Divorce failed again

Chapter 2012 Concealing each other

Chapter 2012 Concealing each other
If I really use my mind and consciousness to open this channel again, then the result is definitely not what both parties want to see.

But these may not be the truth at present, after all, all these are speculations and analysis, before meeting that Chang Qing who is trapped in time and space, everything is inference.

But what the little uncle said really needs her to be vigilant and take it seriously.

Gu Junbai's life philosophy is actually to return all laws to the ancestors and let nature take its course.

So the current Gu Qiaoqiao also realized this, and quickly left this matter behind.

And at this time, the school will also be on winter vacation. Gu Qiaoqiao went to school a few days ago and knew that Qin Xiaoyu would be back after the winter vacation, so she didn't pay any more attention.

Although that Qi Fangxiu's background information has been investigated, it is of no use. The two of them may be ordinary classmates now. They are just eating carrots and worrying too much.

At the end of the year, Gu Qiaoqiao also got busy. After all, he is the head of the Gu family. Before the end of the year, the Gu family and the employees below will be rewarded, with bonuses and red envelopes, to affirm their work this year and encourage them to continue to work hard next year.

Of course, this refers to the Lunar New Year, which is actually already [-].

In the second year of the 90s, the development of the Qin family and the Gu family is unstoppable, and a solid economic foundation has been laid. Although the two development paths are different, the basic concepts are roughly the same.

So now Qin Yize and Gu Qiaoqiao are very busy.


At this time, the university campus has already finished the last subject, and the students who are in other places can't wait to buy tickets, and they are going home to celebrate the New Year.

And some families with poor family backgrounds don't want to go home, and want to take this opportunity to work and study in the imperial capital to earn some living expenses for the next semester.

For this reason, several students with the same intention and similar situation gathered together to discuss this matter.

Today's imperial capital is no different from previous years. Job opportunities are everywhere. As long as you work hard, you can get paid for your own labor. It is not difficult for college students like them to find a job.

Although it is said that some will have a holiday during the Spring Festival, even if it is a holiday for the Spring Festival, it will only last for two or three days. Others will work normally, and some will not even rest during the Spring Festival.

This situation is the same everywhere. Naturally, the imperial capital provides a lot of opportunities at this time, because many workers have gone home for the New Year, and even said that they will not come back after returning. There are some problems in terms of employment.

These students were very excited, discussing what they wanted to do in the dormitory.

Some want to try their luck at the Qin Group, some want to apply for a job in a large shopping mall, some want to go to the jewelry company of Gujia, because he studies design and has something to do with it, and some want to go to The largest chain beef noodle restaurant in the capital.

It is said that they are only closed for two days during Chinese New Year's Eve and the first day of the Chinese New Year.

And they're also hiring temporary workers.

So these people are not worried. They are all young men with strength and brains. Naturally, jobs are easy to find. The key is what to do.

Among these people was Qi Fangxiu, who was said to be from a poor mountainous area and whose family was poor.

It is said that his family has a very large population, with seniors and juniors, so during the three years in the imperial capital, although he also went home, he stayed here more often to work and study.

Although the clothes she wore were not patch upon patch, they were not fashionable either.

They are all half new and not old.

He is friendly and has an aura of being neither humble nor overbearing. Even if someone looks down on him, they will slowly accept him after getting along with him. Moreover, although this person comes from a poor mountainous area, he has extraordinary knowledge and can always speak and speak. Make opinions and things that are contrary to others, but often get the best results.

Sitting next to him, Zhao Jianguo stretched out his elbow and touched him. Seeing that he was in a daze, he asked with concern, "Fang Xiu, where are you going?"

Everyone knows that Qi Fangxiu’s home is far away, and the round-trip ticket costs a lot of money. Although some people wanted to help him, he refused, but because he hasn’t been home for more than a year, how many people don’t think he will stay and work? .

Qi Fangxiu pursed his thin lips, frowned slightly, and clenched his hands on his knees.

Just yesterday he and Xiao Yu confessed their love, and then confirmed their relationship and became boyfriend and girlfriend.

Excited, excited and sweet, all these emotions that made him happy fermented in his heart. Last night, he even tossed and turned and couldn't sleep at night. When he woke up in the morning, his eye circles were blue, but his mental state was indeed very good, but at this time he was a little worried up.

Where does he want to go?
What he wants most now is to bring Xiao Yu home.

After all, he has been paying attention to her for three years. He likes this little girl. Although Xiaoyu is just a child of an ordinary worker's family in the imperial capital, and it is said that although there is only one elder brother in her family, there are many old people in the family, and there are others. It is said that her elder brother has a heavy burden on her, and her tuition fees are all paid by her elder brother.

Her eldest brother is married and has a pair of twins, so the burden on the family must be heavy. Only her sister-in-law has to work two jobs to support the family.

So at school, although Xiao Yu was a lively girl, she was never coquettish. She even went to work with them for internships and research, and to solicit investment together.

His parents would definitely look down on a girl from such a family, but as long as grandpa passes the test, it will be fine, and besides, this is what age and he pays attention to the right family. Knowing that he is a poor boy from a poor mountainous area, After being burdened by dozens of family members, Xiaoyu didn't take him seriously at all. From this point, he was very touched. He vowed that he would work hard and give Xiaoyu a better life.

Of course, this premise is that Xiaoyu's identity must be recognized by his family, otherwise it will be difficult for the two of them to be together. It's graduation season.

It would be too late to think about it at that time, and he must plan ahead, but what worries him now is that he wants to tell Xiao Yu the truth, and then take her back to Yuncheng.

Although the two of them confirmed their relationship as boyfriend and girlfriend yesterday, they have been in love for almost three years.

In his heart, the only girl who wants to spend the rest of his life with him is Xiaoyu.

But now there is the most serious problem in front of them, that is, he lied to her...

(End of this chapter)

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