Divorce failed again

Chapter 537 The Bracelet Was Snatched

Chapter 537 The Bracelet Was Snatched

A few girls who didn't usually get along with her whispered, "I knew something was wrong, it must be her grandma and Luo Fan's grandma's private decision..."

"It's so ridiculous to have an arranged marriage in what age..."

"Yeah, I've never seen the two of them together, and every time she took the initiative to call Luo Fan brother..."

"Luo Fan has such a good temper, even if he's upset, he won't lose face to her, don't you think it's the same now."

A girl with a ponytail looked at the bracelet in her hand and said directly, "Gu Yalan, you are so embarrassed to wear it. If it were me, I would rather kill me than wear it. It's too embarrassing."

"Yeah, I've never seen such an embarrassing person, and I'm ashamed to attend the banquet."

"President Xiao Luo never admits it at all, and she still posted it up with a shameless face."

These girls were arranged by Luo Fan's secretary.

At this time, Gu Yalan's face turned red and her face was distorted when she heard these words.

Gu Yalan glared at the women viciously, with sinister eyes, and suddenly said, "Be careful with what you say, and be careful of abscesses on your mouth."

Such eyes really startled those girls.

So, all shut up.

And Gu Yalan's mouth was stained with a cold smile.

I thought to myself, does the tiger treat her as a sick cat if he doesn't show off his power?
Do you really think she is easy to bully?

She looked at the place where Luo Fan disappeared just now, and put her hands on the bracelet on her wrist.

I thought in my heart that today is an opportunity.

There was a small bottle of medicine in her wallet, and grandma told her to find a chance to bring Luo Fan down.

Make something a fait accompli.

Let the Luo family never go back on their word.

Grandma also told her that there are two waiters in the banquet hall who will help her today.

Just don't know who those two waiters are?
Regardless, those two waiters must know him.

Gu Yalan turned around and walked towards the corner of the wall.

There were two waiters carrying wine nearby, and they followed Gu Yalan as expected.

At the corner is a square hall.

After the square hall is a large balcony.

Come to think of it, Luo Fan must be there.

Sure enough, when he turned the corner, he saw Luo Fan's tall and straight figure standing in front of the window.

Opposite him are the lights of thousands of families, making him look like a banished fairy.

At this moment, Gu Yalan's heart fluttered.

In order to talk to Luo Fan immediately, she walked forward quickly.

But when turning around a pot of plants, two young men in hotel uniforms walked up to them.

Gu Yalan didn't pay attention, but just when they passed by her.

Gu Yalan felt something stir her under her feet.

Unable to control his body, he lay down on the front.

Then, the right wrist was pinned down.

It was only then that Gu Yalan realized that these two people were actually running for her bracelet.

She quickly reached out her hand to protect her wrist.

But unfortunately it was still a step too late.

The man's movements are very fast, and of course his skills are very good.

It's not too easy to snatch the bracelet from her hand at such a moment.

So in the blink of an eye, the bracelet was pulled off.

Gu Yalan's face turned pale, and she shouted loudly, "Help...help...someone is grabbing my bracelet..."

Her voice was very clear in this corridor.

But it still couldn't reach the melodious music and the noisy banquet hall.

Gu Yalan's voice was quickly drowned out in the hustle and bustle of the night.

(End of this chapter)

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