Divorce failed again

Chapter 2008 Who is he?

Chapter 2008 Who is he?

Chapter 2006 Who is he?

"That's why you often shut down the phone." Gu Qiaoqiao asked back.

Qin Xiaoyu giggled, her eyes wandering.

Gu Qiaoqiao glanced at her, feeling that this was not the case, but she didn't understand what it was.

But speaking of it, this mobile phone is not popular now, and it is a consumer product above the high-end and high-end.

After all, the cost of construction is high, and the price cannot be low.

In fact, there are very few people who can use mobile phones in college.

Although the classmates are all the same students, but the heart of comparison will never be less.

It is estimated that when Qin Xiaoyu was using her mobile phone, someone said something unpleasant, or ran her sourly.

But Qin Xiaoyu's character is not a person who can listen to other people's sarcasm.

But there is no way, the girl is getting older, it is impossible to tell you all the secrets in her heart, including her own sister Gu Qianqian.

Gu Qiaoqiao also smiled. At this time, the two of them had already arrived at the dormitory.

Qin Xiaoyu put the book on his desk, and said to Gu Qiaoqiao with a smile, "Sister-in-law, go to the cafeteria with me to eat, the food in our cafeteria is really good."

Looking at the time, there are some things I haven't learned yet, but when it's lunch time, Gu Qiaoqiao simply nodded, "Okay, I'll go to the cafeteria with you."

Gu Qiaoqiao was originally not a few years older than Qin Xiaoyu, and Gu Qiaoqiao had a clean temperament and clear eyes, just like a college student, so I really thought he was Qin Xiaoyu's classmate along the way, there were many male classmates He looked at Gu Qiaoqiao with a glance.

Some boys are even more honest, and they blush without waiting for anything.

Then he left quickly with the boy next to him, and would look back for a few peeks before leaving.

Gu Qiaoqiao thought it was funny, but found that the years of flying youth are really good.

On the other hand, Qin Xiaoyu held Gu Qiaoqiao's arm and glared at the boys who turned their heads frequently.

She almost shouted, this is her sister-in-law!
The food in the university cafeteria is indeed good, but this is only a relative comparison.

But Gu Qiaoqiao is not a picky eater.

Sitting there with Qin Xiaoyu was delicious.

During the meal, Gu Qiaoqiao asked again. Qin Xiaoyu's statement was similar to the first time. The phone was not turned on, and he didn't communicate with his family very much. It was basically the same rhetoric just now.

Since Qin Xiaoyu insisted so much, Gu Qiaoqiao couldn't press her further, so she pretended to be casual and asked, "Xiao Yu, who was the boy standing opposite you just now?"

Gu Qiaoqiao has good eyesight, and found that the boy looked at Qin Xiaoyu with a hint of affection.

But I have to say that this boy is very good-looking, and he belongs to the kind of gentle and jade-like type.

Being with such a person will give you a feeling of spring breeze.

In fact, such a man is the most irresistible, especially some girls who are just in love.

At that time, Qin Xiaoyu's back was facing Gu Qiaoqiao. Naturally, she couldn't see Qin Xiaoyu's expression and the emotion in her eyes at that time. Now when she observed carefully, she found a shyness flashing across Qin Xiaoyu's face.

From the looks of it, this is her little object.

Unless you have a partner, why didn't you contact your family for such a long time?
But Gu Qiaoqiao couldn't ask that.

Maybe it's just mutual affection.

Qin Xiaoyu's eyes dodged, but he still said bravely, "He is my classmate in the same class and the person in charge of our project. Our investment project is very big. If it succeeds, we will have a place in the capital. "

"What's his name?"

Gu Qiaoqiao asked.

Since he can attract investment, it seems that he is also a young talent.

"His name is Qi Fangxiu."

"Oh." Gu Qiaoqiao said softly, this name is so strange, I've never heard it from Qin Xiaoyu, and naturally I haven't heard it from Qin Yize either.

"How long have you known each other?" Gu Qiaoqiao asked calmly.

"I've known each other since I was in college. Alas, sister-in-law, what do you mean by asking these words? Don't think too much about it. We are not the kind of relationship you think."

Qin Xiaoyu seemed a little annoyed.

Gu Qiaoqiao was a little amused, and squinted at Qin Xiaoyu, who was anxious and white-faced, and said slowly, "I'm just asking you normally, why do you have a guilty conscience, besides, what is the relationship between you, what kind of relationship is it? Isn't it a classmate relationship?"

"...When...Of course it's a classmate relationship."

Qin Xiaoyu was a little hesitant, but he quickly determined that this relationship was a classmate relationship, but it was obviously not the case.

Gu Qiaoqiao thought about it carefully, the feeling of seeing that boy just now, ordinary people can't see his heart from the outside, but the aura that permeates his head can almost analyze what kind of heart this guy is .

The breath above the boy's head was normal, covered with a touch of white, which indicated that the man was in good health and had no bad habits.

Anyway, he is a very normal person, and the future of this person is very good.

On the whole, such a person belongs to the remarkable type, and as for the specifics, one needs to have an in-depth understanding to know.

Qin Yize's information network is unimaginably large, so he can just entrust the investigation of this person to him. It is estimated that the eighteen generations of his ancestors should be investigated in one day.

So Gu Qiaoqiao stopped asking about Qi Fangxiu, but asked Qin Xiaoyu, "Xiaoyu, what is your project? If you want to attract investment, your brother and I are the best candidates, but how can we?" Don’t know? Could it be that you think we won’t help you?”

Qin Xiaoyu bit her lip, looked at Gu Qiaoqiao and said with some embarrassment, "Sister-in-law, of course not, it's just that they don't know about my family conditions, so I didn't mention it from the beginning."

Oh, that's what happened.

In some respects, Xiao Yu is a very smart child. Gu Qiaoqiao feels that there is nothing wrong with Xiao Yu's actions. She has done a good job.

After all, people's hearts are unpredictable. If others know her real family situation, especially now that the Qin Group is at the top of the world, these college students probably don't know about it. Many people even go to the Qin Group before graduation. Submit your resume, and because of the high requirements of the Qin Group, their salary and benefits are also particularly high.

Let's put it this way, the Qin Group in the imperial capital is the ideal place for these students to work.

Well, if these people all know that Qin Xiaoyu is the sister or the only one of the big boss of the Qin Group, it is conceivable that although Qin Xiaoyu will be flattered whether it is sincere or false, those who obviously use her will not few.

(End of this chapter)

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