allow them to wear the same color of clothes, because in his opinion, two children always wear the same color of clothes, which would easily create a ambiguous sense of gender, which would be very detrimental to the children's growth.

At this point, Gu Qiaoqiao is of course what Qin Yize says.

So these two cute little babies, one like a blue ball and the other like a goose yellow ball, stood at the gate of the Qin Family Courtyard, watching their father drive away with their mother expressionless, Instead of taking the two of them out to play together.

(End of this chapter)

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