Divorce failed again

Chapter 1969 Aquatic Wood

Chapter 1969 Aquatic Wood

He grew up abroad, received a good education, and his family background is also very good, but he resolutely returned to China with Qin Yize, and now he is the general manager of Qiao Ze Hotel.

The name of the hotel is named after the ranch, and the names of two people are added together.

Qin Yize's good intentions, of course Gu Qiaoqiao knows, now that she has reached this level, her concept of money is completely different from before. I remember that when she was just reborn, she only had a few dollars in her hand, but now her assets It has grown like a snowball for a long time.

However, she was very moved by Qin Yize's expression of heart. This name is neither domineering nor advanced. In a hotel, it is really inconspicuous, but Gu Qiaoqiao knows that it is Qin Yize telling others that he is now Everything belongs to him and his wife.

I thought of the five big characters I saw on the square just now - Qiao Ze Hotel.

Not to mention, where it is not domineering, where it is not advanced!
She Gu Qiaoqiao's Qiao character can completely control the situation.

Moreover, according to Feng Shui, these two names complement each other. Qiao means arbor, and Ze is a representative of water. From the perspective of the five elements, water produces wood. For an industry, that is the best idea power.

The general manager's surname is Ou. Gu Qiaoqiao met him once, and this is the second meeting. Qin Yize whispered a few words to him, and he nodded politely at Gu Qiaoqiao. Then he said, "Then I'll go to work first, Mr. Qin and his wife will go around at will, and I will tell the staff not to disturb you two."

Qin Yize hooked the corners of his mouth, nodded slightly at him, and then Mr. Ou turned around and left. In this case, Qin Yize and Gu Qiaoqiao would not be accompanied by hotel personnel.

Qin Yize led Gu Qiaoqiao around the hall slowly.

But after turning around, Gu Qiaoqiao discovered the problem. At this time, she was standing in front of a green vegetation taller than a person. This is a very precious tree with luxuriant branches and leaves, and the trimmed shape is also very beautiful. , the green leaves exude a crystal luster, and this tree is also a symbol of wealth and wealth, so it is bought by many businessmen and placed in business places.

Qin Yize noticed Gu Qiaoqiao's expression, and asked in a low voice, "Is there something wrong with this tree?"

Gu Qiaoqiao shook her head, "This tree is fine, but the placement is a bit wrong." Then she pointed to others, "There are more or less similar problems with these vegetation."

Qin Yize was silent for a moment, and asked softly, "Is the problem serious?" Gu Qiaoqiao smiled and shook his head, "It's not serious, as long as the position moves a little, it will cause a slight change in the surrounding aura."

Then he pointed to the vegetation in front of him and talked to Qin Yize a little bit.

There are some things that experts look at the doorway, and laymen watch the excitement. Once Gu Qiaoqiao said this, Qin Yize understood that although the placement of vegetation is not a big problem, if it is changed a little, it will complement the surrounding aura. function.

That is to say, the surrounding breath and the breath of green vegetation blend together, according to Taoism, it is to form a natural formation that condenses the aura of heaven and earth.

However, if it is a formation, it is better to say it is a magnetic field. In short, if it is placed correctly, it will be of great benefit to Qiao Ze Hotel. The guests who stay will feel happy physically and mentally after entering, and their mood will become particularly clear.

Just imagine, who would not want to live in such a hotel?
So Qin Yize stretched out his hand to call the lobby manager over, and asked her to hold a pen and paper. As they walked, they talked about where the various precious flowers and plants should be placed in front of them, although the lobby manager didn't know. What is the intention, but the words of the head of the family are the imperial edicts of course to be listened to.

But it was obvious that it was the wife of the head who gave the orders, but these thoughts were just a circle in her mind, and she carried out Qin Yize's orders 100%.

After the entire hotel tour was over, it was more than an hour later.

Not only vegetation, but also other decorations.

But Qin Yize didn't let Gu Qiaoqiao see it, but took Gu Qiaoqiao to the luxury suite on the top floor...

I finally took my daughter-in-law out to relax, but I didn't expect that Gu Qiaoqiao would be tired for more than an hour. Although to Gu Qiaoqiao, it was nothing, not to mention tired, but Qin Yize didn't let her go to see it again. aspect.

So far that's pretty good.

But he is still very happy that his daughter-in-law has such abilities.Because that's what proves it.Jojo is also very interested in this wine.

So the couple stayed in their hotel for a day and a night.

Tasted the food.Experience spa aromatherapy, drink red wine and listen to music, and then swim in the open-air swimming pool...

As for other fitness facilities, there are also everything that one expects to find.

During this day, Qin Yize took Gu Qiaoqiao to experience almost everything that could be played.

After all, it is a hotel, not a dedicated fitness and entertainment venue, but even so, the scale of the hotel and the corresponding services are already shocking.

It has to be said that once Qin Yize wants to do something, once he does it, he must do it to the extreme and do his best.

The Joze Grand Hotel is a prime example.

Time passed like running water. After attending Dongfang Yu and Shang Qing's wedding, Gu Qiaoqiao happened to receive a call from her little uncle, and then Gu Qiaoqiao took Xiaobao and Xiaobei to drive to Qiaoze Ranch.

Because the little uncle has already processed that bead.

I thought it would be powder, but I didn't expect it to melt in my mouth like sugar balls. Fortunately, Xiao Bei was taken out by Ling Nan to ride a horse, otherwise, Xiao Bei would definitely eat it noisy.

This thing is hard to find in this world, if it wasn't for a coincidence, it would be impossible for Gu Junbai to get this mirage bead.

I can only say that I am very lucky, or this is Xiaobao's luck.

After Xiaobao finished eating, maybe the taste was really good, but the little guy clicked his mouth, as if he couldn't get enough of it.

Gu Qiaoqiao checked carefully, and then she felt that there seemed to be some kind of aura on Xiaobao's body, which was lightly suppressed by another aura. The aura was very gentle, but it was also very firm. It should be that Only the ability of mirage beads.

At this moment, Gu Qiaoqiao was finally relieved.

I've been worried before.

Because Xiaobao's ability is of no benefit to him at present, the child is still too young, if he sees some bloody or bad scenes, it will definitely not be of any benefit to his growth.

He has the ability and the foundation, and it will not be too late to make a decision when he grows up a little in the future, and he can even ask for his opinion at that time.

(End of this chapter)

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