Divorce failed again

Chapter 1974 The difference between 1 reading

Chapter 1974

So even if he didn't know what Gu Qiaoqiao wanted to ask, he would ask.

"Fourth brother, I don't know if you still remember the teller of the aging factory in Wangbei County who disappeared on the way back from the bank before the Spring Festival 20 years ago..."

Qin Fang was taken aback, and then suddenly remembered, "Of course I knew about it. I was still at work at that time, and we all knew about it on the day of the accident. The cashier was named Chen Cheng. He was young and had just graduated from school a few years ago. When he ran away with the money, his wife was about to give birth. If you say that this person is really heartless, he has no conscience. How could he do such a thing? Why doesn't he think about it? What will his wife and his family do after the accident?"

Gu Qiaoqiao was silent for a moment, and asked several questions in succession, "Did the case be investigated at the time? Was the person found? Was the money recovered? Are you sure you ran away with the money?"

"Well, I found out. At that time, various units issued documents specifically about this matter, and it was also a wake-up call to other departments. The case was closed long ago, and a national arrest warrant was issued later, but until now They haven't been found yet, maybe they all changed their names, I don't know which mountain they hid in."

"The two people from the security department, I heard that they were injured..."

"Yeah, although those two people didn't get the money back, they were also seriously injured. The factory awarded them third-class merit. At that time, there was a county-wide commendation meeting, and I also attended it at that time. .”

Gu Qiaoqiao and Gu Junbai looked at each other.

Gu Qiaoqiao's heart sank. This matter is really difficult to investigate, because the case has been closed, and the two murderers have become heroes, but Chen Cheng, who died unjustly, has become an absconded criminal and is still on the wanted list. middle.

"Are those two people still in the aging factory?" Gu Qiaoqiao asked.

"Wang You is now the chief of the security department of the aging factory, and the other is Jiang Jianjun. A few years ago, he took a leave of absence to do business. Now he is rich. The playgrounds of several elementary schools in the county were built with his donations. , Big and small, they are also celebrities in Wangbei County."

Gu Qiaoqiao clenched her hands. She didn't expect that these two murderers are now enjoying a happy life and living a bright life, but Chen Cheng, who was brutally murdered by them, can only live in the endless night in the desolate grassland. On the ground, there is no memory of loneliness floating around.

It is said that Skynet is restored, and it is sparse but not missing, but this time is a bit too long.

Gu Qiaoqiao's face was very calm, with a slight smile on the corner of her mouth, as if she was really chatting with Qin Fang and his wife, but only she knew the emotions in her heart.

For the first time she had a solemn sense of duty to the responsibility she bore.

This time, she and her little uncle will definitely reveal the truth about the murder of Chen Cheng in the chemical plant that has been in the dust for 20 years.

Let the world give Chen Cheng justice, and let those two villains get the punishment they deserve.

Gu Qiaoqiao smiled and said, "Oh, I never thought that a single mistake would lead to such a big evil."

What she said was meaningful and had another meaning, but Qin Fang really didn't hear it. After all, he didn't know the truth of the matter. He only thought that Gu Qiaoqiao was saying that Chen Cheng fell because of greed. Seeing such an end, he couldn't help sighing, "Yeah, what you said is really right, why doesn't he think about his wife and unborn children, and his parents."

"So how are they doing now?"

"Chen Cheng's wife used to be a worker in a chemical factory. She was more than seven months pregnant when the accident happened. She was about to give birth. Later, she was stimulated and the child was born prematurely. Fortunately, she survived..."

Hearing this, Gu Qiaoqiao breathed a sigh of relief, Chen Cheng's child is still alive.

"But his daughter-in-law has been in poor health since giving birth to his daughter, and what happened to her husband made her unable to stay in the factory any longer. However, she and Cheng Cheng are classmates, and they are also old technical secondary school graduates from that year. , but did not expel her, but gave her a sick leave, which can be regarded as the factory's pity for the difficult life of their orphans and widowed mothers."

"What about Chen Cheng's parents?"

"His parents were also hit hard when they found out about this incident. They fell ill. After recovering from their illness, his parents took Chen Cheng's daughter-in-law and their little granddaughter back to their hometown to farm."

Gu Qiaoqiao was stunned for a moment, so none of the relatives Chen Cheng missed was in Wangbei County, so she couldn't help asking, "I went back to my hometown to farm, so it must be far away from here."

"Not far." Qin Fang shook his head, "It's in a nearby village, only twenty miles away."

Gu Qiaoqiao asked the address casually, and it turned out to be Tianba Village on the outskirts of Wangbei County.

Then he calculated the distance in his mind, and found that the place where Chen Cheng often moved was not close, but it was not far. This should be the reason why he wandered in the grassland.

The blood of close relatives always has an inexplicable attraction, even if he doesn't remember anything.

At this time, Gu Qiaoqiao felt a deep sadness in his heart.

Maybe at some unknown moment, Chen Cheng passed by that small village, maybe he had seen his family members at night, but no one knew about it.

After getting the information she wanted, Gu Qiaoqiao chatted with Qin Fang and his wife for a while, and then they each rested. However, before the break, Gu Qiaoqiao found the little uncle and asked in a low voice, "Little uncle, What do you say about this matter?"

These two people are much more difficult to deal with than they imagined. If she wants to re-examine the case from 20 years ago, is she, Gu Qiaoqiao, an ordinary person, able to do it?
And she didn't have any reason to intervene in this matter, even if her family Aze made a move, it would have to go through several twists and turns.

Gu Junbai doesn't live much in the city, and he doesn't like complex interpersonal relationships very much, so even though Gu Yuan is the ancestral home of the Gu family, he spends more time at Qiao Ze Ranch.

So this matter was not as difficult as Gu Qiaoqiao thought, but he also knew that it was impossible for the three of them to go to Wangbei County to unravel the past 20 years ago without a normal reason.

"Qiao Qiao, let's go to Tianba Village to have a look tomorrow."

"Then what are our identities?"

Ling Nan rolled his eyes and said with a smile, "Why don't we go as a fortune teller."

Gu Junbai glanced at him lightly.

Gu Qiaoqiao chuckled, "Do you want to be arrested by the security brigade? Don't you know that feudal superstition is not allowed now?"

"It's not that serious. I've also seen many old men carrying bamboo boards and carrying bags walking around the streets asking for fortune-telling."

In fact, at this time, the management is really not strict.

(End of this chapter)

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