Divorce failed again

Chapter 931 Lin Fanpeng Arrested

Chapter 931 Lin Fanpeng Arrested

And the third team changed into casual clothes and swaggered into the corridor of the building.

Then Gu Qiaoqiao keenly noticed that there were a few more snipers coming up from the top of the opposite building. If it wasn't for her good eyesight, she wouldn't be able to see them at all. Know immediately.

Gu Qiaoqiao believed that this operation would definitely be a success.

But at this time, the image in his mind was still there, Lin Fanpeng didn't go anywhere, he was still in that room.

About ten minutes later, a sudden gunshot pierced the night sky.

Some people were stunned and looked around hastily, while others didn't take it seriously at all, thinking it was some naughty child setting off firecrackers.

Although the year has passed, it is not yet February [-].

According to Chinese New Year's customs, there is still a round of firecrackers not set off, so it is normal for children to set off firecrackers at this time.

However, fireworks and firecrackers have been banned in this downtown area this year. How can there be children breaking the regulations and setting off firecrackers?

After the gunshot, there was no sound.

People on the street quickly forgot about the sound.

And Gu Qiaoqiao sat in the jeep nervously, staring at the entrance without blinking.

At this time, Lin Fanpeng, who was sitting on a rosewood chair in the dining room and drinking health-preserving tea leisurely, never would have imagined that the accident would come so suddenly.

It even made him defenseless.

Let this old fox, who is used to planning for a rainy day, suddenly mess up his hands and feet.

When the policeman broke into the door, he was stunned for a second, and at this moment of stunned, the glass facing south and north shattered...

Like a divine soldier descending from the sky, the joint combat team of the guards and police flew in through the window, and soon surrounded the place.

There were originally four families in this top floor, but Lin Fanpeng bought them all.

Originally, two of these houses belonged to him, and the other two houses were bought by him at a high price. For the convenience of management, all the rooms have been opened up, and he has two subordinates and five mercenaries.

I rarely go out on weekdays.

At this time, they also reacted in the shortest time, but even so, they were caught off guard.

Besides, what they were facing was a joint military and police operation, and a team led by the captain of the criminal police team who made criminals fearful.

And the other is the Cheetah Squadron, which makes drug lords and mercenaries at home and abroad frightened.

With the leadership of these two people, all of these people were arrested without any accident.

For Lin Fanpeng, Qin Yize already knew it in his heart.

He knew that as long as Lin Fanpeng was caught, guns and ammunition would be found in his residence.

Because, no matter how cunning and cautious this old guy is, there will definitely be these life-saving things around him.

If so, in this house of more than 400 square meters, a large number of guns and ammunition were found, and there were all witnesses and material evidence. Lin Fanpeng seems to have not reacted at this moment...

He stared blankly at Qin Yize, and after a while, he sighed slightly.

His complexion was ashen, and he seemed to have aged ten years all of a sudden.

He knows the truth that the winner is king and the loser is thief.

And he also knew that since he was caught, there was absolutely no reason for him to survive.

Because no one knows better than he what's in his house.

(End of this chapter)

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