Chapter 2004

Nie Luan meant to say what she saw, and to let everyone witness her ability.

In this way, Xiuxiu can gain a firm foothold here very quickly.

After all, although everyone is a member of Taoism, there are still people with bad roots. As the saying goes, where there are people, there are fights. There are only eight members in this unit, and there are open and secret fights among them.

As long as it is not hurtful, he will turn a blind eye to it, because it is normal.

So Xiuxiu can show her abilities, which is beneficial to her. As for other things, Xiuxiu can't work full-time after all, she still has to go to school, so there won't be too much conflict with these future colleagues.

Besides, he was responsible for all of this, so Nie Luan's expression was calm.

But Chen Lanxiu's heart was not so peaceful, because she saw that the spirit body standing beside Sun Li was a small spirit body, only two years old, ignorant, as if he didn't know anything, but he was indeed standing beside this woman Yes, they were very close, seeing her coming in, they moved closer to this woman vigilantly.

If he was tall enough, he might have grabbed Sun Li's skirt.

Although the spirit bodies were all floating, even at such a height, he couldn't reach her skirt.

It's just that she is too young, and Chen Lanxiu feels that even if she asks him, she won't be able to find out anything. On the contrary, it will make others think that she is scaremongering and playing tricks.

And she still doesn't know what is the relationship between this little spirit body and this woman named Sun Li?

It wouldn't do her any good to say it rashly.

She, Chen Lanxiu, would not do such a stupid thing. If she was so stupid, when she was six years old, a spirit body lied to her, saying that she closed her eyes and let her spirit body hold hands with her. After holding hands, she said Of course she didn't believe that her abilities would be even greater in the future.

Although she can see the spirit body, it doesn't prove that she and the spirit body are the same person. This is basically two worlds, but she just happens to be able to see it.

If she is really obedient so stupidly, then she is not Chen Lanxiu now, and I don't know who she is.

Soon after she weighed the pros and cons, Chen Lanxiu said with a smile, "You are overthinking, with so many powerful people here, ordinary spirits would not dare to stay here, the reason why I see There, because of the breath there, it is the strongest place in the room, by the way, just like sister Qiaoqiao said, the formation eye in the formation."

There were two older ones, although their faces were calm, they knew in their hearts that the new girl was right, and that place in this house had the best breath.

It's just that they don't need it.

Unexpectedly, Chen Lanxiu really noticed it.

Sun Li stared at Chen Lanxiu with gloomy eyes, always feeling that she was not telling the truth, but she had no evidence.

And the corners of Nie Luan's mouth raised unconsciously.

Xiuxiu is a person with real skills, and he is also very good at recognizing talents.

I believe that the unit he leads will finally be able to solve some unsolvable problems. Of course, the premise is to ensure Xiuxiu's safety and her normal life. If it is affected a little, then he will not allow it.

Then things went much smoother, and everyone else greeted Chen Lanxiu with a smile. Although Sun Li's face was slightly distorted, she quickly adjusted her emotions, but she still had doubts in her heart. Her heart is very disturbed.

Sometimes people's first reaction cannot be fooled.

When Chen Lanxiu first entered the room, she was as curious about her as everyone else. They were all strangers. There was a strange look in her eyes, although it was fleeting, she would never forget it no matter what.

But now I can't ask anymore.

Because if she had to ask something, it might be the result that she didn't want to know.

So she needs to draw more spells, especially spells like exorcising spirits. It's a pity that she is weak now, and the spells she draws don't seem to have much effect. So what should she do next?

Afterwards, I was extremely annoyed in my heart, and I blamed this Chen Lanxiu. If she hadn't joined, how could I have such uneasiness and apprehension.

It's all the woman's fault.

And Chen Lanxiu didn't know about these, because the malice and hostility she felt just now had faded a lot, it was other complicated emotions, but Chen Lanxiu didn't care much about these, since she was a child, she had seen a lot and experienced a lot up.

But when he returned to Qin's other courtyard at night, Chen Lanxiu talked to Gu Qiaoqiao about it.

Gu Qiaoqiao had experienced a lot, and immediately figured out the key point. It should be that the woman had a crush on Nie Luan, so Chen Lanxiu's arrival made her feel very uncomfortable, as if Chen Lanxiu had taken away everything from her.

"Xiuxiu, no matter how great or small that woman is, be careful when you get along with her in the future. This is the case in this society. People's good and evil are not based on your will, but you must be able to protect her. Take care of yourself and come to me if you need anything."

Chen Lanxiu nodded immediately, "Sister Qiaoqiao, I understand, I will be careful."

She is no longer a child, so she can't bother sister Qiaoqiao with everything.

Gu Qiaoqiao was relieved to see Chen Lanxiu being so well-behaved. Sometimes when a person suddenly changes his environment, his personality and way of doing things will also change to a large extent. An absolute disaster in itself.

The current Chen Lanxiu can say that everything has changed, but she is still the same as before.

Gu Qiaoqiao stretched out her hand, rubbed the top of her head, and said in a low voice, "Sit here for a while, and I'll get you something."

Gu Qiaoqiao carved a lot of Buddha statues.

However, the wooden bead is not worn on this amulet because it is unnecessary.

This body buddha is good for Chen Lanxiu, it can protect her, and it can also help her improve her ability a little bit.

When Gu Qiaoqiao handed the Buddha to Chen Lanxiu, Chen Lanxiu could tell at a glance that it was a peerless treasure. She was not polite and looked at Gu Qiaoqiao gratefully, "Sister Qiaoqiao, thank you."

Then he put on the amulet with a smile on his face.

Even ordinary people can feel it after wearing it, let alone someone like Chen Lanxiu, she naturally knew immediately how much benefit this body protector Buddha can bring her.

I am even more grateful to Gu Qiaoqiao from the bottom of my heart, but I hide this gratitude. As long as there is a chance in the future, as long as sister Qiaoqiao needs her, she will never turn back.

(End of this chapter)

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