Chapter 817

"Silly goose……"

Jun Ximo rubbed the top of Luo Xiyan's head with a smile, and picked some food for her. Luo Xiyan opened her mouth obediently, enjoying Jun Ximo's "serving" quietly.

After she ate, she picked up the chopsticks and picked up a piece of meat for Jun Ximo and handed it to his mouth.

The corners of Jun Ximo's lips hooked slightly, he opened his mouth slightly, and ate the meat that reached his mouth.

"Little Mozi, where did the little bun go?"

She hasn't seen Little Baozi since she woke up.

"I sent that brat to Ah San and Ah Wu." In the past few days, he couldn't care about Xiao Baozi at all, so he had no choice but to send him to Ah San and Ah Wu. He only came back occasionally every day. Look at Luo Xiyan.

He hasn't answered anyone's calls in the past few days. He checked his phone just now and found that in just three days, there are no less than a hundred missed calls and messages on his phone.

But basically it's all about work. Of course, Xiao Baozi also called him, but he didn't answer because he turned off the phone.

"I'll ask Ah San and Ah Wu to bring him back later. At that time, he knew you passed out and cried a lot. He will be happy when he knows you woke up."

It's rare for Jun Ximo to say so much, and it's even rarer to say good things for Little Baozi. Luo Xiyan looked at Jun Ximo with half-closed eyes.

She was just in a coma for three days, what happened?
Jun Ximo reached out and rubbed Luo Xiyan's fluffy hair, smiled, "Fool..."

Luo Xiyan pouted, you are the fool.

After Ah San and Ah Wu received Jun Ximo's call, they immediately brought the young master to the villa. The moment Xiao Baozi opened the car door, he jumped down before Uncle Ah San could hug him, and then Run into the living room as fast as you can.

"Mommy, Mommy, I'm back."

"Mommy, I'm back..."

"Mommy, I miss you so much..."

The first time Xiao Baozi ran into the living room, he saw Luo Xiyan sitting on the sofa watching TV. His black eyes sparkled, and he quickened his pace, rushing straight into Luo Xiyan's arms .

Luo Xiyan saw the little figure rushing towards her, and immediately opened her hands, waiting for the little bun to come.

The little bun threw himself into Luo Xiyan's arms, hugged Luo Xiyan's waist tightly with both hands, and rubbed his little head against Luo Xiyan's belly, with grievance on his face.

"Baozi, do you miss Mommy?"

"Think, think about it. Mommy, don't you suddenly pass out like this in the future, okay? I'm afraid..."

The little bun's voice was choked with sobs, his little face was buried on Luo Xiyan's belly and he refused to lift it up, only he knew that he didn't want Mommy to see the tears on his face.

"Little fool, let Mommy see if you have eaten well?"

Luo Xiyan stretched out her hand and rubbed the top of Xiao Baozi's head, trying to make him look up, but the little guy refused to lift up, and was buried firmly in Luo Xiyan's arms.

Luo Xiyan felt a little abnormal, she frowned, and reached out to pat Xiao Baozi's small body.

This little guy... must have not eaten well, so he was a little lighter when he hugged him.

"Baozi, did you not eat well?"

As soon as she asked this sentence, Luo Xiyan felt the shoulders of the little guy in her arms trembling.

"Mummy, I'm obedient, Mommy, don't send me away."

The little bun was out of breath from crying, and his fair and delicate face was covered with crystal clear tears.

 I'm not in a good mood today, I haven't written a single word.

  I feel like I'm getting lazy.

  (д) wronged
(End of this chapter)

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