Divorce failed again

Chapter 524 Nightmare

Chapter 524 Nightmare
The night is dim, and the moon is like water.

No one knew that such a beautiful thing would happen in this quiet night.

Gu Qiaoqiao selectively forgot about it.

I tried my best not to think about anything, and then fell asleep.

Because tomorrow, she still has to go to school.

In the early morning of the next day, Qin Yize knocked on the door of Gu Qiaoqiao's room.

Gu Qiaoqiao didn't sleep well that night.

At this time, Qin Yize had already changed into his morning jogging clothes.

Let Gu Qiaoqiao go for a run with him.

Gu Qiaoqiao has a guilty conscience.

Seeing Qin Yize's normal expression, he quickly suppressed his thoughts.

Obediently follow him to run.

Qin Yize was still very surprised, why is this little girl so obedient today?
And he actually had a very sweet dream last night.

In the dream, she held Gu Qiaoqiao tightly in her arms.

It was fragrant and soft, and a certain part of the body seemed to be getting hotter and hotter.

I was thinking about going further.

It's just a pity that the next second he dreamed that he jumped from the cliff into the deep pool.

The water was very, very deep.

It was pitch black all around.

He knew that there was a person in this water that he wanted to find even if he risked his life.

However, he didn't know who that person was.

Just knowing that person means a lot to him.

However, the water was too dark.

Also with suffocating despair.

He swam desperately.

Later, I woke up...

After waking up, the sense of fear and boundless despair in the dream made him unable to fall asleep again.

There was silence for a while, and then I was glad that it was a dream.

Fortunately, it will be bright on this day.

Even after having this nightmare, he felt energetic and his body had recovered.

Had a great night's sleep.

And he saw that Gu Qiaoqiao was still asleep, so he wanted to get her up for some reason.

Let her go for a run with him.

Gu Qiaoqiao really doesn't like sports.

He wants to find a way to correct this problem.

I thought it would take a while, but Gu Qiaoqiao happily agreed to go for a run with him.

The morning light in September is like the mist covering the clouds, the sun has not yet risen, but a glimmer of dawn can be seen faintly.

Qin Yize slowed down on purpose, and ran towards the morning light along the tree-lined road in the XC district with the girl with flushed cheeks beside him.

The two people who came back from the run bought breakfast by the way.

After eating, Qin Yize drove Gu Qiaoqiao to report to the Academy of Fine Arts.

The day of the report was chosen on Sunday.

Then tomorrow is the official start of school.

The arrival of the two people made everyone's eyes shine.

Especially Qin Yize, who caused many girls' eyes to look at him involuntarily.

Although this is the 80s, it is an era of strong conflicts between old and new ideas.

Especially these college students.

The fastest way to absorb new ideas.

They no longer hide their own beauty and handsomeness. Similarly, they are full of yearning and admiration for beautiful people and things.

So, a girl even took out the picture folder she carried with her, and wanted to draw Qin Yize.

Qin Yize would naturally not agree, so he was not very happy.

A faint glance swept over, and there seemed to be a hint of aggressiveness in it.

The girl was so frightened that she quickly put down the drawing board.

That's right, how can you paint someone's house without the owner's consent?
This is also a violation of portrait rights.

Then, they were completely quiet.

Gu Qiaoqiao looked at Qin Yize with a half-smile, "Remember to wear a mask next time, otherwise it's really easy to attract bees and butterflies."

(End of this chapter)

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