Divorce failed again

Chapter 980 Deep in the Prairie

Chapter 980 Deep in the Prairie
I don't know if there is a deep pool under that mountain, but it's really not clear from here.

And at this time, for some reason, there are many more white clouds in the sky than when they came here just now, big and big, standing in Gu Qiaoqiao's direction, it feels like watching the clouds rise and fall.

The peak area is also very large, enough for these people to play for an afternoon.

And on this halfway up the mountain, there are also many interesting places, but these people are rushing to the top of the mountain today, and tomorrow, they will go around this area again, and then go back home tomorrow afternoon, this is what they do All arrangements for the next spring outing.

Gu Qiaoqiao stared at the mountain in front of her in a daze. Although she had already figured it out in her heart, deep down in her heart, there was still a trace of uneasiness. Sometimes, such a coincidence for no reason is very shocking, especially , when it happened to her.

At the same time, deep in the grassland.

The grass here is as tall as a person. It is the kind described in textbooks. It feels like the sky is vast and wild. There are mountains and forests in the distance. A strictly confidential experiment is being carried out here.

Qin Yize is the commander-in-chief of this experiment, but this is not the main battlefield. The same experiment is being carried out in another place. The work Qin Yize is currently doing is quite polarized, and it belongs to one article and one military.

On the one hand, he is the captain of the special first team, and he has to undertake many tasks that are inconvenient for the military. It can be said that he is an auxiliary department. For some reason, this team is a medical team to the outside world. Carry out humanitarian assistance where assistance is needed.

But inside, it is a sharp sword.

Assist junfang to complete many tasks.

The same is true this time.

However, Qin Yize knew that he would disappear from the special first team soon.

In the future, his battlefield will be the base headquarters and the Qin family.

As for the Qin family's property, Qin Yize has his own plans.

And the old man gave him the greatest freedom and did not interfere with any of his choices.

In the base headquarters, he is the leader of medical biochemical research and electronic technology development research, and he has a dedicated laboratory.

And after he leaves the special first team, he will focus on these two studies.

The headquarters had already arranged everything, and the experiment was at a critical juncture, so everyone's expressions were still serious.

But for some reason, Qin Yize's heart felt inexplicably uneasy. The wolf tooth was still worn around his neck, because his movements sometimes touched the skin, and sometimes stood in the air. at the edge of the shirt.

But every time I touch it, that uneasy feeling will come over...

He couldn't figure out what was going on.

Qin Yize walked out of the tent, took a binoculars, and looked around. Everything was going according to their original plan, without any mistakes, even better and more perfect than expected.

So where does this unease come from? .

Qin Yize frowned, forcing himself not to think about Gu Qiaoqiao who was far away in the imperial capital, and also forcing himself not to think about things that might happen.

Because of these, even if he knew about it, it would be useless. He was thousands of miles away, and he couldn't do anything.

Fortunately, the uneasiness was not great, even negligible.

So Qin Yize cut off his thoughts for the first time in his life, and then returned to the tent, devoting himself wholeheartedly into this battle without gunpowder.

Soon, the sun was hanging in the western sky.

It is impossible for these people to wait until it is dark before going down the mountain, because they have to prepare dinner, and there are also many programs at night.

So, under the leadership of Chu Chengfeng, these people went down the mountain laughing and laughing again.

Some people often say that it is easy to go up the mountain and difficult to go down, but because the slope is not so steep, it is much easier to go down the mountain than to go up the mountain.

It was four o'clock in the afternoon. Chu Chengfeng and Du Tian took Ling Nan and several other boys happily to the stream to fish.

(End of this chapter)

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