Chapter 823
"Hey! Don't you have something to do today?"

"No, go to sleep."

Jun Lingfeng walked forward without even looking back, waved his hands, and then disappeared into the living room.

Louis glanced at his mobile phone album, and then silently restored the video that Jun Lingfeng had just deleted.

Let's say Jun Lingfeng is smart, but sometimes he is really stupid. I don't know if there is a function on the phone that can restore deleted photos and videos?

Looking at the video on his mobile phone, Louis clicked his tongue secretly.

What he said just now was not a joke.

He has been "oppressed" by Jun Lingfeng for so many years, if he has a precious son in the future, he must get back, right?

Another villa area in the Imperial City
The sun is just right, the breeze is blowing gently, with a trace of autumnal coolness, but it will not make people feel cold, on the contrary, it will make people feel very comfortable, like a pair of hands gently brushing the cheeks, with a gentle and gentle feeling. Cool...

In the study room, Jun Ximo sent a message to Qi Feng after finishing processing all the documents on hand, and then sat on the black leather swivel chair and rubbed the space between his tired brows.

The vibrating sound of the message on the computer came, Jun Ximo raised his head and clicked on the message sent in the mailbox, and browsed it bit by bit.

However, the more he went down, the more gloomy his face became, and finally his anger surged up, and he reached out to sweep the things off the desk, and there was a crackling sound in the quiet room.

At this time, Luo Xiyan, who was drawing in the room, and Xiao Baozi, who was playing games at the side, both heard the sound.

One big and one small looked at each other, Luo Xiyan's heart skipped a beat, then she stood up and rushed to the study.

Seeing Mummy leaving, Xiao Baozi hurriedly followed behind Luo Xiyan.

"Mommy, what's going on?"

Little Baozi desperately chased after Luo Xiyan with his short legs, but Luo Xiyan was running too fast, he couldn't keep up.

Luo Xiyan walked to the door of the study, her heart was beating fast, as if she could jump out at any time, she gently opened the door of the study with trembling hands.

In the study room, the sunlight was still just right, and the golden light shone into the room through the window, covering everything in the room with a layer of golden tulle, warm and beautiful.

But the premise is... Ignore the cold and gloomy atmosphere you felt when you first came in.

"Little Mozi..."

Luo Xiyan stood at the door in a daze, looked at the back facing her in front of the French window, and spoke softly.

Jun Ximo's body froze severely, but he still maintained the movement just now, without moving at all.

Luo Xiyan felt that Jun Ximo's aura was restrained a little because of her arrival, and the corners of her lips curled up forcefully.

She walked behind Jun Ximo, put her hands around Jun Ximo's waist, and pressed her face quietly to his back.

The little bun stood quietly at the door, looking at the two people embracing each other, and then at the mess on the ground, a confused expression appeared on his chubby little face.

Daddy is angry?why?

Jun Ximo felt the warmth behind him, recalled the content of the email, and couldn't help sighing. He slowly loosened his clenched hands on both sides, and attached them to the tender little hands in front of him.

"what happened?"


Jun Ximo was silent, it wasn't that he didn't want to speak, but he didn't know how to speak.

"Little Mozi, as I said, no matter what happens, we have to face it together. We have agreed." So no change of mind is allowed.

(End of this chapter)

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