Divorce failed again

Chapter 534 Do You Just Want To Force Her To Live?

Chapter 534 Do You Just Want To Force Her To Live?

If Sissy fell in love with someone else, he would continue to be her brother.

Luo Fan never felt that there was anything wrong with his idea, and he didn't have any dirty thoughts about Gu Qianqian either.

That girl is so clean, he dare not profane.

But why is Gu Yalan's mind so dirty and shameless?

After standing still for a while, Luo Fan got into the car, started the car and drove away.

Unexpectedly, a simple jade bracelet passed down from the Luo family would push him to the forefront.

It has fallen to such a difficult situation.

At this time, Luo Fan was lying to say that he didn't feel resentful towards his grandma.

But grandma has already agreed, and today she will go to Ning Wanru's house to get the jade bracelet back.

At this moment, the old lady Luo was sitting on the sofa at Ning Wanru's house, embarrassingly expressing her future intentions.

Her husband and grandson, made a fuss about him.

The son is not in the country at present, so he is spared a catastrophe.

If the son is in the country, maybe he will be angry with himself.

At that time, she just had a hot head and agreed to this matter.

And how could Ning Wanru allow her to go back on her word?
Ning Wanru had a sneer at the corner of her mouth, "Old sister, you can't be like this. If you are like this, how can our Yalan survive?"

The old lady was taken aback, "What does this mean?"

Ning Wanru said, "What's the point? Now that everyone knows that Yalan is Luo Fan's fiancée, now you suddenly want the bracelet back, backtracking on what you promised, turning your face ruthlessly, even if you don't see me, Ning Wanru, but Yalan Lan is innocent, she is only in her twenties, do you want to force her to live?"

It's serious enough to say this.

And there's nothing more to say next.

Old lady Luo left Ning's house in a calm manner.

But Ning Wanru calmed down again, and sent old lady Luo out as if nothing happened.

He said earnestly, "Old sister, our friendship is different from other people's. It's not an exaggeration to say that we are friends of life and death. Now you don't want to see my Ning family defeated and want to add insult to injury, right?"

The old lady shook her head quickly and said, "No, no, I'm not that kind of person."

"Yeah, I, Ning Wanru, still have self-esteem. Even if I go to the street to beg for food, I won't ask my old sister for a cent. But when it comes to my granddaughter's happiness, I won't give up an inch."

Speaking of this, a trace of hatred flashed in Ning Wanru's eyes.

Seeing the old lady was a little frightened, and she felt extremely regretful.

Why was she so impulsive then?

No wonder the husband always said to himself, don't associate with her.

Because my ears are soft, I have no idea.

It turned out like this.

The old lady hurriedly said, "I can't do anything about it. I'll try my best to persuade Fan'er when I go back. You said this kid is always smiling. I didn't expect him to be so stubborn."

"You are her grandma, and Yalan listens to me very much. I think Luo Fan must also listen to you." Ning Wanru said meaningfully.

The old lady nodded, that's all she could do now.

Ning Wanru looked at the back of the old lady going away, a sneer twitched at the corner of her mouth.

At this moment, she must tie the Luo family and the Ning family together.

For nothing else, Gu Qingfeng could be disgusted first.

Because she knew that the relationship between Gu Qingfeng and Luo Zhenyu was indeed very good.

Ning Wanru turned around and went back to the house.

Then Luo Fan who was waiting at Luo's house knew what was going on when grandma came back empty-handed.

(End of this chapter)

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