Divorce failed again

Chapter 1988 I Found Her

Chapter 1988 I Found Her
The old spirit body doesn't matter, he has no memory and doesn't know the past, so naturally he doesn't know where he came from, and why he formed the spirit body. It does not matter.

But the old black cat felt overwhelmed, and it was also worried, because if that Lin Qinghuan absorbed the breath of the old spirit again, then she would become even more powerful.

And it once fought with her, so it will naturally be retaliated by her.

So the old black cat instinctively felt that a spiritual body like Lin Qinghuan couldn't make her stronger, otherwise they, animals and plants with a little bit of intelligence, might all suffer.

So the old black cat obediently waited for Gu Qiaoqiao to come by the side of the road.

Because it knows that maybe only this little fairy in this world can wipe out that vicious spirit body.

But it was also worried that Gu Qiaoqiao's words would not count. If he didn't come, there would be nothing he could do.

It didn't dare to follow it just now, so it naturally didn't know where Gu Qiaoqiao's family lived.

I just walked back and forth on the side of the road, and sometimes ran away when I met someone who seemed to be interested in it, like a wisp of green smoke, and most people couldn't catch it even if they wanted to catch it.

However, if it is a kitten of other colors, some people may like it, but the whole body is black, especially in the night, it gives people a very weird feeling.

So when the night was getting darker, no one would disturb it when it was squatting on the side of the road, and at this time, there were gradually fewer pedestrians and cars on the road.

When there were almost no pedestrians, a car drove over from a distance, and then stopped in front of the old black cat. It saw Gu Qiaoqiao again, and the little girl who was lying on the passenger seat and looking down at it with condescending eyes. white cat.

The strong suppression from the blood made it tremble again, Gu Qiaoqiao glanced at the arrogant Xiaobai, and said with a smile, "You lie down on the back, we will go to the place you said now. "

Then he opened the back door, and the old black cat jumped up after hesitating for a moment, then Gu Qiaoqiao started the car and galloped towards the XC area.

The Qin family's old house is in the XC district.

When she was just reborn and came back, she stayed here for a while, and many of the friends in the XC area also played together.

At that time, Chu Chengfeng hadn't awakened yet, and he was still like a playboy.But now I am about to be a father.

And Du Tian, ​​his son also ran all over the place, and he was about to go to kindergarten.

Time flies so fast, like quicksand between the fingers.

Shen Manru and Qin Xuan live in the Qin family's old house today.

Grandma Qin often helped her look after the children in the Qin family's other courtyard, and after Qin Xiaoyu joined the student union, she became very busy. Sometimes she didn't come back on Saturdays and Sundays, so the Qin family's old house has become very deserted now.

Fortunately, it is close to the Qin family's other courtyard. On weekends, Qin Xuan and his wife came to see their children early.

So it doesn't look lonely.

However, when Gu Qiaoqiao passed by the door just now, she found that only one light was on in the study room. It should be Qin Yize's father reading or appreciating calligraphy and painting there.

Gu Qiaoqiao continued to drive forward, and stopped in front of a building after a few minutes.

This city is currently under construction, and it is natural that the old and the new are alternating. For example, the building in front of me has a history of more than [-] years.

When spring comes, the building will be demolished, and by this time the residents have all moved out.

So it's dark here, only the street lamps on the side of the road are shining with a hazy yellow luster.

Some basements, air-raid shelters and the like will be built under old buildings like this.Now the upper building is unoccupied, and the lower one is even more so, so the atmosphere here is much more gloomy.

The old black cat pointed at the intersection ahead with its paw, and told Gu Qiaoqiao that the evil spirit that could devour spirit bodies was inside.

At this time, Gu Qiaoqiao's spell of reaching the sky was activated, and she had already seen that this basement was abnormal.

After parking the car to the other side, Gu Qiaoqiao got out of the car, followed by two cats, one black and one white.

The strange thing is that this white one doesn't seem to be conspicuous at all in the night.

Of course, this is especially true for black, which itself blends with the night.

Gu Qiaoqiao looked at Xiaobai in surprise, and asked subconsciously, "Are you hiding your figure?"

Xiaobai said proudly, "My natal supernatural power has the ability to hide, otherwise, the evil spirit will know about it immediately. If it scares it away, wouldn't our trip be in vain?"

Gu Qiaoqiao nodded, not to mention, this supernatural power is really good.

Gu Qiaoqiao's walking speed may seem normal, but it is actually extremely fast.

Although the surroundings were quiet, she still cast an invisibility spell on herself.

After all, on such a night, in this old building that is about to be demolished.A young and beautiful woman walking alone will definitely make people feel very weird, or be seen by people with ulterior motives. Gu Qiaoqiao is going to deal with Lin Qinghuan tonight, so she doesn't want to cause other troubles.

Soon the entrance to the basement was reached.

The breath here made Gu Qiaoqiao frown.Maybe it's because Lin Qinghuan has devoured some spirit bodies these days, the aura inside seems to be full of strong malice to her.

Thinking about Lin Qinghuan getting stronger, the first thing she wanted was to eat herself.

Standing at the door of the basement, Gu Qiaoqiao couldn't help but look up at the dark night sky, which was like ink.Cover the whole earth.

There is no moon or starlight tonight, the sky is dark, thick and gloomy, as if it will trap everyone in this world in the next second.

Gu Qiaoqiao hooked the corner of her mouth and continued to walk forward.

This time, he came here to directly eliminate Lin Qinghuan, so naturally he didn't want to hide his figure in front of her.

This basement has more than a dozen steps. After descending the steps, walk up tens of meters and open the door, there is a basement piled with messy things. These things have been abandoned by the owner, and this place has become a waste place. People are unwilling to come here, obviously these things have no value.

Just waiting for the demolition, this place will be cleaned up.

Naturally, the water and electricity have been cut off here. With a wave of Gu Qiaoqiao's finger, light balls formed by auras of spiritual energy floated in midair, illuminating a place more than ten meters away in front.

She saw Lin Qinghuan's eyes widen suddenly, she didn't expect that Gu Qiaoqiao would dare to come here alone.

On the other side, there were two spirit bodies with a faint gray aura that had obviously been devoured by Lin Qinghuan.

(End of this chapter)

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