Divorce failed again

Chapter 408 What's the matter with you and Lin Qinghuan

Chapter 408 What's the matter with you and Lin Qinghuan (3)

After all, this is different from the usual places to play.

For them, such a place is rarely seen.

But Lin Qinghuan, who was squatting on the ground, was holding her hands tightly.

He pretended to raise his head inadvertently, and then watched the backs of the two people holding hands disappear little by little.

Where is Qin Yize taking Gu Qiaoqiao?
And still holding hands?
Gu Qiaoqiao really knows no shame.

Even if they are husband and wife, they don't know how to avoid it.

She gritted her teeth hard.

Since the showdown with Qin Yize last time, Qin Yize has been alienated from her as he treats other girls.

To separate these two people and seduce Qin Yize by himself is simply a fantasy.

So, I had no choice but to think of another way.

Zhan Yanxiang beside him picked a melon for her, and said flatteringly, "Qing Huan, this is guaranteed to be delicious, I'll wash it for you in the car, okay?"

Lin Qinghuan looked back and smiled, "Okay..."

Zhan Yanxiang was dazed by Lin Qinghuan's smile.

Stand up.

The smile on Lin Qinghuan's face remained undiminished, and she said playfully, "Be careful, if you step on a muskmelon, be careful that the old melon watcher will let the dog bite you."

Zhan Yanxiang came back to his senses and looked at his feet. If Lin Qinghuan hadn't stepped on this foot, the old man might not have dared to let the dog bite him, but Chu Chengfeng would definitely beat him.

He hurriedly and carefully got out of the melon field, and then walked quickly towards the direction of the car.

There is food and water.

At this time, Gu Qiaoqiao looked at her in surprise, not knowing that there was such a big river on the outskirts of the imperial capital.

At this time, a cool summer wind blows from the opposite side.

The trees on both sides of the river are shady, and the leaves of the poplar trees are rustling by the wind.

Against the blue sky and white clouds, it is really pleasing to the eye.

"There's actually a river here?" Gu Qiaoqiao looked around and asked curiously at Qin Yize, who was squatting by the river washing melons, "Did you know this place a long time ago?"

Qin Yize nodded, "Well, I came here during training." He said and handed the washed melon to Gu Qiaoqiao, "This upstream is the control area of ​​Xishan, and there are few people. The water is very clean."

Gu Qiaoqiao took the cantaloupe, and simply sat with Qin Yize under a big locust tree by the river bank. The huge canopy was like a natural parasol.

Gu Qiaoqiao took a bite, and the unique fragrance of melon permeated her mouth instantly. She looked at Qin Yize, "It really is delicious just picked."

Qin Yize leaned against the tree trunk, with his long legs stretched out all the time, and one bent up. At this time, he lost the sharpness and rigor of the past, and his eyebrows became more handsome, with a bit of laziness and wantonness.

He looked at the happy Gu Qiaoqiao who was eating bite by bite, and picked up a small melon from the wicker basket, and lightly bit it.

He actually doesn't like cantaloupe.

But at this time eating with Gu Qiaoqiao, it seems that it is not as bad as I remember.

After Gu Qiaoqiao finished eating the melon, she took out a handkerchief and wiped her hands, then turned her head to see Qin Yize leaning against the tree trunk, just in time to eat the last bite of watermelon.

This posture, and between those eyebrows...

They all seem to be lazy, as if they are about to fall asleep the next moment.

Sensing Gu Qiaoqiao's sizing up, Qin Yize withdrew his gaze from the front, looked at Gu Qiaoqiao with a slight smile, "Can I eat one?"

"Huh?" Gu Qiaoqiao was taken aback.

"Cantaloupe is cold, it's just right to eat one."

(End of this chapter)

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