Divorce failed again

Chapter 2006 Fate is really a wonderful thing

Chapter 2006 Fate is really a wonderful thing
"Yeah, Xiuxiu always wants to be recognized by others for her abilities in this area, and now she finally has this opportunity, so she is naturally happy."

As far as Qin Yize is concerned, he also thinks it is good, at least with Chen Lanxiu, Nie Luan will not always worry about pulling his wife into No. [-] file room.

It's not that the daughter-in-law doesn't have the ability, but that he has to bear too much, and his Qiao Qiao will be very hard.

After Chen Lanxiu stayed in the capital for another three days, she returned to Wangbei County.

This time, it was not given by Gu Qiaoqiao, it was Nie Luan who offered it.

In the past few days, Nie Luan also picked up Chen Lanxiu from the Qin family's other courtyard early every day in the name of bringing Xiuxiu to familiarize herself with the situation, and brought her back after dinner at night.

Sometimes fate is really a wonderful thing.

For example, between men and women, some have no feelings even if they have been together for decades, while some will have mutual feelings in just a short moment.

Or say that the heartbeat is just a moment, the heart decides the brain, and the brain decides to act!
When Nie Luan took Chen Lanxiu back to look at Beixian City, there was a faint affection between the two of them.

Since Nie Luan refused to let Gu Qiaoqiao send it off, Gu Qiaoqiao couldn't insist any longer, and Chen Lanxiu herself didn't want to waste Qiaoqiao's time too much, so Gu Qiaoqiao watched the car going away at the gate of Qin's other courtyard , why there is always a feeling, as if Nie Luan went to see his girlfriend's family...

Of course, this feeling is only fleeting. Those two people are smart people, unlike her and Qin Yize back then, they knew very clearly how they would go in the future.

Not to mention Nie Luan, even that little girl Chen Lanxiu has a lot of eyes.

Fortunately, that child has a very good character, otherwise he has so many eyes, if his character is not good, and he has such a strange ability, it might really become a disaster.

Individuals have their own lives, and soon Gu Qiaoqiao put this matter behind her, because Qin Xiaoyu hadn't returned home and was still at school, Gu Qiaoqiao decided to drive to see her.

This time, Xiaobao and Xiaobei were not brought along, because Grandma Qin missed these two children, so Grandma Qin took them to the old house.

Although they are all children of a wealthy family, they should be equipped with bodyguards logically, and they should also be careful when traveling, but the law and order in the imperial capital is very good now, and there are two super bodyguards, Bailang and Xiaobai, so there is really no need for others .

So Gu Qiaoqiao went to see Qin Xiaoyu alone, and wanted to ask her if she didn't even want to come back for the winter vacation, and next, she wanted to have a meal with Chang Qing who was about to go on vacation.

It has been more than half a year since I contacted Chang Qing, and now he is finally going to come out of the laboratory, Gu Qiaoqiao will definitely meet him when he finds out.

There is also Chang Qing who is far away in another time and space. For Gu Qiaoqiao, she really doesn't know how to deal with it. It is like a ticking time bomb. She doesn't know when it will explode, but there is nothing she can do now. Can wait quietly.

But at present, Qin Xiaoyu's matter is easy to solve.

At the same time, Qin Yize also drove to Uncle Qin's house, and it was hard for him to find time to deal with this matter.

And it was also confirmed by Qiao Qiao, so Qin Yize knocked on the door of Second Uncle Qin's house directly.

Although for Second Uncle Qin and Second Aunt Qin, they did not deserve to have the two amulets that Gu Qiaoqiao gave them, but at that time, after all, Gu Qiaoqiao gave them the amulets himself.

Even if Qin Yize wants to get it back, he must have a reasonable reason and excuse, after all, everyone has not yet turned their faces.

It's just that when Gu Qiaoqiao saw them a few days ago, she told Qin Yize not to wear the two amulets anymore, because the two amulets, for some reason, were filled with a faint Black hostility, if they continue to wear it, it is easy to cause problems.

As far as Qin Yize is concerned, he is basically indifferent to the problems with his second uncle and aunt, because it is his own fault, but if he pours dirty water on Gu Qiaoqiao, saying that the two blackened amulets hurt them, then It was something he couldn't stand.

And Gu Qiaoqiao was worried that she had made a mistake, so she went to see it again in stealth, and then confirmed that there was indeed something wrong, so like Qiaoqiao, the amulet that gathered the purest life energy in the world was attacked by Qin Qin. The hostile attack on the second uncle Qin and the second aunt.

If this hostility comes from the outside, the amulet will block it, but if this is the case, the amulet can't do anything about it.

So under the contest between the two sides, it must be the second uncle Qin and the second aunt Qin who have problems in the end.

Gu Qiaoqiao also regretted it. At the beginning, she was too soft-hearted, forgot the character of these two people, and did something bad with good intentions. She was going to go invisible to get the amulet back.

However, Qin Yize stopped him.

He told Gu Qiaoqiao that he had a solution,

But Qin Yize didn't tell Gu Qiaoqiao what method to use, but told Gu Qiaoqiao to leave it alone, and he would take care of it himself.

Qin Yize was welcomed in by Second Uncle Qin and Second Aunt Qin. The two of them were really shocked. They never thought that Qin Yize would come to their house, but they were overjoyed because these two people were going to find him. As for Qin Yize, he didn't expect this kid to come to his door automatically. That was really a god-sent opportunity.

The two enthusiastically made tea and water for Qin Yize and took cakes and fruits. Aunt Qin picked up a fruit knife and asked Qin Yize to peel the apples and cut them into small pieces, but Qin Yize didn't take a bite. Move, look faint.

Then he also talked to Second Uncle Qin indifferently.

But there was a flash of disgust in the eyes.

He really didn't want to admit that Second Uncle Qin was his second uncle. It would be much easier to deal with if it was a sidekick or a stranger.

But if he really committed suicide, his great-grandfather would not be able to protect him.

After finishing her busy work, Second Aunt Qin also sat next to Second Uncle Qin. The three of them were facing each other. Second Aunt Qin winked at Second Uncle Qin, telling him to quickly tell Qin Yize what he had discussed with him.

Doesn't this save you going to the Qin Group to find him?
At that time, if he met his eldest son, Qin Yishan, he would probably oppose him. You must know that the eldest son, Ashan, hated his uncle's family the most.

So today is really the best opportunity, don't miss it.

Second Aunt Qin was also very happy. Her natal brothers had long wanted to go to the Qin Group. After all, they were all a family. I dare not say anything. The Dafang family had to give their natal family some broth if they ate meat.

It's best to let the brother of the mother's family become the financial supervisor. At that time, the brother of the mother's family will control the money of the Qin family, so she will not only have face in her mother's family, but the benefits will be great. You know, the current money of the Qin Group is too impressive. tempted.

She always felt that the portion allocated to their second room was still too little.

(End of this chapter)

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