Young Master Mo's Rebirth Sweet Wife

Chapter 803 Who told you to touch her

Chapter 803 Who told you to touch her

Louis couldn't stand it anymore, he stretched out his elbow and poked the body of the man beside him.

Jun Lingfeng came back to his senses, put out the cigarette in his hand, and reached out to pick up a glass of red wine on the sub-table. The crystal wine glass shook gently on his green hands, and the wine-red liquid in the glass followed the man's movements It shone brightly under the lights.

"Do you know why I brought you here?" Jun Lingfeng chuckled, and continued to shake the wine glass in his hand, but those dark eyes were like obsidian, dark and bright, shining like no one could read Understandable light.

The men in black were silent. One of the men in black had an arm amputated by Jun Lingfeng, and the pain on his body did not ease in the slightest.

They didn't speak, and Jun Lingfeng didn't get angry. He put the wine glass on the table in front of him, stood up and walked in front of the men in black.

"Who told you to come? Who told you to touch her? Huh?"

He couldn't bear to hurt Luo Xiyan even the slightest bit, but these people who don't know the so-called want to tie her up?Or even do something more egregious?
Who gave them the guts?
The corner of Jun Lingfeng's lips still had that slight smile like spring rain, but everyone present knew that Jun Lingfeng was angry, he was very angry.


Jun Lingfeng kicked the injured man in black to the ground, stepped on the man in black with his black leather shoes, and had a chilling smile on his face.

The man in black was kicked down abruptly, grunted, and silently endured Jun Lingfeng's punishment.

"Speak! Your master taught you not to speak to others?"

Jun Lingfeng increased the strength on his feet and roared angrily.

"Master, we, we are just following Madam's orders."

In other words, what happened today has nothing to do with them.They just follow orders.Without the master's order, they would not dare to take the initiative, and Jun Lingfeng naturally understood this truth.

Jun Lingfeng sneered, took his feet off the man in black, turned around and sat down again, propping his chin with one hand and thinking about something.

Louis and the others were silent at the side, quietly waiting for Jun Lingfeng's next move.

madam... madam...

Jun Lingfeng sneered, it was her again.

"Huzi, I remember your wolves haven't eaten meat for several days, right?"

The people in black felt cold, their faces turned pale, and they looked at the man in front of them in disbelief.

He still had the usual smile on his face, which made people feel good, but at this moment they only felt terrible.

They had seen Jun Lingfeng's methods before, but they never thought that one day such a thing would happen to them.

The man named "Huzi" swallowed silently, "Feng, brother Feng, not good."

After all, these people are Mrs. Jun's people.

Jun Lingfeng was her own son, so it was fine.

But if I let him know that he was involved in this matter in the future, his legs will not be safe.

"Huh?" Jun Lingfeng cast a sidelong glance at Huzi, who felt cold behind him, and couldn't help shivering.

"Feng...Brother Feng, I'll go get ready right away."

"Forget it." Just when Huzi was about to call someone to take the men in black away, Jun Lingfeng waved his hand, signaling that he should leave this matter alone.

He stood up and took out his mobile phone to make a call. When he came back, the curvature of his face was even bigger.

"It will come soon, just wait a little longer."

(End of this chapter)

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